Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1745 Strange Flames

Chapter 1745 Strange Flames
Chu Tian looked at Dugu Tianming behind him, "I really don't know what you have cultivated to become so timid!"

Dugu Tianming pointed to these monsters, "Look, how terrifying these monsters are, they even want to swallow you."

Chutian stared at those monsters, and saw that these monsters started to go crazy, and then those monsters suddenly turned into afterimages and rushed towards Chutian, and a magic whip appeared in Chutian's hand.

As soon as these beasts rushed over, they were all blown away by Chutian. The monsters were so frightened that they couldn't even believe that Chutian was so scary. Chutian hit them again, and all the so-called sealed monsters disappeared one by one. .

The magic tofu holding the scroll stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, do you know what death is?"

"Come here if you have the ability, don't talk nonsense there." Chu Tian stared at the magic tofu, and the magic tofu locked his eyes on Chu Tian for a while and then hummed, "It seems that if I don't show you some color, you are really I don't know what it means to be scary."

Then the magic tofu made a move, and came to Chu Tian at once, and Chu Tian swung his whip, and the magic tofu immediately turned into countless liquids and dispersed.

But soon the liquid condensed again, forming a perfect magic tofu and mocking there, "Boy, how is it? Do you think it's very exciting?"

Dugu Tianming took a deep breath, "You have become stronger again."

Magic Tofu sneered triumphantly, "That's right, I've become stronger, why? Do you have any opinions?"

Dugu Tianming didn't know what to say, but Chutian had already made a move, and the guqin came out, and then the sound of the guqin was surrounded, and the magic tofu stared at Chutian for a while and said, "Boy, do you think you can hurt me like this? You Naive."

At this time, there was a layer of magic energy around the magic tofu, and the magic energy was rippling there, and the sound was absorbed by the layer of magic energy a little bit. The magic tofu inside laughed loudly, "Little guy, you saw it, your attack Doesn't work for me."

"It doesn't have much effect, but I can still use my hands." After Chutian finished speaking, the five-element ball hit it, and the magic tofu returned to its original shape after being broken up.

Magic Tofu was still laughing wildly there, but Chutian had no choice but to take out the magic sword. As soon as the sword was released, Magic Tofu stared at Chutian strangely, "Boy, how did you get this sword?"

"Don't worry about how I got here, you just need to know that this sword will definitely make you enjoy it." After Chu Tian finished speaking, the sword in his hand stabbed at the magic tofu, and the magic tofu quickly avoided it.

But this sword came at a very fast speed, and it pierced into the magic tofu's body one time at a time, and the magic tofu wanted to run away, but this sword would absorb the soul, and the magic tofu's face changed drastically, "Boy, what kind of sword is this?"

"A sword that can suck your soul." After Chu Tian finished speaking, he added the white light of Soul Eater, which instantly hit the sword and entered the body of the magic tofu together.

Magic Tofu let out a scream and cursed, "Boy, you won't end well."

"Really?" Chu Tian sped up the speed, and the magic tofu was startled immediately, "You."

"Tell me, where is the dragon?"

"I do not know."

"Say no!" Chu Tian stepped up his efforts, and the magic tofu said with a pale face, "He has already entered the restricted area, and I don't know exactly where."

Chu Tian showed a strange expression, "Oh? Is what you said true?"


Chutian had no choice but to calm down, and then put this guy into the space, but Dugu Tianming said in shock, "You defeated this?"

"Tips for carving insects!"

Dugu Tianming couldn't help looking at Chu Tian and asked, "Who is this magic dragon, and why is it so powerful? He can even make magic tofu do things for him."

"This is a person who is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and even wants to break all the seals of the gods and demons in the Shadowless Realm."

Dugu Tianming was very frightened when he heard this, "What? The seal of the God and Demon Cave was broken? Are you kidding me?"

Chu Tian didn't speak, but looked at Dugu Tianming, "Okay, now you're here, it's time for you to rest."

"What are you going to do?"

Chu Tian brought Dugu Tianming into the space, then stared at the stone gate, "It's your turn."

When Chu Tian stabbed the door with his sword, the door made a buzzing sound, and then Chu Tian was bounced away, but that Chu Tian became serious, "What the hell is going on here?"

So Chu Tian put away his sword, and then put his hands on the stone gate, and soon there was a crazy sound from the stone gate, and the sound shook Chu Tian's ears almost deaf.

This made Chu Tian quickly let go of his hand and took a deep breath, "Why is there thunder at this Shimen?"

Chu Tian then fell into deep thought, then gently placed one hand on it, and gave the system an order, "Appraisal"

"Ding~ Thunder Sound Divine Gate."

"Thunder God Gate? How to break it?"

But the system would not answer, and would only pass on the information of the Leiyin Shenmen to Chutian bit by bit. After reading it, Chutian realized that the Leiyin Shenmen was extraordinary.

The thunder sound divine door, as long as there is a little force to touch it, there will be a thunder sound, and the sound is very powerful.

"A little bit of strength? Then how do we get through?" Chu Tian fell into deep thought, and then his whole body turned into nothingness, but the stone gate blocked him, and he still couldn't let him pass.

Chutian had no choice but to let Guqin appear, and according to the way he entered the cave of gods and demons last time, a wave of sound enveloped himself.

Soon after Chutian touched the stone gate, the stone gate stopped bouncing back, and Chutian entered the gate so easily, which surprised Chutian, "If I had known that I could get in this way, I wouldn't have wasted so much time."

So Chutian calmed down and looked at the so-called restricted area in front of him, but there was fog everywhere, and the Celestial Eye was limited, and clairvoyance could not be used, so Chutian had to start moving forward a little bit.

After walking for a long distance, a voice suddenly came from the system, "Ding ~ Danger."

Chu Tian hadn't heard this sound for a long time, but now the system had another prompt sound, which made him wonder why the system reminded him, so he looked around, but he didn't see any danger.

This made Chu Tian curious, "What happened?"

At this time, Chutian saw a shadow in front of him. When the shadow approached, it was a huge stone pillar, which hit Chutian heavily. Chutian wanted to fly it, but the stone pillar became thicker and thicker, and Chutian was shocked. , quickly avoid.

The stone pillar hit the ground heavily, and then a deep pit appeared, and the stone pillar was lying there motionless, Chu Tian looked at the stone pillar in shock, "What's going on?"

At this moment, a burst of hot light flew over, Chu Tian hurriedly closed his eyes, but his body turned into nothingness and moved around there, avoiding the hot light.

However, the light was so powerful that Chutian always felt that the flames were going to swallow him up, so he had no choice but to retreat to the door step by step. Soon Chutian opened his eyes and saw a sea of ​​flames everywhere in front of him.

"What's the situation? How did this turn into a sea of ​​flames?"

(End of this chapter)

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