Chapter 1755 Prison
Chutian had a purification system, so he was fine, but he was curious why this Mr. Jin would swell, so he looked inside the other person's body and found a strange force in his body.

Chu Tian tried to swallow this weird power, and soon Chu Tian sucked out the weird power little by little, and the swelling of Mr. Jin disappeared slowly.

This made Mr. Jin feel like a deflated ball, "Okay, it's scary."

But Chu Tian looked around, like a starry sky, which made Chu Tian wonder, "Can it really be connected with the God and Demon Cave here?"

"Well, yes." Mr. Jin still depends on Chutian to live at this moment, and he dare not lie, let alone disobey, so he can only stare at Chutian at this moment, but Chutian is staring at Mr. Jin, "Then why are you now not yet."

"I, I really don't know. I only know that the person who came back said that he came out immediately."

Chu Tian became serious, and then continued to fly. After flying like this for a few days, they saw a cloud of fog, and Mr. Jin was already frightened, "This can't be the cave of gods and demons."

Chu Tian has been to the God and Demon Cave, but the God and Demon Cave is not like this, especially after they passed through the mist and landed on a planet, which made Chu Tian dignified, "You didn't lie to me?"

"Really, really not." Mr. Jin shook his head at this moment, and Chu Tian began to scan the planet, and found that the planet looked desolate on the surface, but there were creatures hidden in many places, and these creatures were not weak, especially at this moment. Few creatures are still approaching here.

After about a while, countless monsters appeared around him. Those monsters were all kinds of strange things, including beasts and creatures, and they made all kinds of strange noises around Chu Tian at this moment, as if they were provoking Chu Tian.

Mr. Jin stammered, "Could it be that the rumored Demon God Realm exists?"

"Demon God Realm? What do you mean?"

"In the Shadowless Realm, there are only humans, and there are no powerful demons. It is rumored that these monsters will go to the Demon God Realm when they reach a certain level of cultivation, and this Demon God Realm is very scary, and the demons inside are even more terrifying, unlike the humans in the Shadowless Realm. , the masters are all sealed in the cave of gods and demons."

Chu Tian glared, "I've been to the cave of gods and demons, and there are also sealed monsters and creatures, don't fool me."

"Then I don't know. What I said is true. If you don't believe me, you can ask anyone."

Chu Tian had no choice but to ask those guys who had been rescued in private, and the answers they gave were consistent. There was indeed such a saying as the Demon God Realm, but Chu Tian was a little puzzled, why he came to the Demon God Realm after passing through the God Demon Gate.

At this time, there was a sound of a beast, and the monster beast spread out, and a crack appeared, and then a large elephant appeared in the crack, and a monster that turned into a human was sitting on the elephant.

This demon, Chu Tian saw through his sky eyes, was a monkey, but now he turned into a very handsome young man, sitting on the back of an elephant and smiling at the two of them, "Welcome to come."

Chu Tian asked curiously, "What is this place?"

The young man smiled, "The prison of the Demon God Realm."


"Yes, we were all imprisoned in the Prison of the Demon God Realm, what? How did you humans come here?" the guy asked curiously, Chu Tian did not expect them to come to the prison of the Demon God Realm.

The young man frowned when he saw that Chu Tian and the two were silent, "Everyone is called Monster Monkey, and they call me Liu Er."

Chu Tian suddenly became surprised, "Six-eared monkey?"

"Almost." The six-eared man was very proud that a human recognized him, but Chu Tian put aside his curiosity and asked, "We entered here for no reason, and I don't know how to get out?"

"For no reason? It seems that you drilled in from other space cracks."

"That's about it."

The six ears laughed and said, "I'm really sorry, this place is a prison, and you can't get out once you come here, otherwise we would have left early, right?"

Those monsters shouted one after another, apparently agreeing with Liu Er's statement, but Chu Tian looked at Mr. Jin depressedly, and at this moment, Mr. Jin even wanted to die, "How could this be?"

At this time, Liu Er looked at everyone and said with a smile, "Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you, now that you are here, you have to follow our rules here."

"Rules?" Chu Tian was puzzled, and the six ears laughed, "Yes, we respect strength here, the weakest guy will naturally do the hardest work, and the strongest guy is the king here, as for me , is the commander who is second only to the existence of the king."

After hearing this, Chu Tian asked, "How many commanders like you are there?"

"Twelve, I'm one of them."

Chu Tian nodded slightly and said, "Okay, take me to your king, I want to challenge him."

As soon as these words came out, those monsters screamed and laughed, and Mr. Jin looked at Chu Tian in a daze, "Boy, are you kidding me? These monsters are not ordinary."

"So what." Chu Tian just wanted to gain a foothold here, and then command these guys to find the exit for him.

But Liu Er couldn't help laughing, "Boy, don't you think this is ridiculous?"

"Ridiculous? Not at all."

"You pass my level first, then we can talk about it." Liu Er suddenly jumped down, and then turned into a huge ape, and then stared at Chu Tian with a ferocious expression, while Mr. Jin sat on the side in fright.

Chu Tian smiled, took out the golden cudgel, and when he saw the golden cudgel, the six-eared one was surprised, "Why do you have this magic weapon?"

"What? You know him?"

"It is rumored that there is a great demon in the human world called Sun Wukong. He used this magic weapon, but later he became demonic and was sealed by a saint. The whereabouts of this golden cudgel are unknown."

Chu Tian didn't expect that these guys even knew about the Golden Cudgel, and the fact that the magical Monkey King was sealed, and then he laughed, "Really? Then I'll let you see."

At this time, Chu Tian asked the devilish Monkey King to come out for a stroll, and when the Monkey King came out and saw the monsters around him, he was stunned, "So many monsters?"

"Don't talk about it, you yourself are also a demon, but you just became a demon."

Sun Wukong refused to accept, "What's wrong with the devil, what's wrong with the devil."

Chu Tian ignored it, but looked at the stunned Liu Er, "How about it, you see, he is Monkey King."

That six-eared man suddenly returned to God, "Is he so weak?"

Sun Wukong immediately refused to accept it, "What? I'm weak? I just don't have a physical body now. If there is a real war, I will beat you to the ground."

Liu Er laughed, "Really? Then let's try."

Monkey King immediately became anxious, but Chu Tian put away the devilish Monkey King and stared at the six ears, "Okay, let me compare with you."

"Just you? Boy, can you do it!" The six-eared stared at Chu Tian in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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