Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1749 Rampage Bull Head

Chapter 1749 Rampage Bull Head
Chu Tian has made up his mind, and it is impossible to change it. In addition, the magic dragon is there, so Chu Tian said to the old tree spirit, "No matter what, I will go."

"You, really want to go?"


The old dryad had no choice but to say to Chu Tian, ​​"See that staircase not far behind me? Just go up here, cross a desert, and cross a night, and you will be there."

"Across a night?"

"Well, I don't know what it is, I only heard that there is a dark night there."

Chu Tian was curious about what this dark night was, but the old tree spirit had already told him how to get there, so he naturally said gratefully, "Thank you."

After speaking, Chutian started to move forward from the original position, and the old dryad reminded Chutian, "Be careful, there are terrible things in this desert, and those things can eat people without spit out bones."


Then the forest behind Chutian disappeared, but Chutian stood on the stairs and looked at the barren land behind him, "What a forest."

After Chutian sighed, he returned to his senses and continued to walk up the stairs, and the stairs felt like there was no way to see the side road, but Chutian didn't give up, and walked like this for a few days, and when he finally walked out of the stairs, he saw Jin Cancan desert.

I saw that the sand is golden, like gold, and there is a hot current on the sand, like a hot desert area.

Even Chu Tian, ​​who was standing on the edge, could feel the heat. Chu Tian had no choice but to add a burst of icy cold to himself, and soon his whole body cooled down.

But this did not stop Chutian, he still walked forward, but when he stepped on the desert, he heard a strange sound, not a rustling sound, but a clanging sound, as if something hit the metal.

"What's the situation?" Just as Chutian was curious, the desert in front suddenly trembled like a wave. Chutian quickly opened his eyesight, and saw a thing like a golden snake rushing towards under the wave ahead.

Chu Tian was curious, "Is this the danger that the old tree spirit said?"

When Chutian was curious, the snake suddenly came under Chutian, but Chutian was not frightened, the beast armor on his body immediately opened, and the snake rushed out suddenly, and when it bit Chutian's thigh, the snake's teeth snapped Not only that, the snake screamed, the snake soul was sucked into the beast armor, and the snake body withered and died immediately.

Chu Tian gasped and looked at the snake, "What a powerful thing."

Only now did Chu realize how terrifying the armor of ten thousand beasts was, so he continued on his way. Soon, some ferocious beasts appeared in the desert one after another, some were big, some were small, some were poisonous, and some were very lethal. In an instant, they were all cleaned up by the Myriad Beast Armor.

This amazed Chu Tian, ​​and he was even more curious about who invented the Ten Thousand Beast Armor and why it was left here.

But no one explained it to Chutian, so Chutian could only keep going. After a while, he appeared, and what imprinted in front of his eyes was unexpected.

Because a bunch of ferocious beasts appeared in front of him, they all lined up in a city wall as if they realized how terrible Chu Tian was, and planned to fight Chu Tian.

Chu Tian stared at those guys and said, "You are not my opponents, you should step back."

At this time, a copper tauren came out from the herd of beasts. He stood there with a huge body and stared at Chutian with a huge ax in his hand. "Boy, we are cursed here. If we let you go, we will kill you." Can never leave, so you must die here."


"Yes, the great ancestors of the gods, we are sealed here to prevent anyone from getting close to the cave of gods and demons, and you are the same."

Chu Tian really wanted to know what the ancestors these people were talking about, so he stared at them, "No one can stop me from where I am going."

"Oh? Really? Then I have to let you have a good experience." After the tauren finished speaking, he swung his axe, and a golden light fell from the air, directly hitting the area where Chutian was.

Chu Tian was very calm and let the golden light fly towards him, but finally he resisted and said, "You want to kill me so much?"

"Boy, how did you get those things on your body?" The tauren asked strangely, staring at the beast armor on Chu Tian's body. Chu Tian looked at his own beast armor, "Why? You know this?"

"Of course, why? Do you have any questions?"

Chu Tian hurriedly asked, "How did it come here?"

"What? Could it be that you can't pick it up?"

"Yes, I picked it up."

The tauren didn't vomit blood from the anger on the spot, and kept staring at Chutian, "This thing was made by our ancestor gods. If you keep this thing, we will let you pass."

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "Do you think I'm a fool?"

The tauren immediately roared, "Then go."

At this time, the ax was thrown over, very fast, and it hit the area where Chu Tian was at once, and Chu Tian blocked the ax with a sword, and then said with a smile, "Don't think you have magic weapons, I have them too."

The tauren stared at Chu Tian in shock, "Impossible, kid! How did you do it."

"You don't care how I did it."

The tauren snorted, "Damn it, I should kill you."

After finishing speaking, the tauren threw his ax at Chutian, intending to kill him, but he couldn't touch Chutian at all. Instead, Chutian grabbed the ax with one hand, and then flew the ax back.

The tauren was not reconciled, and turned those axes into countless axes again, with only one purpose, which was to kill Chutian.

I saw the shadows of countless axes attacking Chutian from all directions, and when they were about to reach Chutian, a void disappeared from the original position.

Those beasts wondered where Chutian had gone, and Chutian suddenly came to the tauren, "I'm here, what are you looking at?"

The tauren was not reconciled, and turned into a huge bull body on the spot, and then wrapped himself in flames. Finally, with a flick of the bull's tail, it hit the desert hard like a huge whip falling from the air.

There was a deep pit in the desert, and Chu Tian admired it, "It's quite powerful, but you want to stop me? It's still far away."

The tauren who heard Chutian's words glared at Chutian, "It seems that if you don't show any color to you, you don't even know what is scary."

Then the tauren shouted to the surrounding beasts, "Help me."

These ferocious beasts began to inject power into the tauren crazily, and the tauren began to become even bigger, like a huge mountain, and the surrounding desert trembled when it stomped its feet.

Chu Tian took a deep breath, "So huge?"

Niutou spit out two powerful flames from his nostrils and rushed towards Chutian.

(End of this chapter)

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