Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1753 The Weird Gate

Chapter 1753 The Weird Gate
After Chu Tian sighed, he flew over again, and finally stopped outside the Snow Palace, still at the same place, outside the white cloth.


"Ding~ The seal bounces off the cloth."

"The seal bounces off the cloth? What do you mean?" Chu Tian read the introduction carefully, only then did he know that the cloth is a seal, and as long as it is touched, the attack or person will be bounced back.

Chu Tian was dubious, and tried to attack from a distance. Sure enough, once it hit the cloth, it would bounce back at several times the speed. If Chu Tian hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been hit by now.

But even so, Chu Tian took a deep breath, "It's really not easy."

But if Chutian wanted to get in, he had to find a way, so he took out the guqin, but it was useless, and finally took out the magic weapon, but it was useless, which gave him a headache, "Guqin, magic weapon, and soul-eating white light are useless, What do you want?"

Chu Tian fell into deep thought until he thought of the red light on his forehead, so he took a deep breath and sat cross-legged in the void, and then began to accumulate energy there.

This power concentrated on his forehead little by little, and soon Chutian's forehead began to flash red, and finally it was very strong, but Chutian didn't attack immediately, but continued to endure there.

After about a long time, Chu Tian suddenly took a deep breath, and the red light on his forehead suddenly shot out, and the red light quickly hit the white cloth.

At first, Bai Bu wanted to bounce the red light back, but in the end, Bai Bu couldn't hold it anymore. With a bang, the cloth split, and a big hole appeared in front of Chu Tian.

"It's finally opened." Chu Tian was overjoyed, so he quickly flew in, and there were icebergs and snow pillars everywhere, as if he had come to an ice palace.

"This is the third seal?"

Chu Tian was curious about what the third layer of seal was, and he didn't see it until a while later. He saw a bunch of people frozen there, and these people were different from the outside world.

People here are alive, people outside are dead, and at this moment these people can still speak.

"Little guy, how did you get in?" A man with a big cut in his head asked strangely, while another man with a broken arm said with a smile, "Boy, I'm asking you something."

Others also asked about it one after another. As for what Chu Tian said just now, everyone was shocked. Some people even said, "Boy, you don't want to die. Once the crack is opened, we will die very quickly."


"Yes, when the power from outside pours in, our seal will slowly melt. Once it melts, we will die."

Chu Tian didn't quite believe it, "Will you die if you melt?"


That's when someone started melting, and someone screamed, "Ah, mine's melting."

"No, I don't want to die."

Chu Tian fell into deep thought, until a person completely melted, his body also melted like ice, Chu Tian was surprised, "This."

"Boy, hurry up, find a way to block the hole."

Chu Tian went back depressed, so he had no choice but to start making a barrier there, but the barrier broke as soon as he went up, and he couldn't resist it at all, so Chu Tian had no choice but to turn around and say, "There is no way."

Everyone was in a hurry, so Chutian had no choice but to throw them into his own space one by one, so he was proud to save them, but Chutian was curious about how they were trapped here.

These people only said that they were captured, and they didn't know anything else, so Chutian had no choice but to walk around the Snow Palace for a while, and finally saw the entrance to the fourth floor.

I saw a stone tablet inserted into the entrance, "The Bitterness of Fire."

"The pain of the fire? What do you mean?" Chu Tian didn't know what the pain of the fire was, but at this point, he had no choice but to continue walking.

It was still cold at the beginning, but it gradually became hot as it went down. Finally, when he went down the stairs, Chu Tian saw a sea of ​​flames.

These fires were jumping there, and the soul would tremble accordingly. Just when Chutian wondered if the fourth floor was the world of fire, something unexpected happened.

A door suddenly appeared in front of Chu Tian, ​​and then countless hands grabbed him, which surprised Chu Tian, ​​"What's the situation?"


In an instant Chutian was sucked into that door, and now Chutian was annoyed, he finally came to the fourth floor, and was forced out again.

But the place that came out at this moment is an enchantment, and the outside is full of people, and above this hall, there is a flag with two big characters written on it, "Shenlian"

In addition to them, there was a group of people wearing different clothes and similar to different sects, which displeased Chu Tian, ​​"Who are you?"

At this time, a person came out, it was none other than Patriarch Jiang, with a solemn expression on his face, "Boy, what's the matter? You thought we couldn't catch you if you went to the cave of gods and demons?"

"Can you pass through the cave of gods and demons?"

This made Chutian curious, and Patriarch Jiang sneered, "Both the League of Gods and the League of Demons have a treasure called the God and Demon Gate. This gate can lead to the God and Demon Cave, but it is usually used to save people, and few people dare to pass through it privately." This door, because this door will swallow people."

"What do you mean?"

"It means that we caught you out through this door, understand?" Patriarch Jiang laughed triumphantly. Chu Tian thought that there must be a way to get back to the cave of gods and demons if there is such a door, so he Looking at Patriarch Jiang, "Give me that door."

"The door is for you? Haha, boy, do you know where you are now?"

Chu Tian didn't care about the other party's situation, he said, "As long as I want, no one can stop me."

Patriarch Jiang sneered, and even mocked, "Boy, you are so naive, you don't even think that this is the territory of the League of Gods, how can you act wildly."

Chu Tian didn't pay attention, he sprinted directly into the barrier, and then came to Patriarch Jiang. Patriarch Jiang was shocked, and the people around were even more shocked, and they all wanted to stop Chu Tian.

But Chu Tian put his sword in front of Patriarch Jiang, "If you dare to move, you will die immediately."

Patriarch Jiang was furious, "Boy, if I hadn't been injured by you before, I would have killed you by now."

"Don't talk nonsense to me, where is the door?"

"The door is in charge of the elders of the Shenmeng. You are not qualified to see it. Even if you see it, you can't take it away." The Jiang Patriarch said stubbornly, but Chu Tian sneered, "Then don't worry about it. "

Seeing that Chutian had no intention of giving up, Patriarch Jiang threatened again, "Boy, I warn you, it's best to let me go right away, otherwise you will soon know how terrible the League of God is."

"is it?"

Patriarch Jiang became anxious, and then shouted, "Shenmeng kill."

At this time a golden light appeared from the sky, followed by more golden lights, and these golden lights had only one purpose, that was to suddenly come in front of Chu Tian, ​​to kill Chu Tian.

Chu Tian grabbed Patriarch Jiang and quickly retreated to the side, but the golden lights seemed to follow him, and they came to Chu Tian in no time.

(End of this chapter)

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