Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1744 The Demon of 3 in 1

Chapter 1744 The Demon of One of the Three
"You are only responsible for telling me how to get there, there is no need to talk nonsense about the rest!" That Chu Tian glanced back, and the other party immediately dared not say a word.

"Let's go."

That Dugu Tianming had no choice but to continue to lead the way, so when they reappeared, they had already returned to the City of Gods and Devils.

When people in the city saw Chutian and Dugu Tianming who had returned, they were all curious about where they had gone, but Dugu Tianming ignored the strange gazes of the crowd, but lowered his head and continued on his way.

After about a while, they came to the bottom of a staircase in the city, and this staircase extended to a peak in the city.

Chu Tian raised his head. He never expected that there is a peak in this city, and the stairs of this peak are very strange.

"It doesn't look normal." Chu Tian stared at the staircase and muttered to himself. Sure enough, after walking a few steps, the staircase seemed to be sunken, and Dugu Tianming was shocked, "It really is the staircase of death."

Chu Tian grabbed him and flew to the stairs in front of him. However, as soon as he touched the stairs, the stairs would be sunken. Chu Tian could only speed up his pace. After going on like this for quite a while, he came to the top of the stairs. On the side of a pavilion.

In this pavilion, there is no depression, Chu Tian heaved a sigh of relief, and Dugu Tianming said in a panic, "Many people want to go to the death platform, but no one has ever reached the real death platform."

"What do you mean?"

"It is said that the stairs going up this way are all like this. Once touched, they will sink, step into an unknown space, and then be trapped in it forever."

Chu Tian didn't believe in such a wicked way, he still looked at the stone steps at the back in the pavilion and said, "Go, continue!"

That Dugu Tianming looked at Chutian in shock, "Come again?"

"That place, I must go."

"You really don't want your life." Dugu Tianming was already frightened by Chutian, but Chutian didn't say anything, but continued to pull Dugu Tianming to make a leap and go behind the stairs.

This ladder looked extraordinary, and it was disappearing bit by bit. Chu Tian could only increase his strength to fly, like a lightning bolt, sprinting.

But as the speed slowed down, it felt like there was some force in the whole space binding the two of them. Dugu Tianming gradually realized that the things under his feet disappeared faster and said anxiously, "Quick, quick, it's about to collapse."

Chu Tian had no choice but to open the frivolity, let himself become faster under the force of frivolity, and quickly sprinted up again, while there was a layer of fog in front, Chu Tianyan opened, wanting to see how high this mountain is.

But this mountain peak seemed to be beyond sight, but Chutian still accelerated forward, until a quarter of an hour later, Chutian saw a stone pillar and a huge palace.

Chu Tian was overjoyed, and rushed directly to the palace under the stone pillar, and the stairs behind disappeared, like a cloud of mist floating in the clouds, that Dugu Tianming looked around in disbelief, "Here."

Chu Tian looked at Dugu Tianming, "Is this the death platform?"

"Should, it should be." Dugu Tianming was already frightened, obviously did not expect such a thing to happen.

Chu Tian looked at the entrance of the palace, and saw that the entrance was tightly closed everywhere, and at the same time, there were moss all over the entrance, like a damp and weird place.

Just as Chutian was thinking about how to get in, a figure appeared on the palace, and he looked at Chutian with a smile, "Boy, you are welcome."

Chu Tian looked at that person, and saw that he was an old man with disheveled hair and a foul smell all over his body. Dugu Tianming was shocked when he saw it, "Smelly old man, why are you here?"

"God and Devil City, the god is you, the devil is me, the ghost is the ghost mother-in-law, why can't I come?"

Dugu Tianming suddenly felt strange, "I know, but how did you get here?"

"I naturally have expert advice."

Dugu Tianming became serious, while Chutian was even more curious, "You know me?"

"Yes, Lord Molong said that you will definitely come. I still didn't believe it, but now that I see it, I have to believe it." The old man laughed strangely, and Chu Tian asked suspiciously, "Who are you?"

"Let him tell you."

Chu Tian looked at Dugu Tianming, and Dugu Tianming stammered, "His name is Magic Tofu, and he is also called Smelly Old Man."


"Yes, his body is very brittle, as brittle as tofu, it will shatter when touched, but it won't die, it will condense quickly."

After hearing this, Chu Tian teased, "I see that the other two in the city are pretty good, why are you so stupid."

Dugu Tianming suddenly had nothing to say, "I'm just cultivating, and when I achieve greatness in cultivation, I will definitely not let you underestimate me."

Chu Tian was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, but stared at the magic tofu, "Aren't you afraid of death if you work for the magic dragon?"

"Looking for death? Haha, boy, you are so naive."

Seeing the other party smiling so happily, Chu Tian said, "Anyone who goes against me will never end well."

"Boy, Lord Molong said you were crazy. I didn't believe it at first, but I never thought that after seeing you, I have to admire your courage."


"Yes, with your strength, you dare to shout in front of me, do you know my status in this city of gods and devils?"

"Dugu Destiny, the ghost mother-in-law was defeated by me, and I missed you." Chu Tian said very simply, the devil tofu didn't believe it, "You defeated the ghost mother-in-law? You are so naive."

"If you don't believe me, ask him."

Magic Tofu looked at Dugu Destiny, "Dugu, is that right?"


Magic Tofu still didn't believe it, "I think you are together, so I don't believe it."

"Okay, believe it or not, I can only find out where the dragon is if I take you down."

"Don't worry, Master Molong said, before we start, let's play with you." After the magic tofu finished speaking, he took out a painting in his hand, and when the painting was opened, black lights flashed one after another.

After a while, countless beast shadows appeared, and these beast shadows started to stare at Chutian frantically, wishing to tear Chutian into pieces.

Dugu Tianming was shocked, "It's a sealed monster."

"A sealed monster?"

"Yes, in the Shadowless Realm, there are Shenmeng and Momeng, and the Momeng seals some powerful monsters, but I didn't expect the magic tofu to be released."

Chu Tian knew that there were some terrible things sealed in the Shenmo Cave, but he didn't expect that the magic tofu also had some magical beasts sealed in his hands, but he said calmly, "So what, it can't hurt me."

The magic tofu who heard what Chutian said sneered, "Boy, it seems that you are still crazy and confident."

"I don't know if you're crazy or not, but you've always been confident." Chu Tian replied, and the magic tofu snorted, "Then I'll let you die under these monsters today."

Then these monsters went berserk, all kinds of violent aura flickered around, and Dugu Tianming hid behind Chutian in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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