Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1731 Asking about the whereabouts of the magic dragon

Chapter 1731 Asking about the whereabouts of the magic dragon
At this time, a snowflake fell on the corridor. I saw that the snowflake was about the height of a person, and it looked like snow on the surface, so it didn't look like a person at all, but when the shopkeeper saw it, he respected it like a cat seeing a mouse, "My lord , this kid is not simple, you have to be careful."

The snowman stared at Chu Tian, ​​and then said in a ventriloquic way, "You can't do such a simple thing well? What use are you for!"

The shopkeeper stuttered in fright, "My lord, he, he is really not simple."

"A group of trash, a person who hasn't even reached the Shadowless Realm, scares you like this. What do you want you to do?" After the snowman finished speaking, the shopkeeper froze on the spot and turned into an ice sculpture.

This frightened everyone present, after all, the shopkeeper was already in Shadowless Realm no matter what, but he was vulnerable at this moment, and was taken down in one fell swoop.

"Boy! You see, this is my strength. If you don't want to die, just kneel down obediently and admit your mistake. I might consider letting you go and let you hang out with me!" The snowman threatened Chutian majesticly. Dao, but Chu Tian stared at the snowman and asked, "Do you think your attack is effective for me?"

Everyone didn't expect that Chu Tian would dare to talk to others like that, and that Xue was furious, "Boy, do you really want to die?"

"Die, I don't want to, but there are many people who want me to die, but none of them do it. I don't know what kind of you are?"

Snowman glared at Chutian, "It seems that if I don't give you a little strength to see, you really think you are great."

"Come if you can, leave if you don't!"

"Damn it! Go to hell!" A burst of cold air came in front of the snowman. Everyone thought that the snowman would turn into an ice sculpture just like the shopkeeper, but who would have thought that there was a flash of flames on Chutian's body. Not only that, Chutian also hit a five-element ball. .

The five-element ball can be turned into a fireball, and when it collides with the snowman, the snowman will fly on the spot, but the snowman obviously glared at Chu Tian unwillingly, "Boy, you, you!"

At this moment, the snow on the snowman's body gradually melted, and then a middle-aged man with a ferocious face appeared, and the clothes on this man's body were silver, and there were many strange runes on the silver clothes.

I saw these runes began to shine, changing from silver light to golden light, and suddenly the whole body shone with golden light, Hong Yun was shocked, "He is going to perform witchcraft."

"Witchcraft?" Chutian wanted to see what the witchcraft was like, but Pan Gui muttered a bunch of messy things, and in an instant countless floating golden words appeared around Chutian.

These words hit Chu Tian one by one, making Chu Tian stand there motionless like a golden statue, while Pan Gui laughed wildly, "I can't even resist my simple witchcraft, and you still want to fight against me? How dare you fight against me?" Overwhelmed!"

The people around were already stunned. They didn't expect Pan Gui to be so terrifying, but Wushuang was anxious, "You, are you okay?"

Chu Tian remained motionless, while Pan Gui sneered, "He has become a statue, so he can't move anymore. Are you okay?"

Wushuang said with a smile, "Then I will fight with you too."

"Just you? Trash, let's go together."

At this time, countless golden inscriptions also began to surround Wushuang. Wushuang was shocked, and when he was about to avoid these golden inscriptions, there was a sudden crackling sound, and a layer of golden powder fell off Chu Tian's body.

Wushuang was overjoyed, "I knew you were not that simple."

The Pan ghost turned pale with shock, "Impossible, boy, no one can hide from my witchcraft! You, how did you do it?"

"I need to explain to you, right?" Chu Tian asked back, that Pan Gui was annoyed, and rushed up to compete with Chu Tian unwillingly.

Chu Tian took out the guqin coldly, "I'll let you try my skills too."

As soon as the guqin sound came out, the powerful divine sound made the so-called master immediately scream with his head in his hands, and begged for mercy, "Boy, I was wrong, let me go!"

"Let you go? Then you undo her witchcraft first." Chu Tian pointed to Hong Yun, and Pan Gui said anxiously, "Mmm, um."

Seeing that Pan Gui uttered a bunch of weird words again, and that Hongyun immediately became a beautiful fairy, that Wushuang was overjoyed, "It's really beautiful."

Hong Yun was a little embarrassed, but Pan Gui became anxious, "How is it? You can let me go!"

"Let you go? Yes, but." Chutian showed a strange look, and Pan Gui looked at Chutian suspiciously, "But what?"

"I can't make sure that you will come to make trouble again later, so I have to let you follow me well first."

"Follow you?" Pan Gui was thrown into the space by Chutian before he understood, and the people in the inn looked at each other in blank dismay. As for Chutian, he looked at Hongyun and Wushuang, "Okay, it's okay, you go in first, I Have a good chat with this shopkeeper!"

The two were curious about what Chutian was going to tell the shopkeeper, until Chutian touched the ice sculpture with one hand, it melted, and the shopkeeper knelt down in fright, "I was wrong, I was wrong."

Chu Tian looked at the shopkeeper, "Go, enter the house."

The shopkeeper kept up with Chutian's pace, but he was trembling all over, fearing that Chutian would be upset and clean him up, but Chutian looked at the shopkeeper from inside the room, "How do you think I will let you go."

"Damn me, damn me." The shopkeeper kept slapping himself in the face.

Chu Tian laughed, "Don't worry, I'll ask you a good question first."


"How long have you been the shopkeeper here?"

"long time."

After thinking for a while, Chu Tian asked, "Then have you ever heard of a man named Demon Dragon?"

The shopkeeper looked at Chu Tian curiously, "What? Are you looking for him too?"

"Me too? Is there anyone else besides me?"

"Well, a lot of people have been looking for this magic dragon recently. Although I don't know why, I think Master Pan Gui should know."


"Yes, he is looking for it too."

Chu Tian had no choice but to get Pan Gui out. At this moment, Pan Gui had completely lost his previous arrogance, and could only tremble there, "You, what are you going to do."

"Tell me, what are you doing with the dragon?"

Pan Gui stared at Chu Tian strangely, "What?"

"Don't say anything, what's the matter with the dragon."

Pan Gui stammered and explained, "A master is looking for him."


"Well, we have a master in this city, everyone calls him the Great Witch King!"

"The Great Witch King? What is he doing with the dragon?"

"Well, I don't know. I only know that everyone has received the order, and they searched everywhere, but there has been no whereabouts of this magic dragon." Pan Gui explained one by one.

Chu Tian fell into deep thought, "Then where is you, the Great Witch King?"

"Closed-door practice!"

"I'm going to find him."

Pan Gui was shocked, "What? You want to find him?"

"What? Do you have any questions?" Chu Tian stared at him and questioned.

(End of this chapter)

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