Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1730 Cursed witchcraft?

Chapter 1730 Cursed witchcraft?

But the red-clothed ghost cultivator laughed, "That's because you are quite capable, otherwise how would ordinary people see me?"

"Girl, what's your name?" Chu Tian asked casually, and the woman in red smiled, "Under the Red Cloud."

"Red Cloud?"


Wushuang on the other side was not happy, "You don't feel calm when you see a beautiful woman, do you?"

"Pretty? Do you know what she looks like?" Chu Tian turned around and asked, but Wushuang had nothing to say. After all, the other party was covered by a red scarf, so she couldn't see her face at all. She could only hesitate and say, "If you can see her existence, maybe you can also see what she looks like?"

"You said yes, but."

"But what?" That Wushuang stared at Chutian suspiciously, but Chutian laughed, "Let her open the veil for you to see."

Wushuang looked suspiciously at Hong Yun, but Hong Yun was tactful, "I think it's better to forget it, I'm afraid I will scare this woman by opening it."

"It's okay, just let her see."

Wushuang also mustered up her courage, "That's right, there's nothing to be afraid of, we're all women."

"Really not afraid?"


Wushuang had no choice but to nod, and then Hongyun took off the veil, but when the veil fell off, Wushuang was frightened stupid, because the other person's face was covered with scars, as if burned.

Chu Tian looked at Wushuang, "Did you see it?"

Wushuang suppressed vomiting, "I said, Miss Hong, why don't you make your face look better?"

"I think so too, but the poison of the curse cannot be changed."

"The poison of the curse?" Wushuang was puzzled, and the Hongyun hummed, "Some special witchcraft, that kind of witchcraft is to curse the face and soul, even if I want to change, but the face will still be like this."

Wushuang was shocked, "Who is so ruthless, and used such vicious witchcraft for you."

"Who else is there?" Hong Yun felt a little helpless, and Chu Tian pointed downstairs, "Is it the manager of this inn?"

"The shopkeeper is just doing things for others, and he is helpless."

But Wushuang said unhappily, "No, who made it, I must let that person untie it for you."

"Girl, please don't, you are no match for those people." Hong Yun kindly reminded, which made Wushuang even more indignant, "For a woman, if a face is not normal, it is such a tragic thing!"


"Okay, don't worry about it. With him here, you can rest assured." Wushuang pointed to Chutian, who couldn't laugh or cry, "I said, are you going to save him, or should I save him?"

"Of course you."

"Then you take it for granted." Chutian shook his head helplessly, but Wushuang asked, "Why? Don't you want to help others?"

"Yes, but things must be cleared up."

"It's really annoying." Wushuang replied, and Chutian had no choice but to look at Hongyun, "Miss Hong, who do you think can use witchcraft?"

"They are weird people in the city, and everyone calls him the weird wizard, and the one who made my face like this is one of them called Pan Ghost."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "Why did he treat you like this?"

"When I first came to the city, he wanted to take me as his own. I swear to the death, plus I am a ghost cultivator. I can change my face at will and turn myself into an ugly face. Naturally, he was not happy, so he cursed me , let me always be ugly, and let me do things for him, otherwise I will be arrested and tortured."

Wu Shuang immediately slapped the table, "It's really hateful, are these people still human?"

"Do you think the people here are still human?" Chutian asked back, Wushuang immediately stopped thinking about the strangeness of this city and looked at Chutian, "We are both women, you must help her."

Chu Tian wanted to say something, but Hong Yun persuaded, "I think you should leave quickly, those people are very vicious, and you are not their opponents."

"Miss Hong, you are so kind, if I leave, won't I be like those people?" Chu Tian said a few words and got up, Hong Yun was curious about what Chu Tian was going to do.

But Chutian looked at the door, and slapped it. There was no door, and the door appeared again. Chutian then walked out of the door, and Wushuang pulled Hongyun, "Come on, see how scary this guy is."

At this time, countless thugs immediately ran out of the corridor, and these thugs all wore masks and looked fierce. Among them, the shopkeeper was also staring at Hong Yun, "I knew you couldn't do it, so I specially arranged people here."

Hong Yun hurriedly said, "Shopkeeper, don't make things difficult for them."

"No, according to the rules of our shop, as long as you step out of the door, you have to pay." The shopkeeper said with a rogue smile, but Chu Tian stared at the shopkeeper, "If you want to leave here, just give up, if you don't want to leave Here, let’s be buried with them.”

The shopkeeper was amused when he heard it, "I said boy, are you threatening me?"

"I'm not threatening you, but I want to tell you that there are some people you can't offend." Chu Tian said casually, but Wushuang laughed and teased, "Come on, come on, everyone, I want to see if you have any What's the matter."

The shopkeeper stared at Chu Tian anxiously, "Boy, do you believe that I will let you die right now?"

"Dead? Then try it."

The shopkeeper snorted and shouted at the thugs, "Why are you in a daze, go over and kill him for me."

Those people immediately stepped forward and attacked each other. They thought they could easily kill a person who was not in the Shadowless Realm, but they miscalculated. Chu Tian suddenly moved very fast.

The next moment, Chu Tian came in front of the shopkeeper, grabbed the shopkeeper, flirtatiously let go, the opponent couldn't release his strength, even before he knew what was going on, he was sent flying by Chu Tian.

The shopkeeper cursed with an ugly face, "Bastard, you!"

The thugs present were scared and retreated step by step, but Hong Yun didn't expect that Chu Tian didn't have Shadowless Realm, but his strength was so terrifying. As for the people standing around in the inn, they looked at each other and watched the play.

The shopkeeper stood up and shouted, "Go! Why are you so dazed! Kill him!"

Those people rushed up immediately, wanting to hit Chutian, but before they touched Chutian, Chutian hit a ball of five elements, and the five elements ball directly knocked a row of people into the air, leaving the corridor empty immediately.

Those people who were beaten into the air got up one by one, and went down the stairs in fright, and the shopkeeper also got up nervously, and then pointed to Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, you, stop for me, or you will die in a very ugly way!" .”

Chu Tian ignored it, but walked forward step by step. At this moment, snowflakes began to fall in the house, which was very strange. The red cloud was shocked, "It's Ghost Pan!"

Chu Tian was curious about the origin of Pan Gui, and the shopkeeper shouted to the sky excitedly, "My lord, you are finally here."

(End of this chapter)

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