Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1750 Under the Darkness

Chapter 1750 Under the Darkness
Chu Tian moved quickly, like an ethereal shadow, and the beasts present were stunned, but Chu Tian took out his magic whip and swung it vigorously, hitting the bull's head heavily with a powerful force.

The bull head roared, slowly shrunk its body uncomfortably, and finally returned to its original shape. Then, a powerful mark appeared on its face, and its eyes stared at Chu Tian angrily, "Boy! I will kill you."

"Don't worry about it, if you want to come, come, or I will do it!"

This made the bull head even more angry, and then looked at the beasts around him, "It's up to you."

Those beasts showed frightened expressions, but at this point, they couldn't change anything, they could only lie down one by one, like well-behaved animals, but they turned into petrification little by little.

After a while, the power of all beasts rushed to the sky, and a barrier suddenly appeared in the sky.

Then a golden light fell from the enchantment, forming the same echo with the surrounding sand, and soon the sand also shone with golden light, and these lights converged on the bull's head.

Soon the bull turned into a golden bull, with golden light shining on its body, and the bull's head roared upwards, a huge ball of golden light appeared from its mouth, and finally sprayed towards Chutian's area suddenly.

The area of ​​Chutian immediately exploded with golden light, and suddenly the space was cracked and distorted like crazy, and then it calmed down again, and the bull head laughed triumphantly, "Haha, you're dead."

At this time, a person loomed in the crack, he was Chu Tian, ​​and the brown light of the Myriad Beast Armor on his body flickered, protecting him there.

"Damn it!" The tauren became furious when he saw Ji Mo, and then planned to rush towards Chutian, but Chutian laughed strangely, "What? You want to kill me like this? Naive!"

The bull's head roared angrily, and a ball of golden light condensed again, and this golden ball of light rushed in front of Chutian one after another, seemingly trying to destroy Chutian, but Chutian still carried it down forcefully, and leaped towards the bull's head.

The bull's head was ferocious, baring its sharp fangs and roaring non-stop. Chu Tian swung his whip down, and the other party resisted with the golden bull's head and said, "I can't kill me."

"It's true, but I still have this." After Chutian finished speaking, he took out the magic sword directly. The sword has a soul-swallowing effect. The bull head felt that the sword was not simple at first sight, and then he became dignified, "Boy, what you do?"

"I didn't do anything! I just want you to see how powerful this sword is!"

The Taurus started to get scared, retreated a little bit, and said, "Okay, you can go."

Chu Tian looked at the other party strangely, "Didn't you say that there is a curse and you must kill me?"

"Facing the curse, I don't even want to die now." Niutou said unwillingly, while Chu Tian smiled, "You're wise."

After Chutian finished speaking, he walked to the depths of the desert, and as soon as the tauren turned around, his whole body froze there, motionless, and after walking for a while, Chutian turned his head back and saw all the beasts, as well as the The heads of the bulls were turned into statues of gold.

Chu Tian showed doubts, "This, is it a curse?"

This made Chutian very curious why there was such a curse in this desert, and who was the person who made this curse, and how did he do it.

Just when Chutian was very curious, a darkness came in front of him, Chutian quickly turned to look at the oncoming darkness, "What is this?"

Chu Tian hurriedly protected himself with a layer of protection, and then he fell into the darkness, and found that there was darkness everywhere, and he couldn't see the way to go, and he couldn't see the way to go back.

Chutian had no choice but to open the Tianyantong, but under the Tianyantong, there was darkness everywhere in front of him, and he couldn't see anything.

"After darkness or darkness?"

Chu Tian moved forward suspiciously, but the darkness could swallow his protective layer, making him feel that the protective layer was getting weaker, which shocked Chu Tian, ​​"The protective layer is getting weaker?"

Chutian added strength again, and soon the protective layer became bright again, which lasted for a while, and the bright light disappeared again, Chutian was puzzled, and then shot a ball of fire into the darkness, and the fire flew out, and it seemed to be extinguished.

"This darkness is too bizarre." Chu Tian couldn't believe what the old tree spirit had said, but he was already here, unable to retreat, so Chu Tian could only move on.

So Chu Tian picked up his mood and continued on from the original position, but he flew like this for several days and nights, but he still didn't see any light.

"It's still impossible to restore the divine power here. If it continues like this, I don't know how long it will last."

Chutian's biggest problem at the moment is that the divine power in his body is consumed a little bit, but cannot be recovered, as if he has come to a place where even the divine power cannot be recovered.

But Chu Tian was still not reconciled, and still wanted to continue, so he took a deep breath, "No, we have to continue."

I saw Chutian speeding up, and it continued like this for a long time, until the protective cover on Chutian's body became weaker and weaker, and Chutian's whole body was a little weak and crumbling.

"Damn it." Chu Tian finally landed in a place, the protective cover of his entire body disappeared, and he fell into a coma until he heard a voice calling him.

"Wake up!"

Chu Tian was confused, "This, what kind of voice!"

Chu Tian slowly opened his eyes, and saw that he was in a world full of green lights, and these green lights began to converge on his body.

This made Chu Tian stand up curiously and look around, "Where is this place?"

But no one answered him, but Chu Tian clearly heard a crisp voice just now, but now it disappeared again.

"What exactly is going on."

When Chu Tian was curious, he saw those green lights pouring into his body one by one, while the remaining darkness in his body was swallowed up bit by bit.

"The darkness is gone?" Chu Tian looked around again, and then he saw a black light ahead, which was being blocked by a group of green lights.

Seeing the black light trying to break through the world, Chu Tian was puzzled, "Could it be that this black light happened to me during this period of time?"

Just when Chu Tian was curious, a green light flashed in the air, and the green light turned into a huge wooden shield, and the wooden shield hit the black light hard.

The black light was immediately scared away by the wooden shield, and soon after the black light disappeared, calm was restored.

At this time, the wooden shield turned into a small shield and landed in Chutian's hands, and Chutian felt that the shield had an aura of immortal seeds.

"This breath looks like it. Could it be that this is the world of immortal seeds?" Chu Tian couldn't believe that he was in such a big world, and it was brewed from a single seed.

At this time, the shield in Chutian's hand had a green pattern flashing, and finally the green pattern changed little by little, because a net was spread on the shield.

(End of this chapter)

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