Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1756 Demon Fox 9 Lives

Chapter 1756
At this time, Chu Tian suddenly swung the golden cudgel in his hand, and the shadows of Wan Dao's golden cudgel gathered together and hit the six ears hard, and the six ears were shocked, and immediately turned into an afterimage and disappeared from the original position.

There was a loud bang, which frightened the demon gods around, but when the six ears reappeared, it was like a huge mountain.

Chu Tian glanced at it, then threw out the golden cudgel again, and the six ears quickly grabbed the golden cudgel with one hand and said with a smile, "Small human, I have grown so much, you still want to rely on it to compete with me? Or is it just a dream? Bar."

"Dreaming? Did you say that?" The corners of Chu Tian's mouth curled up, and then a white light that devoured soul was injected from the golden cudgel, and the white light that devoured soul reached the giant arm with six ears in the next moment.

The six-eared man, which was full of primitive gorilla monkey hair, immediately distorted his face, and finally turned red. He let out a breath and shouted, "You're looking for death."

Liu Er's other fist clenched and hit Chu Tian heavily, a deep pit immediately appeared at that position, and all the demons present thought Chu Tian was smashed into pieces, but Chu Tian reappeared and stood on top of that Liu Er's head With a strange smile, "I've seen a lot of monsters like you."

Chu Tian quickly pressed the top of the six-eared head with one hand, and then crazily output soul-eating white light, the six-eared screamed immediately, "Ah."

The six ears were like a vibrating mountain, and Chutian jumped into the sky, and the six ears immediately looked at Chutian, and suddenly released two pillars of powerful flame light from his eyes, rushing towards Chutian with a whimper.

Chu Tian swayed wildly like a kite with a broken thread, and immediately threw all these attacks behind him, and all the monsters present were startled, but the six-eared one was not reconciled, and began to shrink, and finally turned into a The little monkey jumped up to Chu Tian.

Chu Tian smiled, "What? Are you coming from close range?"

The six ears roared, and then the two fists attacked crazily. The torrent of fist shadows was so fast that Chutian didn't have any chance to dodge, but Chutian simply resisted with the armor of the gods. This attack is not as good as when you grew up."

Liu Er naturally knew the difference between getting bigger and getting smaller, but if he wanted to hit Chutian, he had to have a nimble and small body, but now Chutian was able to resist, which made him convinced, "Who the hell are you?"

"I came from the human world." Chu Tian replied directly, but Liu Er said, "You can dodge my attack at most, but you can't really win me."

"Oh? Then how can I win you?"

"It's very simple, just beat me to the ground." This six-eared man knew that Chutian was avoiding him, so he wanted to plot against Chutian and lure the other party to attack him. But Chutian is not a fool, but he has already thought of it. Method.

The corners of Chu Tian's mouth curled up, "That's what you said."

Liu Er was curious about what Chu Tian was going to do, and at this moment Chu Tian suddenly rushed in front of Liu Er, and the divine whip hit Liu Er. Liu Er's face was ugly, but he still insisted, "So what."

Chu Tian had no choice but to take out the magic weapon sword, "If you use this, you may die."

Liu Er found that the sword was not simple, but he still insisted, "It's just a broken sword."

"Broken sword? I hope you can always think so." Chu Tian then swung his sword, and the powerful sword energy gathered on the six ears with the effect of devouring souls.

Immediately, Liu Er couldn't support the whole thing and flew upside down, and fell heavily on the ground. The demon gods present were dumbfounded, but Chu Tian jumped down and stood in front of Liu Er, "Now I can challenge your king, right?"

Liu Er slowly raised his head and laughed, "Boy, I admit that you are powerful. You are somewhat capable against me, but against our king, you don't even have the ability to fight back."

"Oh? Is that so? Then let me see what the king here is capable of."

Liu Er stood up and uttered a strange cry into the distance. As soon as the sound came out, all the demon gods knelt down, as if welcoming some important person. As for Chu Tian, ​​he looked around, but the said king never appeared.

Chu Tian suddenly felt a little puzzled, "I said, are you playing with me?"

"No, it's coming soon."

After a while, there was a scent of flowers, and the scent of flowers was getting closer and closer until a clear female voice said, "Liu Er, what do you want me for?"

Then a sedan chair appeared, and the sedan chair was full of petals, the six-eared man immediately bowed his head when he saw the sedan chair and said respectfully, "My lord, someone wants to challenge you."

A demon girl sitting in the sedan chair looks like a beautiful woman who is overwhelmed by the country, but Chu Tian has already discovered through the eyes of the sky that she is a nine-tailed fox. Not only that, each tail looks extraordinary.

The most important thing was that she was sitting there staring at Chu Tian strangely like a pearl among demon gods, "You humans want to challenge me?"

Chu Tian looked at the witch and laughed, "I didn't expect that the king they were talking about turned out to be a woman."

"What's the matter with women? Are women weaker than you men?" This woman was obviously a little unhappy, and her body was still covered with white mist, making her look so dreamy.

Seeing this, those demons immediately got down to worship, as if something big was about to happen, but Chu Tian didn't know it, until the white mist and that person suddenly disappeared, Chu Tian hurriedly turned into nothingness.

As soon as he disappeared, the demon fox came to attack him, and Chu Tian immediately appeared elsewhere and said with a smile, "Fortunately, I react quickly."

The monsters did not expect Chutian's reaction speed to be so fast, and the fox stared at Chutian in disbelief, "Boy, your speed is much faster than your strength. This is not suitable."

"What do you want to say?"

"Your physical body looks average, so there is only one possibility. You have some important magic weapon on your body that allows you to dodge quickly."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "I have a lot of magic weapons in my body, I wonder if the demon girl should try it?"

The demons gasped, and even murmured to themselves, "This guy is so courageous, he dared to provoke our king."

"He's looking for death."

"No, those who molested our king were all killed."

While everyone was discussing, the demon fox suddenly turned into nine shadows and surrounded Chu Tian, ​​and said in unison, "Boy, can you avoid it now?"

Chu Tian glanced over and found that there were nine of them alike. He gasped and said, "Nine of them are all alike."

The fox monster laughed, "It's good to know."

But Chutian said fearlessly, "So what, nine of you may not be able to hurt me."

"You kid, you really don't know how powerful I am until you die." The demon fox laughed, and then the nine figures suddenly moved together.

(End of this chapter)

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