Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1732 Guardian Bird, Hawk-headed Man

Chapter 1732 Guardian Bird, Hawk-headed Man

Pan Gui stammered, "Our big witch king is not easy, you can't see him."

"This is my business, you don't need to worry, you just need to tell me where he is!" Chu Tian said very calmly, but Pan Gui had no choice but to compromise, "Okay, I'll tell you."

Pan Gui told Chutian one by one, and Chutian looked at Wushuang, Hongyun, and the shopkeeper, "You guys stay here and don't wander around."

Wushuang was worried, "This great witch king is so powerful, are you sure you are sure?"

"Don't worry, there's nothing I can't solve." Chu Tian said confidently, and left here with Pan Gui.

That Wushuang stared at the shopkeeper who was seriously injured, "Don't try to escape, or he will deal with you when he comes back!"

How could the shopkeeper dare to sit there obediently at this moment, while Hong Yun also sat down and waited quietly.

As for Chutian, he came to a hill outside the city instead, because according to Pan Gui, there is a formation on this hill, as long as you pass this formation, you can find the cave where the great witch king is.

Chu Tian was already standing in the formation on the top of the mountain, and looking at the mountain, he felt that the plants and stones here were out of place, as if it was a fake mountain and fake trees.

"It seems that we can only find it through Tianyantong."

At this moment, Chu Tian opened his Celestial Eye, and he didn't know if he didn't see it. He was startled when he saw it, because these trees and rockery were all transformed by dead people. At this moment, these dead people stood there one by one, like stone statues.

"Could it be that witchcraft has changed people?" Chu Tian showed curiosity.

So Chutian began to look for the entrance, and soon saw a small cave behind these dead bodies. Chutian packed up his mood and walked there, when a black bird flew over the entrance of the cave.

The black bird landed on the rock beside the cave entrance and made a human-like voice, "No entry! No entry!"

Chu Tianyan glanced at him, found that he was also transformed from a human, and said, "Who turned you into a bird?"

The bird was obviously a little surprised, it never expected that someone could see through it, so it hesitated there, what to say, but what it said, it was still forbidden to enter, as if it was cursed.

"It seems that once you open your mouth, you only know these four words." Chu Tian said calmly. The black bird was obviously very helpless, so Chu Tian had no choice but to say, "Is the great witch king in there?"

"No Entry!"

Chutian grabbed the bird with one hand. The bird was shocked and wanted to escape, but no matter what, he couldn't escape from Chutian's hand. Instead, Chutian swallowed the strength of the opponent.

The black bird immediately turned into a young man, and the young man was as thin as a stick, staring at Chu Tian in horror, "Thank you, my lord."

"Tell me, is this the place where the Great Witch King is?"

"Yes, but there are four masters guarding the four gates, and each of them has extraordinary strength. Not only that, these four people also have a group of subordinates. Those people are wizards who can turn people into what they want, so Don't go in there."

After the young man was obviously turned into a watchdog, he was completely scared at the moment, and even wanted to escape from here, but Chu Tian looked at him and said, "You go."

The young man said respectfully, "Thank you."

Then the young man fled, and Chu Tian muttered to himself, "These people's witchcraft is a bit powerful, they can turn living people into gatekeepers."

But this didn't scare Chutian, and Chutian was still moving forward step by step, but at this moment, there were bursts of coldness in front of him, as if he had gone to some icy and snowy place.

After a while, a pile of snow appeared in front of Chutian's eyes. These snowflakes were piled up to half a person's height, and they had to jump up if they wanted to go up.

But after jumping up, the whole person would be trapped in it, and Chutian had no choice but to fly up, but at this moment a net fell from above his head, and countless golden lights shone in that net, enveloping Chutian.

After about a while, countless people appeared around. Those people stood on the edge of the snow and laughed wildly until a man with an eagle head appeared. He was holding a trident, staring at Chu Tian and said with a smile, "Boy, You know it's dangerous here, but you dare to come in."

"If I don't come in, how will I know the danger?"

"I already sensed it when you untied the gate bird, and he should have told you that there are guards here, but you still want to come, aren't you courting death?" The eagle-headed man smiled strangely.

Chu Tian stared at the eagle-headed man and teased, "I'm curious, are you born like this, or have you been made like this?"

The eagle-headed man stared, "Boy, shut up, or I will make you look good."

"Looks like you've touched your sore spot." Chu Tian smiled slightly, and the other party was originally a normal person, but his head had changed into an eagle's head. This made Chu Tian wonder who did it.

As for the eagle-headed man's snort, "That's too much nonsense, kill him for me."


Those who stood on the edge of the snow field had a lot of bows in their hands, and the black lights on these bows flickered, and then those black lights flew out like sharp arrows, and the target was Chutian.

But Chutian smiled strangely, and disappeared from his original position all of a sudden. The people present were curious about where Chutian had gone, but Chutian suddenly appeared behind the eagle-headed man and said with a smile, "You can be stumped by such small skills as you." Me? Then you really think I'm a bully!"

The eagle-headed man snorted, "Dead."

At this time, a black light flashed around Chutian, and suddenly a huge net trapped him again, and the eagle-headed man turned around and said with a smile, "Boy, do you really think anyone can come here?"

"Interesting." Chutian smiled, and the next moment Chutian appeared frivolous, those nets had no effect on him at all, and Chutian absorbed the nets, and then laughed, "Go ahead, I'll just look at this net There are many."

The eagle-headed man was surprised. He didn't expect Chutian to break through the net easily, so the trident in his hand shot three bolts of lightning, hitting Chutian directly.

Everyone thought that Chutian should die now, but the lightning entering Chutian's body did not affect Chutian at all. Instead, Chutian looked at them with a smile, "Should we continue?"

Those people were shocked. They never thought that Chu Tian was so terrifying that even their lord's attack could be easily deciphered.

At this moment, the eagle-headed man was so frightened that he wanted to turn around and evacuate, but Chu Tian's frivolous force floated to his side, and then this frivolous force made him unable to leave. me?"

"I didn't say to kill you, but to trap you."

"Hmph, naive, I know witchcraft."

At this time, the hawk-headed man suddenly shrunk and turned into a small eagle, and then disappeared from Chu Tian's face like lightning, which surprised Chu Tian, ​​"Where is the man?"

The eagle-headed man was gone, but those subordinates were frightened and wanted to flee one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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