Chapter 1754

Chu Tian immediately used Patriarch Jiang as a shield, those golden lights flashed by immediately, he didn't dare to attack Patriarch Jiang again, and Patriarch Jiang panicked.

At this time, several sharpshooters fell from the sky, each wearing a golden suit and holding a golden bow, and behind them stood an old man with one eye and gold teeth.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, do you know the consequences of offending our League of God?"

"Shenmeng? It seems that you guys provoked me first!"

"You were the one who hurt the Jiang family first."

"It's ridiculous. It's obvious that Jiang's family has arrested a bunch of people as scapegoats. Unfortunately, I don't want to be that scapegoat. They are going to kill me. Aren't you accomplices?"

Upon hearing this, Patriarch Jiang hurriedly said, "Mr. Jin, hurry up, kill him quickly, he is talking nonsense."

The man named Mr. Jin said, "As long as you hurt our God League members, you will die for sure."

"The good one will definitely die!" Chutian's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and this Mr. Jin raised his right hand, and those shooters were all ready. Chutian knew that it was the attacks of these shooters just now, so it can be said that it was really serious No, but Chu Tian said, "If they do it again, I promise to destroy them."

That Mr. Jin smiled strangely, "Abolish them, boy, do you know what they are from? Do you know how capable they are?"

"No matter who offends me, they will die." Chu Tian said a few words directly, and everyone in the hall laughed. After all, in their eyes, the League of God is superior, and these sharpshooters are even more powerful. A formidable expert in the law enforcement team, but Chu Tian said these words so presumptuously.

As for the shooters, they felt that Chu Tian was too arrogant and couldn't help but want to make a move, and that Mr. Jin smiled half-smile, "That's the case, then, I don't have to be polite."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Jin put his hand down, and the moment he put it down, those shooters attacked again, very fast, reaching Chu Tian in the blink of an eye.

But Chu Tian backed away step by step without fear, until the moment those golden arrow shadows touched him, Chu Tian directly used Patriarch Jiang as a human shield, and at the same time the Myriad Beast Armor on his body had been opened.

Even if these golden arrow shadows attacked from other directions, Chu Tian still let the arrows attack as if nothing happened, but Patriarch Jiang was pierced several times, screaming in pain, "Ah! Ah!"

Chu Tian looked at the flying golden arrow shadows and laughed, "Should we continue?"

This Mr. Jin's complexion changed, "Shoot him through!"


The sharpshooters responded, and then the attacks on the bow began to rush in frantically. There was only one target, and that was to attack Chutian, and Chutian's Myriad Beast Armor was very powerful, so nothing happened.

This stunned the people in the hall. They never thought that a person who is only an immortal god would be so terrifying, but Chu Tian stared at them, "Is there any more?"

Those shooters were stunned, but Mr. Jin was furious, "A bunch of trash, can't one guy solve it?"

They were embarrassed and didn't dare to say anything, but Chu Tian had already made a move. As soon as the guqin came out, the sound was so choppy that almost all the people present couldn't resist and screamed.

All of a sudden, everyone in the main hall rolled to the ground with their heads in their arms, and Patriarch Jiang was already exhausted physically and mentally. It's all about them.

Mr. Jin held on for a while, then frowned and cursed, "Boy, how dare you offend me like this."

"It's you who I offended!" Chu Tian leaped, like a ray of light, and came in front of that Mr. Jin, and then drew out a sword and stabbed him.

This Mr. Jin took out a fan to block Chu Tian's sword, and with a bang, the sword bounced away, but Chu Tian hit it again, but this time it was with Soul Eater white light.

Mr. Jin didn't know what the white light on the sword was, and continued to use the fan. As a result, the soul-eating white light and the sword's soul-eating ability rushed into the fan and penetrated into the opponent's body.

Mr. Jin spat blood on the spot, his mind seemed to be shaken heavily, the fan in his hand fell off, and he flew upside down and landed in the hall.

The people present were stunned. They didn't expect Mr. Jin from Shenmeng to be Chutian's opponent, and Chutian looked down at Mr. Jin and Patriarch Jiang, "You two, how do you feel?"

Patriarch Jiang was too scared to speak at this moment, but Mr. Jin stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, you have the guts to kill me, and you will be chased and killed by all the members of the God League in the Shadowless Realm."

"Really?" Chu Tian pierced the opponent's heart with a sword, that Mr. Jin's face was pale, "Bastard, if you have the ability to kill me with a sword."

"Kill you? Wouldn't it be cheaper for you?"

Seeing that Chutian didn't want to kill him, Mr. Jin snorted, "Then what do you want?"

"It's very simple. I want to go to the door of the God and Demon Cave, which is the God and Demon Gate."

Mr. Jin was stunned for a moment before laughing wildly, "God and Demon Gate? Boy, no one has ever successfully entered that gate."

"How do you know if you don't try?"

"Are you going to die? Of course I won't stop you." That Mr. Jin laughed strangely, and Chu Tian lifted him up with a sword, "Let's go, lead the way."

Mr. Jin led the way with serious injuries, and before Chu Tian left, he looked at the Jiang Patriarch and said with a smile, "I think I'll send you to death before leaving."

The head of the Jiang family was killed by Chu Tian just as he was about to speak, and his soul was taken away. The people present were dumbfounded. As for Mr. Jin's face, he said, "Sooner or later, you will die at the hands of Shenmeng."

"A lot of nonsense."

Mr. Jin snorted and led the way. After a while, he came to another hall, and there was a door in this hall.

The divine and demonic aura is entwined on the gate of the gods and demons, and ordinary people really cannot get close to it, but Mr. Jin pointed at the gate, "Boy, you see, this is the gate of the gods and demons. Only people from inside come out, and no one from here has ever entered." .”

"Don't take me for a normal person."

Chu Tian grabbed Mr. Jin and rushed to the gate of the demon. Mr. Jin blushed and was anxious, "You, what are you going to do?"

"Let's see, let's go in together, who will die first."

"You, you bastard!"

"Aren't you afraid of death? Why? Are you afraid now?"

"Damn it, it's not death, it's extinction. I don't want to be annihilated forever." This Mr. Jin defended, but Chutian didn't give him a chance, and rushed into the door as soon as he caught him.

After stepping into the door, there was a whirlpool. Chu Tian and Mr. Jin were flying in the whirlpool, while that Mr. Jin's body swelled a little bit, his face was very ugly, "No, I don't want to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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