Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1733 Skeleton Man

Chapter 1733 Skeleton Man

How could Chutian let them go, and immediately stopped a group of people, "Tell me, where are those people?"

"Who?" One person stammered, Chu Tian stared, "You should know what I'm talking about?"

The man didn't dare to say anything immediately, but Chu Tian stared again, and the other party trembled in fright, "I say, I say!"

The others also trembled behind them, until Chu Tian stared at them for a long time, the leader said, "There is a secret passage here, but this secret passage has an enchantment, which can only be opened by an adult. He has already Flee inside, we can't get in."

"Oh? Really? Then I want to take a look." After Chu Tian finished speaking, he cleared up his mood and disappeared from the original position, and then a huge enchantment was imprinted in front of his eyes.

The enchantment is black, especially in such a dim place, if you don't look carefully, you really can't see anything, but after walking forward, the enchantment immediately flashes with strong light.

The strong light will blow Chu Tian away, but Chu Tian still endured and continued to move forward, instead standing there and laughing, "Interesting!"

The wizards behind were curious about how Chutian would get in, but at this moment Chutian put his hands on the barrier, and then swallowed it with both hands, and then the barrier disappeared little by little.

All the people present were shocked, they never thought that Chu Tian would break the barrier so easily.

Chu Tian calmed down, then looked at everyone, "You can leave now, if you come back to make trouble again, I won't let you go."

Those people were so frightened that they quickly turned around and fled, while Chu Tian stared at the long tunnel in front of him and walked in resolutely.

Most importantly, Chutian also saw countless corpses, which were already glowing white, lying in different places as if they had been specially treated.

Chu Tian stared at the bones and laughed, "Is it interesting?"

At this time, there was a movement in the bones, and then a huge skeleton man appeared. He stood among the piles of bones and stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, it's really not easy for you to get here."

"of course!"

"What? You really think you're amazing?"

"Is not it?"

"Innocent, I'm going to kill you right now!" The skeleton man laughed strangely, and then a gust of wind radiated from the skeleton, and the countless corpses around him seemed to be resurrected, and crawled up from here little by little.

The eyes of these bones were still flickering with black light, and the skeleton man stared at Chu Tian and laughed wildly, "Boy, these bones are unkillable, and they have the strongest fighting spirit!"

"The strongest consciousness?"

"Yes, the skeleton army that can't be killed no matter what."

Chu Tian didn't believe it, so he directly passed the five-element ball, and the five-element ball directly sent the skeleton flying, but the skeleton didn't fall apart, nor was it injured, instead, it stood up again.

The skeleton man laughed loudly, "Boy, you see, it won't hurt you."

Chu Tian then used frivolity, then went over and attacked one by one, the result was the same, the skeleton man laughed, "wasting time."

Chu Tian quickly put away his frivolity and said, "It seems a bit powerful, but."

"But what?"

"But I can still deal with them."

The skeleton man laughed, "Naive, there is no way, how could you do it?"

Seeing the other party's disbelief, Chu Tian's mouth curled up, "Then you can take care of it."

At this time, the guqin appeared behind Chutian. Seeing the guqin, the skeleton man wondered, "What the hell is this?"

"You'll find out what it is later."

After Chu Tian finished speaking, he stood there motionless, but the sound on the Guqin had already fluctuated, and the powerful sound of the Guqin directly made the skeletons tremble.

After a while, the skeletons fell apart one by one, and the skeleton man was shocked, "Boy, what did you do?"

"Didn't you say that they are the most conscious? Then I want to see whether they are more conscious or my attack is more powerful!"

The skeleton man was annoyed, "Boy, I will fight with you!"

"Fight? Then, let me see if you are good or my voice is good."

The skeleton was in a hurry, making a weird sound there, and countless black lights flashed around him, and then the surrounding skeletons began to gather at him quickly, and for a moment he hummed there, "Boy, see, this is about to be yours." Dead end."

"Oh? A dead end? You are naive."

Seeing Chutian disapproving, the skeleton man shouted, "Go to hell."

The remaining skeletons immediately gathered into a wall, and this wall was like countless bones, and finally hit the area where Chutian was, but no matter how powerful these skeletons were, they were not as good as the sound of the piano.

The sound of the piano made all these bones fall apart. The skeleton man didn't care, so he tried again, but the result was the same. Chu Tian still stared at the skeleton man and laughed, "Is it interesting?"


"Do you want to escape?"

The skeleton man really wanted to escape, so he began to retreat step by step, but when he turned around, Chu Tian suddenly came up to him and laughed, "Do you think you can escape?"

The skeleton man stared at Chu Tian with a changed expression, "You."

"Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense with you, I just want to ask, where is your great witch king?"

The skeleton man stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, it's not that I underestimate you. With your ability, you are no match for our great witch king."

"Oh? Really? Then do I want to teach you a lesson?"

Hearing Chutian's words, the skeleton man's eyes flickered strangely, as if he was afraid, but Chutian said, "You have been cast by witchcraft, and you have become like this. Is it meaningful to live for others? ?”

The skeleton man said, "Hmph, you can't mislead me, anyway, I swear to follow the Great Witch King."

Chu Tian was really curious about who this great witch king was, and why this guy would rather work for him.

At this moment, the skeleton of the skeleton man disintegrated, and then the other party turned into a black light and disappeared. Chu Tian showed a suspicious look, "Just leave like this?"

Afterwards, Chu Tian opened his Tianyantong, and soon found that there was a small hole here, and there was a burst of heat in this small hole, like a flaming mountain.

But this didn't affect Chutian. Chutian calmed down, turned into nothingness, and entered directly through this hole, and there were flames everywhere.

However, these flames were actually transformed by people. Chu Tian saw those people floating there.

Chu Tian stared at the flames, "This should be the third level."

"Boy, you actually know how many levels we have here." At this moment, a flame fell from the sky, and this flame was different from the others, that flame had limbs, just like a flame man.

Chu Tian stared at it and said with a smile, "Then you should be the person in charge of the third level?"

(End of this chapter)

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