Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1727 The background is not small, but so what?

Chapter 1727 The background is not small, but so what?
The people from the demon cultivating camp were even more dumbfounded. Some people who were shouting non-stop at first stopped talking immediately, and even hid behind the crowd, fearing that Chu Tian might accidentally clean them up.

The eyes of the long-haired man who drew the sword just now widened, "Where is your Excellency, why have I never seen it before!"

Chutian didn't speak, but Wushuang showed off happily, "If you haven't heard of it, you haven't heard of it. Why bother to do it, and ask for trouble!"

The long-haired man was speechless for a moment, but Chu Tian's move shocked everyone present. No one dared to shout, and could only watch Chu Tian and Wu Shuang standing at the front of the pier.

At this moment, there is still white mist on the pier, and Wushuang on one side explained, "Flying is forbidden on this Shenmo River, so it is also called No Flying River!"

"Really no flying?"


Chutian didn't believe it, so he mobilized the power in his body, but found that he couldn't fly into the air, which made him look curiously at the surrounding space, "There is a formation, or what?"

"It is rumored that a god and a demon once fought here for ninety-nine and eighty-one days, shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods, and then the river became like this, so no one knows what happened, only that there may be these two great gods under the river. The talisman that could be left disturbed the river."

Hearing this, Chu Tian was attracted, so he lowered his head curiously, opened clairvoyance and Celestial Eye, and now the Celestial Eye became even more powerful after the system was restored.

It allowed him to see clearly any objects under the river, and after Chutian watched there for a while, he found that there was an enchantment below, and there were two huge statues under the enchantment.

One of these two huge statues was holding a sword and the other was holding a knife. At the same time, the knife and the sword were intertwined, as if they were fighting, but Chutian was a little puzzled why the two turned into stone statues.

"It seems that this sword and saber need to be studied!" Chu Tian murmured to himself, so he calmed down and planned to go on, but at this moment a voice came from a distance, "Sir!"

As soon as the words came out, the people on both sides immediately ran away in fright, but Chu Tian was puzzled, "What's going on?"

Wushuang's face changed drastically, "San Geng Sect is a terrible sect, there are gods and demons in it, and they have no camp, as long as they are happy, they want to kill anyone they see, so everyone calls them Devil Sect."

"Devil sect? This is very strange." Chu Tian didn't expect that there was such a place in the Shadowless Realm, and at this time, a few black birds landed in the sky, and then a few people in white clothes walked out of the black birds.

Wushuang was shocked, "It's the White Clothes Party of the Demon Sect."

"The party in white?"

"That's right, there are no-clothes parties in it, that is, there are no special colors, and after that, there are white clothes, red clothes, blue clothes, green clothes, and purple clothes. The most terrifying thing is black clothes."

"Is it great?"

"Of course, Baiyi is much stronger than Wuyi. According to the comparison of strength, some people say that they should be at the peak of Wuying, but they are extremely talented. It is not a problem for them to kill ordinary peak experts with the strength of Wuying peak."

Chutian snorted, apparently not taking it seriously, but at this moment the leader took out a portrait and compared it for a long time, then stared at Chutian, "You are Chutian."

As soon as these words came out, Chu Tian became suspicious, "You know me?"

That Wushuang was also curious about how they knew Chu Tian, ​​and this man said again, "I am the captain in white, Qiu Shi, and I am here to arrest you on behalf of you."

"Arrest me?" Chu Tian stared suspiciously at this man named Chou Shi, who had a serious face, "That's right, you offended someone, and that person asked our Third Geng Sect to arrest you."

Chu Tian smiled strangely, "The Jiang family?"


Chu Tian only offended the Jiang family here, but not now, which made him ask curiously, "Who the hell?"

"I don't know, anyway, you just go with us."

Chu Tian laughed, "Who do you think you are? Let me go if you want me to go? Did you ask me to agree?"

"You don't need to agree." After the man finished speaking, a chain appeared in his hand, and then the chain flew into the air, turning into countless chains at once, and then these chains shrunk around Chutian, trapping Chutian there for a moment.

Chu Tian was stunned for a moment and then smiled wryly, "What? Do you want to trap me like this?"

"You'd better not resist, these are God and Demon Trapped Soul Locks, once you struggle, it will only make your spirit more and more uncomfortable!"

After finishing speaking, this Qiu Shi looked at his companion, "Call work!"

But at this moment, Chu Tian smiled strangely, and the so-called God and Demon Trapped Soul Lock turned into nothingness on the spot, and everyone nearby was stunned. They never thought that anyone would dare to challenge the San Geng Sect.

Even Wushuang at the side was stunned, and Qiu Shi frowned, his face changed, and he said, "It's a little bit capable, but boy, do you think it's all right?"

"I'm not only fine, but I want to take you down." At this moment, Chu Tian suddenly moved, and rushed over. Before those people could react, the surroundings felt light in an instant, and all the strength in his body seemed to be bound by something. .

Immediately afterwards, Chutian Guqin appeared, and the sound of that Guqin could completely replace him. Suddenly those people screamed and fell to the ground, some were foaming at the mouth, some were screaming in pain, and some were struggling , but blood has been spurted out, obviously seriously injured.

Those people from the two camps of gods and demons were stunned, and at the same time they were glad that they did not oppose Chu Tian, ​​while that Wushuang gasped and stepped forward, "You Guqin, what the hell is it, why is it so violent every time."

"Violence? It depends on who you use it with."

Wushuang had nothing to say, but Chu Tian looked at those people, "Everyone, do you have anything to say?"

At this moment, that Qiu Shi put one hand on the ground, and said angrily, "Boy, do you know what will happen if you offend us?"

"The end, I don't know, but I can tell you that this is the end you will end up with if you offend me." Chu Tian replied coldly, which made Qiu Shi look up with a grim expression, "The people we want to arrest at the third watch, we have to kill People who have never missed a shot, even you."

"Oh? Then let me tell you, no one who wants to kill me has ever succeeded, including you!" Chu Tian replied bluntly.

That Qiu Shi yelled angrily, "Put in formation."

Those people immediately retreated to the backs of those black birds, and these black birds stood tall one by one like ostriches, but then the ostriches suddenly became bigger.

The people present were dumbfounded, until these birds were as high as a mountain, and they released an enchantment of black light from their bodies, and then opened their mouths, spit out a black light.

These black lights converged in the area where Chutian and Wushuang were, and the demonic energy immediately shot up to the sky, and that Qiu Shi said with a triumphant smile, "Boy, if you are a cultivator of God, if you are trapped in a high-concentration demonic energy, will you feel very uncomfortable?" Woolen cloth?"

(End of this chapter)

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