Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1735 God Soldier Showdown

Chapter 1735 God Soldier Showdown
After finishing speaking, the Great Witch King sat there with a weird smile through his hair, and then his hair fluttered, some of which turned into thin threads and flew out very fast.

All of a sudden those hairs entangled different parts of Chutian, so fast that Chutian didn't even realize it, those hairs got entangled again, all of a sudden Chutian became a rice dumpling.

"Boy, how is it? Are you comfortable?" The great witch king giggled, but Chu Tian looked at the lines all over his body, "What? Just a few lines still want to trap me?"

"Boy, if you think it's just a few lines, then you're dead wrong."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, and the crazy power of his body spun, and then these lines were swallowed one by one, until these lines completely turned into power and were swallowed up.

The big witch king frowned, but he sat there quietly and looked at Chutian, "Boy, I admit that you have some skills, but I only used a few just now, if I use tens of thousands where?"

"It doesn't matter how many you come."

"Innocence, these hairs of mine have been specially treated. They have the power of ancestor shamans. It is easy for you to destroy a few hairs, but it is impossible to destroy a bunch of them. If there are tens of thousands, it is even more like a dream."

"Really? Then you come, I want to see it."

The Great Witch King sneered when he saw how crazy Chu Tian was, "Why should I be merciful if you want to seek death?"

Suddenly a shadow flashed in front of Chu Tian, ​​and this shadow was composed of a bunch of hair, and then the hair spread out, and the whole space was filled with hair.

Chu Tian tried to turn into nothingness, but found that there were hairs everywhere in this space, and even after turning into nothingness, he couldn't avoid it, so he had to clean up his mood and sit cross-legged.

The big witch king outside smiled, "Boy, don't struggle, these cursed hair will follow you no matter where you go, so you can't escape at all."

Chutian activated the system to swallow the power of gods and demons, but these hairs obviously did not belong to the power of gods or demons, so the system could not absorb them at all, so Chutian had to use the force of gravity.

This gravity-swallowing force can swallow everything, but the efficiency is naturally not as fast as the system, but those hairs turned into nothingness the moment they touched Chu Tian one by one.

The face of the Great Witch King outside his hair became serious, his original smile froze even more, and he cursed inwardly, "Damn it, I have to think of something else."

At this time, a little golden man appeared in the hands of the great witch king, and the little golden man began to change, gradually turning into the appearance of Chu Tian, ​​the corner of the great witch king's mouth curled up, "Boy, does it feel good?"

Chu Tian, ​​who was inside, suddenly felt as if his body was being controlled by something.

While the great witch king outside was playing with the golden man's arm, Chu Tian's arm also danced, and the great witch king said, "Boy, if I take this apart little by little, your body will be torn apart."

Chu Tian laughed inside and said, "Not necessarily."

"Oh? Are you so confident?"

"of course."

"Good boy, then I'll take one of your hands off first."

I saw that the great witch king pulled the little golden man's arm, trying to remove Chu Tian's hand in this way, but something unexpected happened, no matter what the great witch king did, the arm was still there.

"Damn it, I don't believe it can't be dismantled." The great witch king burst out with strength, all concentrated on the little golden man.

But Chu Tian continued to devour in the hair, until after a while, all the hair disappeared, and Chu Tian got up and stood in front of the great witch king and said with a smile, "Do you want to continue?"

The Great Witch King stared at Chu Tian in astonishment, "How did you come out?"

"Is not this nonsensical?"

The Great Witch King became anxious, and began to shoot a beam of light into the little golden man with one hand, and the little golden man immediately shone with golden light, and Chu Tian's whole body also shone with golden light.

I saw these golden lights turned into hard covers one by one, and then buckled around Chutian, and then countless golden lights in the golden covers hit Chutian.

Chu Tian's body began to slowly turn into a golden statue, and the great witch king was overjoyed, "Boy, you see, this is your fate."

"Oh? Really? Then you really underestimate me!" Chu Tian shook his body, the golden light disappeared, and Chu Tian came to the great witch king in an instant.

The great witch king suddenly disappeared in the same place, and stared at Chu Tian in a corner of the hall, "Boy, do you really think I'm so easy to bully?"

"You have good reflexes." Chu Tian replied, and the great witch king said coldly, "This is just the beginning, I have more powerful methods."

After the Great Witch King finished speaking, an ax flew out from behind him, and the ax was black, and it gradually grew bigger at this moment, and then danced in front of Chu Tian.

"Boy, you see, this is a magic weapon!"

"Divine Soldier?"

"Yes, Divine Weapon, that's something more powerful than a divine weapon, haven't you seen it?"

Chu Tian wondered if the two he got at the bottom of the lake were also magical weapons, so Chu Tian took out the sword at this moment, and the great witch king was shocked when he saw the sword, "Soldier of the sword king, eat Dao sword!"

"Dao Devouring Sword?" Chu Tian didn't expect the other party to know the origin of this sword, and the great witch king immediately looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, it seems that you don't know the origin of this sword."

"If I knew, I would have killed you by now." Chu Tian said with a smile, and the Great Witch King immediately thought, "Give me this sword, boy, and I will tell you why I am looking for the magic dragon."

Chu Tian couldn't laugh or cry, "I said, your business is really bad."

"Otherwise you will never want to know why I am looking for the dragon."

"When I take you down, you will naturally say it."

The great witch king snorted, "Don't think that you will use a sword just because you have it."

"I don't know how to use it, but it's fine against you!"

The Great Witch King said to himself, "Boy, my magic weapon is called Skybreaker Axe, you have to watch it."

After finishing speaking, the Great Witch King swung his ax down, and instantly a force slashed down from the air, as if the space on the spot was about to be torn apart, but Chu Tian swung his sword forcefully.

Although the true power of the sword was not displayed, the powerful force of the sword directly hit the axe, and the axe buzzed there instantly.

The Great Witch King was not reconciled, and continued to control the ax to fight wildly there.

Chu Tian's swords fought back one by one, and saw countless strong lights colliding, the surrounding space was torn and healed, and the two struggled to control behind their respective magic soldiers.

Especially Chutian, who didn't know this sword well, and it was the first time he used it. Every time he swung it, he would consume a lot of power in his body, which made him secretly startled, "What kind of sword is this sword? Why does it consume so much energy? .”

The Great Witch King there laughed when he found out that Chu Tian's power had passed, "Boy, you don't have the ability to truly master the magic weapon, and if you continue like this, you will only be squeezed dry!"

(End of this chapter)

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