Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1746 Horrible Sword Mountain

Chapter 1746 Horrible Sword Mountain

Those flames jumped wildly, wishing to rush towards Chutian and swallow him up, but these flames seemed to be bound by something, and they couldn't rush to Chutian no matter what.

Chutian looked at those flames for a while, then took a deep breath, then turned on the system purification function, and then walked towards the flames, and these flames hit Chutian bit by bit, but Chutian did nothing.

"It seems to be a formation."

Chutian guessed that there is a huge formation inside, and these flames are just one of the attack methods in the formation, but now that Chutian has a purification method, all the formations are nothingness to him.

This also allowed Chutian to move forward swaggeringly, until Chutian saw a pile of ruins, and the ruins were full of stone pillars.

Those stone pillars were cut very flat, just like a piece of tofu was chopped off by a sharp kitchen knife.

"What is so sharp that it can cut stones so flat." Seeing this, Chu Tian was even more curious, until a voice rang out around him.

The sound was like birdsong. Chu Tian looked at the source of the sound and saw two huge birds.

At this moment, the birds were one red and one blue, one was spraying fire, the other was spraying water, fighting as if they were fighting for something.

"What are these two?" Chu Tian asked the system to appraise curiously, "Ding~ Water Phoenix, Fire Phoenix!"

Chu Tian was stunned. He had heard of and seen the Fire Phoenix, but he had never seen such a Fire Phoenix. The most important thing was the Water Phoenix, and these two were attacking each other there like big pheasants.

The long tail was swinging in the air like a big fan.

Every time their tails shake, two winds swirl around them, one blue and one red collide with each other, and then a space crack appears and then returns to its original shape, and the fire and water spewed out of their mouths meet together, and there are bursts of huge explosions in the air. There was a noise, and then a cloud of fog dispersed.

Just when Chu Tian was enjoying himself, a ball of green light flickered in the air, and the green light gradually fell, like a green lotus platform, and at the same time there was a golden seed in the lotus platform.

Seeing this, the two birds immediately rushed to the lotus platform, but the green light of the lotus platform prevented them from approaching, so that when they always touched, they would be knocked away one by one.

Then the two birds screamed, and then spewed out their respective strengths together, intending to take down the lotus platform together, but the lotus platform was spinning crazily, and a huge green gust of wind knocked the two birds into the air.

The two birds were mad with anger, and at this moment a brown light flashed in the sky, and then a boulder fell down.

With a bang, the boulder was inserted into the ground, and this boulder was shaped like a sword. Seeing this, Chu Tian gasped, "A sword is a mountain?"

At this time, the sword had a flash of brown light, and countless sword auras were entangled in all directions, and they were all brown. These sword auras were very violent, and after Chu Tian was affected, he quickly avoided it.

And these sword qi hit the ruined stones one by one, all of them were penetrated or cut.

"It turns out that these stone pillars were cut like this." Chu Tian suddenly realized, and the two birds retreated one by one angrily, but the sword energy was still attacking Chu Tian madly.

Chu Tian cursed inwardly, but until he discovered that the green light layer of the lotus platform could resist the brown sword energy, he quickly rushed over, and then passed through the purification system, and the whole person was submerged in the green barrier.

These sword qi hit the green barrier in an instant, but they couldn't do anything to Chutian, who sat on the lotus platform with a sigh of relief.

Only now did I realize that the lotus platform was as big as a basketball court, and I gasped, "It's really big."

At this moment, a golden light shone in the center of a seed. Chu Tian was curious about what it was, so he approached it step by step.

After a while, Chutian was five steps away from the golden light, and at this distance, Chutian saw something like a golden egg flickering there.

"Golden egg?"

Just as Chutian was curious, a voice from the system said, "Ding~Golden lotus seeds contain very strong power, swallowing them can increase your cultivation, or it may abolish your cultivation."

"Ah? Abandoned cultivation? What do you mean?" It was the first time Chutian heard that there was something that could abolish cultivation, but the system didn't explain it to him, so Chutian could only choose there.

As for Chu Tian, ​​he fell into deep thought, "Should I swallow it or not?"

But now the sword outside keeps attacking, if you want to leave here, you have to improve your cultivation and make yourself stronger.

So Chutian gritted his teeth, and finally picked up the seed firmly. He touched the golden seed with one hand, and the golden seed began to pour into Chutian's body frantically.

Chutian suddenly felt burning in his body, as if he was about to be swallowed by the golden seeds, but Chutian still gritted his teeth, "No."

The unbearable pain made Chu Tian feel as if his cultivation was about to be abolished, but Chu Tian still persisted until after a while, the pain disappeared, and instead, the golden light flowed on his body.

In the end, Chu Tian felt that his cultivation base was bursting out, and he was running wildly, hitting the Immortal God Venerable, which he never expected.

Because after the Immortal God Venerable, there is no shadow, and now he has reached the peak of the Immortal God Venerable, and his cultivation base has increased countless times.

However, at this time, the stone platform began to weaken after losing the golden seeds, and the surrounding green light barrier disappeared little by little. Chu Tian was shocked, until the sword energy broke through the barrier, and Chu Tian disappeared for a moment.

When it reappeared, Chu Tian came to the peak of the sword. He wanted to see what the sword was, but when he stepped in, the surrounding rocks immediately surged.

A brown barrier formed around Chutian, trapping him here, making it impossible for him to escape. After Chutian looked around for a while, countless brown sword qi flew out of the brown barrier.

I saw those brown sword qi began to attack Chutian crazily, wishing to tear Chutian into pieces.

Chu Tian immediately gathered a powerful protective layer around him. With the power of the Immortal God Venerable, this protective layer is very hard, and the powerful sword energy cannot be attacked for a long time, which made Chu Tian secretly happy.

Not only that, when Chu Tian condensed the barrier, he was surrounded by golden light, and this golden light was absorbed by himself just now, which made him wonder, "This kind of seed is so powerful? It can form such a powerful barrier."

This was something Chu Tian never imagined in his dreams, and the sword energy was getting more and more fierce at this time, but Chu Tian was not worried at all, instead he calmed down and looked at the ground, and then began to attack the ground.

And after breaking through the ground for a while, you can see the real body of the sword, which is a seamless brown rock, and it is shining with a powerful brown light.

Chu Tian knew that this sword was extraordinary, so he directly asked the system to refine it politely, but when the system reminded that it would take tens of thousands of years to refine it, his expression changed, "Damn, it's been so long, forget it."

(End of this chapter)

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