Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1747 The Destroyer

Chapter 1747 The Destroyer

Chu Tian directly chose to give up. After all, it was impossible for him to stay here for tens of thousands of years, so he calmed down, rushed out of the brown barrier with a leap, and then stayed away from the sword.

The sword energy of this sword was able to attack Chutian at the beginning, but Chutian flew farther and farther, making it impossible for the sword energy to touch it. It was not until Chutian withdrew from the sword energy that he heaved a sigh of relief, "It's finally safe .”

I saw Chu Tian packed up his mood and left here to continue on his way.

In this restricted area, Chu Tian has seen too many strange things, there are various beasts competing for some things, and there are also various things that beasts are afraid of, which makes Chu Tian wonder what the restricted area is.

"Is it really possible to find the cave of gods and demons here?" Chu Tian showed a puzzled look, after all, his purpose of coming here was to find the cave of gods and demons.

But this way, not to mention the cave of gods and demons, even the shadows of gods and demons are not seen, and some are only beasts, or beasts.

"How long will this be?" Chu Tian was really afraid that this would be endless, but at this moment there was a broken stone house in front of him.

There is a stone tablet under the broken stone house, and there are several prominent characters on the stone tablet, "Welcome!"

Chu Tian's complexion changed, and he looked at the words carefully, there was a dragon's breath on them, and he walked in immediately.

"Demon Dragon, don't hide, come out if you have the ability." Chu Tian shouted to the surroundings as soon as he entered, but the inside was empty, but the back door disappeared, and Chu Tian came to a stone formation.

There are stones everywhere here, but soon the magic dragon's laughter came, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."


"Yeah, what's the matter? I haven't seen you for so long, have you forgotten me?"

"Don't you just want to kill me? Why don't you come out?"

But the magic dragon laughed in the dark, "Oh? Really? Let's talk about it when you can find me."

"It's only a matter of time before I find you."

"Sooner or later? Kid, you are so naive." The dragon laughed, but Chu Tian ignored it, and started to open the Celestial Eye until he saw a door in the stone formation.

Not far behind this door, there was a shadow sitting in a place, Chu Tian guessed that this should be the magic dragon.

So Chu Tian calmed down and disappeared from the original position in the blink of an eye. When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the door and was about to rush into the door.

The door disappeared, and the dragon laughed loudly, "Boy, I know you can easily find me, so I made a lot of fake things in this stone formation."


"Yes, I may be all around the stone formation." The guy laughed, and Chu Tian opened his Celestial Eye again, and he found dozens of doors, and behind these doors were all this magic dragon.

I saw the magic dragon laughing there and said, "Boy, can you tell which one is me?"

Chu Tian found that although these dragons were all similar in appearance, some of them were weird. In order to distinguish which one was real, Chu Tian thought of the magic mirror.

So Chu Tian immediately got out the magic mirror, and then under the mirror, the dragon was exposed in front of Chu Tian at once.

There is only one real dragon, Chu Tian laughed, "I know where you are."

The magic dragon didn't believe it, "Don't dream, you can't find me."

Chu Tian laughed there, "Isn't it easy to find you?"

After speaking, Chutian started, very fast, and disappeared from the original position. When Chutian reappeared, he had already arrived at the entrance of the cave where the magic dragon was.

The dragon stared at Chu Tian strangely, "How do you know I'm here?"

Chu Tian looked at the dragon, "What do you think?"

The magic dragon stared at Chu Tian anxiously, "Boy, don't be complacent, tell you, I will definitely kill you."

"What? Do you still want to escape?" After Chu Tian finished speaking, the golden light on his body shone, and the expression of the dragon changed, "Why do you have this layer of golden light?"

"I don't need to explain this to you, do I?"

The dragon snorted, "It seems that you have a lot of things I want in you."

After speaking, the magic dragon took out a cane, and the moment the cane was thrown on the ground, it suddenly began to expand, and then grew everywhere, and finally entangled Chutian, not giving Chutian a chance to escape.

The magic dragon stood there and said with a smile, "Boy, there are many interesting things in this restricted area, and this vine is called a magic vine. Once entangled by it, no one can break free."

Chu Tian looked at Molong, "I can solve this later."

"Oh? You can untie it later? You are too confident."

"Don't worry, let's talk first."

"What are you talking about?" Molong stared at Chutian strangely, wanting to know what he was up to, but Chutian looked at Molong, "You are the Dragon Sealer, right?"

Molong laughed strangely when he heard this, "It's just my identity, kid Fenglongshi."

"Oh? So, you have other identities."

"I have many identities, but my original identity is the Destroyer."

"The Destroyer?"

"Yes, I want to break the seal of the God Demon Cave and the Shadowless Realm, and I am the powerful Destroyer, haha."

Chu Tian asked puzzledly, "What good will it do you if the Shadowless Realm is broken? Don't you be afraid that even more terrifying things will come out of the cave of gods and demons and destroy you?"

"Boy, the Cave of Gods and Demons shouldn't exist, let alone the Shadowless Realm. Only by destroying them can we improve our cultivation to a higher level."

"Up to a higher level?"

"Yes, the Shadowless Realm restricts everyone's cultivation and prevents everyone from going deeper. If you want to make greater progress, you have to break it. How about it? Do you want to join forces with me?"

Chu Tian stared at the dragon in doubt, "Do you think I will believe you?"

"Boy, you don't have to believe me, but I've said everything I need to say. If you don't believe me, you'll get it."

Chu Tian hesitated and asked, "I'll ask another question."


"Why do you want to target me and kill me? Don't tell me, you have already set your sights on me." That Chutian stared at the dragon and asked, but the dragon smiled strangely, "This secret, I will keep my eyes on me." I can't tell you anymore."


"This is a secret, if I talk too much, I will die too."

"Tianji? Are you afraid of death?" Chutian didn't expect such a thing as Tianji to appear again, and the magic dragon laughed and teased, "Boy, not everyone can touch Tianji, but those who touch it, Don’t let it out, otherwise it won’t end well.”

"Then I have to force you to ask."

"Forcing me? Haha, boy, you are trapped by me now. Whether you can come out or not, you have to listen to my words!"

"Oh? Really? Then you really underestimated me." After Chutian finished speaking, his whole body began to change, but the dragon didn't believe it, and kept staring at Chutian, "Boy, don't struggle, it's useless , you will die here."

(End of this chapter)

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