Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1752 Copy Cloak

Chapter 1752 Copy Cloak
After the magic dragon finished speaking, the knife in his hand had already slashed across, trying to give Chutian a fatal blow, but before he touched Chutian, the snowflakes on Chutian's body suddenly scattered, and he disappeared.

Reappeared already standing behind the other snowmen and laughed, "You think I'm really frozen?"

"Impossible, how did you escape?" Molong was shocked, but Chutian let the purification system complete. At this moment, he stood behind it as if nothing happened, teasing, "I have my own skills."

Immediately, the magic dragon began to retreat a little bit, and the rustling sound became faster and faster, and then the magic dragon disappeared in fright, and Chu Tian walked out dignifiedly, "Scared away like this?"

This surprised Chu Tian, ​​but at this moment he had to think about how to get rid of being frozen again after entering the Snow Palace. Otherwise, it would take a certain amount of time to rely on the system every time, and he would die many times by then.

So he raised his head and looked at Xuegong, "How can we destroy this Xuegong?"

After thinking for a while, Chu Tian thought of the strange cloak of the magic dragon, "His cloak can resist it, which means that the power of the Snow Palace can resist it."

After thinking about it there, Chu Tian began to look for the whereabouts of the magic dragon along the footprints, trying to find a solution through his cloak.

As for the magic dragon fleeing to the other side of the floating mountain at this moment, there is a small tunnel there. He hid in the tunnel and cursed secretly, "This bastard, he won't come after him, will he?"

Sure enough, Chutian arrived in no time, and Chutian shouted to the magic dragon, "Demon Dragon, I know you are inside, don't run away."

The magic dragon yelled in the dark, "Boy, you and I have no big hatred, why bother with each other."

"I can't figure it out? Then I don't know who wanted to kill me just now?" Chu Tian asked back, but the dragon replied, "Just now was purely accidental."

"Accident? What an accident, then tell me why it wasn't an accident."

The magic dragon couldn't say anything immediately, and could only hum, "Boy, let me tell you, if you dare to come here, this mountain must be your burial place."

"Oh? The place of burial? You said?"

"Yes! That's right, that's what I said! What's the problem?"

"Okay, I'll take a look."

Chu Tian resolutely walked in, and at this moment he could feel a gust of wind, and there was a hint of death in the wind.

Seeing the air of death sneaking into Chutian's body, he wished to tear Chutian into pieces, but Chutian still held on, allowing the air of death to devour him.

"It seems that it's not as simple as imagined." Chu Tian muttered to himself, while the magic dragon in the dark shouted, "Boy, aren't you afraid of death?"

"Scared! But it also depends on whether you can kill me!"

The dragon laughed secretly, "Boy, this is a wind that can swallow people, it depends on how you resist it."

After about a while, Chutian had come to a place only ten steps away from the magic dragon, and the magic dragon stood there staring at Chutian, "Boy, you can't get closer, or you will have no bones left."

"What? By the wind?"

"Yes, this is the most famous ghost wind in Shenmo Cave. It is different from the outside world."


"Yes, it can swallow people's souls, destroy people's bodies, turn people into corpses in an instant, and finally fall apart." The magic dragon said terribly, but Chu Tian approached step by step.

Ten steps, nine steps, eight steps, seven steps, made the dragon look ugly, and Chu Tian laughed, "How is it? Do you want to continue?"

The magic dragon covered himself with a cloak and stared at Chu Tian strangely, "Impossible, why are you fine?"

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "Not only will I be fine, but I will let you experience how strong the wind is."

The magic dragon didn't know what Chutian was talking about, and Chutian spread his hands, and suddenly a bunch of weird wind swirls surrounded him, and then these winds started to face the magic dragon.

This made Molong look at Chutian tremblingly and nervously, "You, you."

"Give me your cloak, or I'll let the winds kill you now."

"Boy? Let me give you the cloak? Just kidding, this is a unique cloak that can withstand any attack. Do you think I might give it to you?"

"Any attack?"

"Yes, I don't believe you attacked." The magic dragon suddenly gained courage, as if the cloak gave him strength. Chutian didn't believe that he let the wind attack him, and the opponent blocked him with his arm, and all the wind was blocked by his arm. .

The magic dragon suddenly laughed, "Boy, you see, this is my cloak, it's not something you can compare to."

Chu Tianxia suddenly came behind the magic dragon for a moment, and then put one hand on the back of the magic dragon. The cloak was immediately analyzed by Chutian's system.

But the magic dragon was so frightened that he quickly fled to the side, "Boy, see you another day."

The demon dragon turned into a stream of demonic energy and charged towards the entrance of the cave, wanting to leave here quickly, but after Chutian walked out, the demon dragon had disappeared, but Chutian smiled slightly.

I saw that Chutian started to make this cloak, but to make it, he naturally needed the analyzed materials, so he went to the auction system to exchange them one by one, and started to make there after everything was settled.

It failed several times before, until several months later, when Chu Tian finished it completely, he was haggard and sighed, "This cloak is really a waste of time."

But Chutian knew that the cloak was not simple, and the front was translucent, allowing him to see the front, and the surrounding area could be covered by the cloak, just like a raincoat.

"Try the effect first." Chu Tian really wanted to try the results of this period of time, and saw him fly into the air after putting on the cloak.

The Snow Palace is nearby. After Chutian arrived at the top, he continued to stare at the Snow Palace cautiously, wanting to see what would happen to the Snow Palace.

At this time, the power in the Snow Palace began to radiate, and Chu Tian could see faint white lights, as if these white lights were about to swallow him, but luckily the cloak was here, and those white lights were blocked one by one.

"It seems that this cloak is really not simple." Chu Tian sighed secretly.

After going on like this for a while, Chu Tian began to look for the entrance in the Snow Palace, but the Snow Palace is closed everywhere, there may not be an entrance, it is a small crack, and there is a piece of white cloth on the small crack.

There are several large characters on this white cloth, "Do not open, or you will bear the consequences."

Chutian didn't know who kept the white cloth, and he was even more curious about the meaning of posting it here. This made Chutian really want to know, especially now that Chutian who wanted to enter the Snow Palace raised his brows, "It seems that we still have to go in and see what's going on. Something happened."

Seeing that Chu Tian calmed down, he touched the white cloth with his whole body, and in an instant a powerful white light bounced Chu Tian away, and it broke through with its own impact.

Chu Tian flew in the air for a certain distance before coming to a steady stop, and then looked at the White House, which was a small spot of light in the distance, "It's amazing."

(End of this chapter)

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