Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1751 Can't move

Chapter 1751 Can't move
"What is this net?" Chu Tian was very curious about what this net was and why it rose so miraculously. At this time, a green light flashed from the net and hit Chu Tian.

Chutian felt his body was enveloped by something, but he couldn't grasp that force, until a message appeared in Chutian's mind, "Wood God's Net, what do you mean?"

The wood god's net, the information in Chutian's mind at this moment is that this net can form a powerful resistance force. As for how strong the resistance is, Chutian thought of the scene where it defeated the black light just now.

It's just that Chutian is a little depressed, that is, although he has such a good thing, he can't pass through this darkness, which means that the light has a magic weapon, but he can only be trapped in one place.

Just when Chutian was wondering, a light appeared in front of Chutian, which shocked Chutian, "Is there light?"

This is the situation where Chutian saw other lights again after many days, so he rushed over happily, and then his head was shaken by something, and then he screamed, and he came back from the coma.

When he saw himself lying outside a palace, he was stunned, "Why am I here?"

Chu Tian looked around suspiciously, and found that he was in a palace under a canyon, and the entrance of this palace was composed of several giant stone dragons, which looked very majestic at first glance.

"Where is this?"

When Chutian was wondering, Chutian saw the big characters on the next entrance of these giant stone dragons. Chutian took a closer look, and it turned out to be the cave of gods and demons with a horrified look, "It's here."

This was undoubtedly very exciting for Chutian. After all, he never thought that he would find the cave of gods and demons like this, but he was a little puzzled, what world did he go to before, and why he came here again after waking up.

Just when Chu Tian was curious, the stone door suddenly opened, and it was empty inside, but Chu Tian became thoughtful, "Empty?"

For Chutian, he didn't think it was so good, after all, the well-behaved Shimen suddenly disappeared.

But he still wanted to go in and see what was going on, so he continued to take a step forward, and then countless gods and demons poured into his body, which is poisonous gas to ordinary people, but it is a great supplement to Chutian.

Therefore, Chu Tian walked through here very easily, and what was printed in front of him was a magical tunnel.

Chutian continued to walk towards the tunnel, and then some shadows appeared on the walls around the tunnel, and these shadows were like spirits, but they clinged to it and could not escape, and then stared at Chutian with sympathetic eyes.

Chu Tian was startled at first, but quickly calmed down, because these people were all trapped here forever after entering here by mistake, unable to escape.

Some of them kindly reminded, "Young man, this is the cave of gods and demons, it's not a joke, let's go."

Chu Tian still wanted to try, so he looked at everyone, "I want to go in."

"It's useless, the cave of gods and demons. Those who step into it will never be able to turn back. This is a curse."

Chutian ignored it and continued on. Those people could only lament there, until Chutian saw the familiar stairs again, and the stone pillars on both sides of the stairs were still so conspicuous.

Chu Tian glanced at it, continued to move forward, and then skillfully arrived at the first floor. At this moment, the first floor was empty, and Chu Tian went to the second floor.

On the second floor, Chu Tian stared at the third floor and became serious, because he was sent away inexplicably here at the beginning, but now he came here again, he looked around, and after confirming that he had no strength, he chose to go to the third floor .

The third floor is a floating snow palace, and the outside of the snow palace is full of snow, even snowflakes are falling in the void. Chu Tian stared at the snow palace and looked around, "Has this magic dragon ever been here?"

At this time, snowflakes began to fly around Chutian countless times, and finally attached to Chutian, which made Chutian suspicious, "What's going on?"

After a while, Chu Tian's whole body froze, and then he floated there, like a snowman, and he couldn't move his body. Not only that, his body also floated to a certain place.

There, there were snowmen everywhere, and these people were all dead, lifeless, Chu Tian became serious, "Why are these people dead?"

At this moment, a powerful ray of light flickered in the air, and this ray hit Chutian's body, as if trying to force Chutian's soul into him, but Chutian's soul was so powerful that these lights could not compete, so Chutian easily Just avoid it.

But Chutian still couldn't leave here, which made him very depressed, until there was a rustling sound in the snow, and after a while, the magic dragon appeared.

He looked at Chu Tian with a smile, "Boy, I didn't expect that."

"Why are you all right?" Chu Tian asked strangely, and Molong pointed to a strange clothes on his body, "Before I came, everything was prepared, otherwise I would have been trapped by this Snow Palace long ago."

Chu Tian said without fear, "So what, you can't hurt me."

"Oh? Can't hurt you? Are you sure?"

At this time, the magic dragon took out a knife and pointed at Chu Tian and laughed, but Chu Tian didn't believe that the knife could hurt him. However, with a wave of the magic dragon knife, a light and shadow flashed on the snowman next to him, and the snowman was torn apart in a moment.

After seeing it, Chu Tian flashed a strange light, and the dragon laughed strangely, "Boy, you saw it too, so I advise you, don't be so eager to seek death."

"What do you want?"

"It's very simple, I want to cooperate with you."


"Yes, after all, this cave of gods and demons cannot be cracked by me alone, but if you cooperate with me, then you will be invincible in the world, and the seal of this cave of gods and demons will be broken directly, and countless strong men will work for me."

Chu Tian laughed strangely, "Do you think I'll hang out with you, a devil?"

"Boy, I know that you are here for the Nine Dragon Sword. If you don't cooperate with me, you will never be able to unlock the secret of the Nine Dragon Sword."

"so what."

Molong was a little angry when he saw that Chutian was unmoved, "Boy, do you really want to seek death?"

"It's hard to say, how will you know if you don't try."

The magic dragon stared at Chu Tian, ​​"It seems that if I don't give you any color today, you really think you are immortal, don't you?"

After finishing speaking, the magic dragon stabbed Chu Tian's chest with a knife, but was blocked by the beast armor. The magic dragon said solemnly, "I don't believe you can carry this armor all the time."

Chu Tian snorted, and asked the system to quickly purify himself of this side effect, but the magic dragon didn't know what Chu Tian was doing, and thought Chu Tian was struggling and said with a smile, "Don't waste your energy, it's useless."

Then the magic dragon chose to attack Chutian's neck, and put the knife beside his neck to tease, "You really don't think about it?"

"Not consider!"

Demon Dragon's face became gloomy, "You really want to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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