Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1743 True Purpose

Chapter 1743 True Purpose
The ghost mother-in-law let out a strange laugh, and the laughter became more and more miserable, and finally she screamed with a distorted face, then the clay figurine began to grow bigger, and finally there was a bang, and a strong air current shook the two of them away.

Chu Tian was curious about what this huge clay figurine would turn into. At this moment, the clay figurine suddenly spun and finally turned into eight faces, that is, eight faces and eight bodies. Finally, the eight scattered and flew to stand in eight directions in the space. .

Soon the eight stone statues formed a huge barrier, and all the countless souls in the barrier were released.

These spirits are different from ordinary spirits, to be exact, they have become very ferocious.

The ghost mother-in-law was shocked when she saw it, because she never thought that she would be trapped in it, but Chu Tian looked at the ghost mother-in-law and asked, "Why? Didn't expect it?"

"Boy, don't be complacent, you will die here too."

"It's ridiculous, I want to leave at any time, but you, who released these guys yourself, are scared."

The ghost mother-in-law was not reconciled, so she quickly sat down cross-legged and muttered, and then countless strange forces surrounded her, but Chu Tian was very calm.

I saw countless spirits rushing towards Chutian frantically, and Chutian released the white light of devouring souls all over his body, allowing these spirits to approach, and finally these spirits all touched Chutian and turned into nothingness one by one.

The ghost mother-in-law was shocked, she didn't expect Chutian to be fine, but at this moment, the eight stone statues had domineering and strange afterimages, and these afterimages began to approach Chutian step by step.

After being only a certain distance away from Chutian, the eight afterimages worked together to create a weird net, and that net trapped Chutian there, wishing to seal him up.

Chutian wanted to turn into nothingness, but found that this black net bound him, making him unable to escape from here, but Chutian didn't give up, and sat down cross-legged and said, "Is this interesting?"

The ghost mother-in-law said happily, "Boy, these are called eight ghosts. In ghost cultivation, they belong to the eight masters. They are also called ghost Buddhas."

"Ghost Buddha?"

"That's right, they can seal anyone up and turn them into dead people in the end." The ghost mother-in-law was proud, but Chu Tian stared at the eight ghosts, "I don't care what kind of ghosts or Buddhas they are."

Then a guqin appeared behind Chutian, and the guqin played there, which was extraordinary.

The powerful sound of the guqin made the eight ghosts scream, obviously in pain, but the ghost mother-in-law was dumbfounded, "Impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible." After that Chutian finished speaking, he continued to let Guqin shoot at will. The eight ghosts screamed in various ways, and even roared unwillingly, but no matter what, they finally retreated to the eight stone statues one by one.

Soon the eight stone statues calmed down, and the ghost mother-in-law looked at Chu Tian in horror, "You."

"Your ghost Buddha doesn't seem to help you." Chu Tian smiled, and the ghost mother-in-law became anxious, "Boy, you can't kill me, or you won't be able to wake up those two people."

"Unable to wake up?"

"Yes, their souls have entered another world, and they cannot wake up without me."

Chu Tian was dubious, but the ghost mother-in-law continued, "Boy, I didn't mean to harm them, it's because they are suitable for ghost cultivation with me."

"Ghost repair?"

"Yes, as long as they practice ghost cultivation with me, they will become different, so I sent them to different worlds, to be precise, I was the one who saved them from that Dugu Tianming, so we are not enemies. "The ghost mother-in-law said it out in a compromise, but Chu Tian said coldly, "Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

"I, I just want to see your ability." The ghost mother-in-law trembled in fright, but Chu Tian still got Hong Yun and Wu Shuang out, "Then you untie them."

"If you untie it, then their previous efforts will be wasted. Are you sure you want to wake them up?"

Chu Tian didn't believe it, "How do I know that what you said is true?"

"You can talk to them in another world."

"Then hurry up, what nonsense to do."

The ghost mother-in-law had no choice but to quickly create an enchantment, and in this enchantment Chutian saw two spirits, namely Hongyun and Wushuang, and they were sitting there cross-legged to practice.

Chu Tian stared at them suspiciously, and studied them carefully to see if they were them.

At this moment, the two opened their eyes, Wushuang saw Chu Tian and said excitedly, "Are you here?"

Hongyun was also curious about why Chutian came, but after the ghost mother-in-law explained the matter to them, Wushuang said, "What the ghost mother-in-law said is true, she helped us."

Hong Yun also nodded, Chutian asked some more questions to confirm whether what they said was true, and finally said after knowing that they were true, "That's all right, you guys continue to practice."

But Wushuang stared at Chu Tian thinking of something, "The restricted area is more dangerous, don't go in if you are not sure, otherwise you will not be able to get out."

Chu Tian didn't think so much, but looked at them, "You guys should practice hard."

After the two hummed, the barrier disappeared, and the two people inside also disappeared, and the ghost mother-in-law looked nervously at Chutian, "Did you see it?"

"Yes, but, do you think that's all right?"

"Then what do you want?" The ghost mother-in-law trembled, and even stared at Chutian in fear, and Chutian stared at her, "I'm going to the forbidden zone of gods and demons. I heard that you can go to the city of gods and ghosts. I think you should I don't know."

The ghost mother-in-law was shocked, "What? Are you going there?"


"Boy, I'm not scaring you. It's a place of right and wrong. You'd better not go there."

"Thank you for your concern, but I'm still going."

The ghost mother-in-law had no choice but to grit her teeth and said, "That's the case, then I won't talk nonsense, then I will tell you the entrance, but it only opens every time, and now it is estimated that there are still a few days, you can wait there."

"I hope you don't lie to me, otherwise I won't let you go."

Naturally, the ghost mother-in-law didn't dare, but after telling Chu Tian about that place, Chu didn't leave here.

That Dugu Tianming was still outside, when he saw the surrounding wind disappeared and Chu Tian appeared, he hurried forward and asked, "How is it?"

"Let's go."

"Go? Where?"

"Leave." After Chutian finished speaking, he walked down the first floor, and then left the ghost town, and Dugu Tianming also came out and heaved a sigh of relief, "Ghost town is really a scary place."

"I'm going to the Death Stage in the City of Gods and Devils."

"Death platform? You." That Dugu Tianming was shocked, and Chutian knew that this death platform was leading to the restricted area, so he wanted to confirm whether what the ghost mother-in-law said was true.

"What? Any questions?"

Dugu Tianming looked at Chutian for a while and said, "That place is very dangerous, if you really go, I'm afraid."

(End of this chapter)

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