Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1742 Ghost Clay Figure

Chapter 1742 Ghost Clay Figure

At this time, the lid of the box was kicked open, and a white-haired woman with a young face came out. Her right arm was pierced, and she glared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, you are really hateful!"

Dugu Tianming was startled when he saw the woman, "Ghost mother-in-law?"

"What? You don't recognize me?" The woman glared at Dugu Tianming, obviously resentful, hating why he brought Chutian here, but Dugu Tianming took a few steps back in fear when he saw that look, "Ghost mother-in-law, this is not Blame me, you can find him if you want."

"Yes! Count together." After the ghost mother finished speaking, she spread her hands, and countless white lights continued to emerge from the walls of the surrounding halls, and these white lights turned into a huge sword pointing at Chutian.

Chu Tian looked at the white light and teased, "Do you think they are useful to me?"

The ghost mother-in-law fixed her eyes on Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, whether it is useful or not, if you hurt my arm today, I will not let you go!"

"Innocence!" After Chu Tian finished speaking, the Five Elements Ball condensed in front of him, and after the Five Elements Ball continued to accumulate energy, it became bigger and bigger. The ghost mother-in-law snorted disapprovingly, "Go to hell!"

The huge white light sword rushed towards Chutian with a whoosh, and Chutian directly bounced the five-element ball. The five-element ball bypassed the white light sword and hit the ghost mother-in-law. The ghost mother-in-law screamed and rolled back, and the white light The swords hit Chutian's body and sank into Chutian's body one by one.

When the white light sword completely disappeared, Chu Tian took a deep breath, and then let out another breath, as if swallowing something.

The ghost mother-in-law was furious, turned around, and disappeared into the wall. Chu Tian glanced around, but Tianyan couldn't see through it, so he had no choice but to calm down and look at Dugu Tianming, who had already been dumbfounded, "Let's go!"

Dugu Tianming always felt that this ghost mother would appear again, so he looked around, paying attention to the surrounding situation very anxiously, until they were about to walk out of the second floor, the entrance to the first floor disappeared, and the surroundings were full of wind.

There were ghosts crying and howling wolves amidst these wind sounds, Dugu Tianming's face changed drastically, "Ghost wind coming down to the city!"

"Ghost wind?"

"Yes, it is rumored that the ghost wind is very terrifying. It can tear people apart, sweep away the soul, and make people trapped in the ghost town forever." Dugu Tianming looked around tremblingly while talking, looking for the source of the ghost wind.

Chu Tian looked around worriedly, until he saw the figure of the ghost mother-in-law flashing nearby and laughed, "Do you think this can scare us?"

Seeing that Chu Tian was not afraid at all, the ghost mother-in-law began to tease, "Boy, I will let you know what it means to be scary!"

"Scary? Then come on, I want to experience it too. What is the horror you are talking about!"

The ghost mother-in-law roared, at this moment, countless ghost winds came from a distance, and several whirlpool winds appeared at once.

Seeing the vortex wind flashing purple light, and countless spirits screaming, Dugu Tianming was frightened and said anxiously, "What should I do, what should I do."

"It's really timid." Chu Tian took a glance, and then spread his hands, trying to attract these winds, and then these winds began to go around Chu Tian, ​​which seemed very difficult.

That Dugu Tianming was stunned, he didn't expect that these winds could move around Chutian like a person, but Chutian looked around calmly, "Should we continue?"

The ghost mother-in-law was shocked in the dark, but she was not reconciled, and continued to say, "Boy, just wait, I will make you look good."

Then the ghost mother-in-law disappeared again, and those winds became more and more, all squeezed around Chu Tian and the two, as if something big might happen at any moment.

Dugu Tianming didn't dare to make a sound at all, he could only pray that Chutian could subdue these winds, and these winds were whirling crazily, as if to complain about something.

Chu Tian stared at these winds for a long time and said, "It seems that these ghost winds have a lot of origin."

"What? Can you still see where they come from?"

Chu Tian didn't continue to speak, but under Dugu Tianming's comment, he suddenly walked into the wind, that Dugu Tianming was frightened, but the wind didn't rush towards him, but just trapped him there, "Man, where is man?"

At this moment, Chutian was in the wind, and in the wind, he saw the endless desert, and there was a tornado in the desert, and at the center of the tornado, it was the ghost mother-in-law.

She sat cross-legged in that center and was casting spells. When she saw Chu Tian enter this ghost world, she was shocked, "Boy, how do you know I'm here?"

"I just found out that these winds suddenly stopped there by themselves and stopped attacking me." Chu Tian smiled, and the ghost mother-in-law snorted, "Don't be complacent, I will definitely let them continue to attack you."

The ghost mother-in-law spoke while enduring the pain caused by the serious injury to her right arm, while Chu Tian walked towards the tornado, "You don't control these ghost winds, do you?"

"So what!"

"Nothing, I just thought it was interesting!"

After Chutian finished speaking, he was already under the tornado, and the ghost mother-in-law continued to try to control the ghost wind, but the ghost wind was unmoved, the ghost mother-in-law's face changed drastically, and she quickly took out a little clay figurine.

This clay figurine is black, but there are countless weird runes on it. When the ghost mother took it out, tornadoes entered the little clay figurine one by one, and then the ghost mother planned to leave.

But Chu Tian suddenly came to her and said with a smile, "You still want to leave?"

The ghost mother-in-law was shocked and chose to run in another direction, but Chutian was able to move freely here, which made her very puzzled. As for Chutian, he had already arranged frivolity around her, so that the ghost mother-in-law would always be slower than herself within her own range. .

The ghost mother-in-law didn't know the situation, and thought that Chu Tian controlled the surrounding space, so she said angrily, "Boy, you have already taken it back, why are you still pestering me?"

"It's ridiculous, obviously you want to kill me, I just came to play with you." Chutian teased, the ghost mother-in-law looked at Chutian, "Boy, don't be complacent, I will definitely find a way to deal with you. "

"Oh? Really? Get rid of me? Then how are you going to get rid of me?"

The ghost mother-in-law raised her hand, bit her finger, and instantly a stream of blood rushed out and hit the little clay figurine. The little clay figurine made a buzzing sound, and the ghost mother-in-law said with a ferocious face, "Boy, do you know what this is called?"

"If I know, do I still need to stand here and talk to you?"

The ghost mother-in-law sneered, "This is called a ghost clay figurine, and there are countless powerful ghost cultivator souls sealed inside, and these ghost cultivator souls were all powerful spirits that ghost cultivators turned into."

"so what."

"Once they absorb my blood, they will become terrifying. This is their battlefield, and no one can escape."

Chu Tian laughed, "Really? Then I'll see what kind of battlefield this place will become!"

(End of this chapter)

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