Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1734 The Great Witch King Behind the Scenes

Chapter 1734 The Great Witch King Behind the Scenes

The flame man began to change in various colors, white for a while, red for a while, black for a while, even purple, and blue, etc., and finally returned to ordinary orange. He stared at Chu Tian and smiled, "Yes, I am from here. Watcher, Lord of Fire."

"If you don't want to die, it's still too late to leave now, but if you wait a little longer, I'm afraid it will be too late." Chu Tian said something straightforward, and the flame man immediately became annoyed, "Boy! What are you talking about?"

"Stop talking nonsense and say it a second time!"

"Good guy, it seems that you really don't know how powerful I am, the King of Myriad Fires!" The King of Myriad Fires snorted, and then the flames became more vigorous, and the surrounding flames also flickered.

For a moment, these flames rushed towards Chutian one by one, like wolves, wanting to leave a mark on Chutian, but at this moment a powerful attraction appeared around Chutian.

These attractive forces absorbed all these flames as energy one by one, making all the flames disappear in a flash when they touched Chu Tian.

The Wanhuo King who was there was dumbfounded, and stared at Chutian in disbelief, "Impossible, kid! How did you do it?"

"How I did it, you don't need to know, you just need to know that if you don't know the way, you will be like them!"

The Ten Thousand Fire King stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Hmph, kill him!"

The Thousand Fire King himself turned into a huge fireball and rushed towards Chutian, but Chutian's attraction had little effect on it, and even made the Thousand Fire King approach him at once.

"Haha! Kid, die." The Thousand Fire King was overjoyed when he saw that he was approaching Chutian, but Chutian smiled strangely, "Innocent!"

Before Wan Huo Wang could react, the Chutian guqin had appeared, and then the Gu Qin released bursts of powerful sounds, which made Wan Huo Wang scream, and finally retreated one by one.

"How is it? Do you feel comfortable?"

The Thousand Fire King, who was already floating in the corner like a flame, said angrily, "Boy, even if you beat me, you still can't be the opponent of the Great Witch King."

"I really don't know what benefits this Great Witch King has given you to make you work so hard."

"Hmph." The Myriad Fire King suddenly turned into smoke and disappeared, and Chu Tian smiled disdainfully, and then looked at one of the cave entrances, which was covered in black mist.

Not only that, but Chu Tian standing there could feel the breath of death in the black mist.

"Could this fourth level be related to death?" Chu Tian was puzzled, and then walked in. Sure enough, countless death qi rushed into Chu Tian's body, and it was bound to corrode Chu Tian.

But Chutian has the immortal seed, which is a body with a powerful breath of life, so these corrosive forces are nothing but trivial skills to him.

However, the person in the dark was smug and let out a sinister laugh, "Boy, if you take a few more steps, you won't be able to get out at all."

Chu Tian looked forward, Tianyantong and Clairvoyance had been opened, and there was a rotting old man in the black mist, surrounded by bubbling corrosive liquid.

The liquid swirled around him like mud, and he sat on an old tree with withered vines and laughed at Chu Tian.

"Do you think these corrosive liquids are useful to me?" Chu Tian said as he walked, the old man was a little curious, "How do you know that there are corrosive liquids here?"

"How can my eyes be confused by you?" Chu Tian looked at the black mist around him and smiled strangely. He opened his mouth and said fiercely, "I will definitely let you merge into these liquids and turn them into a pile of waste water."

"is it?"

The old man snorted, and with a wave of his hand, countless corrosive liquids flew up around him, then circled Chutian, and then spun rapidly, and finally these corrosive liquids entangled Chutian all at once.

The corners of Chu Tian's mouth curled up when he saw these liquids approaching, and the power of frivolity opened, and the liquids immediately slowed down, like drops of water floating there.

The old man was shocked, unwilling to reconcile, he recited a lot of incantations, and these incantations turned those water droplets into a person, and saw these people waved their sharp bayonets with ferocious faces, and stabbed at Chutian.

Chutian opened his hands and hit countless five-element balls one by one, and these five-element balls hit those people one by one, blowing them all up and disappearing on the spot.

"Is there any more?" Chu Tian folded his hands and stared at the old man.

The old man's expression changed when he saw that Chu Tian was only five or six steps away from him, "Boy, you are very powerful, but I'm not a vegetarian either."

"Oh? Are there any means?"

"Yes." The other party laughed strangely after speaking, and the laughter became louder and louder, until Chu Tian's feet suddenly turned into liquid, and a huge net fell from the air.

Chu Tian immediately disappeared into nothingness, the old man's laughter froze, and he looked around, "Boy, where are you?"

"It's on top of your head." Chu Tian floated on top of the old man's head. The old man raised his head in astonishment, quickly jumped into the corrosive liquid and disappeared.

Chu Tian looked through and found a tunnel under the corrosive liquid, and Chu Tian also dived into the quagmire after covering his whole body with a protective layer.

Until he walked out of the quagmire, what appeared in front of him was a resplendent and magnificent hall, and in the center of the hall sat an old man covered in black robes and covered his face with white hair.

As for him, there are two stone statues standing on each side of him.

These four stone statues are exactly the same as the four people before, but they stand there like logs. Chu Tian swept it and said, "Did you use witchcraft to deal with them?"

"They were originally controlled by me with witchcraft, what's the problem?" said the old man in black robe.

Chu Tian stared at the black-robed old man for a while and then laughed, "If I'm not wrong, you should be the Great Witch King."

"That's what people call me."

"Then do you know what I'm here for?"

"I've expected it."

Chu Tian didn't believe it, "Have you expected it?"

"Yes, because Ghost Pan is also under my control, I know his every move, so I can see everything he said and did in my mind."

Chu Tian was startled, and the old man laughed again, "So you came here just to ask me why I was looking for the magic dragon, right?"

"You know everything, so I don't need to say more."

"Boy, it depends on my mood."

"What do you mean?"

"My meaning is very simple. Do you want me to tell you? It depends on whether I am willing or not. Otherwise, even if you want to kill me, you will not be able to get the answer."

Chu Tian laughed, "Really?"

"It seems that you plan to do something, that's fine. I'll see what you, a young man, can do to make these four guys so embarrassed."

(End of this chapter)

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