Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1757 Magical Confusion

Chapter 1757 Magical Confusion

Looking at the nine afterimages, Chu Tian smiled strangely, his whole body turned into countless clones, and tens of thousands of shadows filled the surrounding space at once.

The demon fox was startled, and those demon gods were even more dumbfounded, until the demon fox snorted, "It's just a trick."

Then the demon fox emitted white mist again, and the white mist rushed out like a gust of wind, and all the shadows were scattered in a moment, leaving only Chu Tian himself standing there with a smile and saying, "I expected you to be wiped out!" others."

"Then why are you doing so much?"

"At least it wasted a lot of your time, didn't it?" Chu Tian smiled, but the fox became impatient, "Boy, don't let me catch you, or I will crush you to pieces."

"Pinch me? Just you? It's a big talk." That Chutian laughed strangely, and the demon fox snorted, and then his body began to change, and finally turned into a huge snow fox.

Then the snow fox breathed out, and the surroundings turned into icebergs, while Chutian and the demon fox were in the iceberg, not only that, the demon fox breathed out again, trapping Chutian in a corner.

"Boy, you see, this is your end."

"This fate looks scary, but it won't hurt me." Chu Tian smiled confidently, while the demon fox was staring at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, do you really think you are great?"

"No, but dealing with you is not a problem."

"Treat me? Boy, this is the ice world created by me. No one can go out except me." The fox demon said confidently, but Chu Tian's body flickered with flames, and then he approached the ice wall.

After a while, these ice walls melted little by little, which made the fox demon stare in disbelief, "Boy, how did you do it."

"The flames on my body are not ordinary flames, and you ice, do you think you can trap me?"

"Boy, my ice is the coldest ice."

"I'm sorry, this has nothing to do with me, I just know you can't hurt me." Chu Tian stared at the fox demon proudly, and the fox demon looked at Chu Tian very depressed, "It's so, then, I Don't be polite to you either."

The fox demon went berserk again, nine afterimages appeared around Chutian, and then shot out countless cold air one by one, which was bound to trap Chutian, and Chutian put on the magical cloak.

This cloak can resist all the cold, just like in the cave of gods and demons, so the attack of this fox demon can't touch Chutian at all. Instead, Chutian resisted these attacks one by one and said with a smile, "Did you hurt me?"

The fox demon stared at Chutian after discovering that Chutian's cloak was not simple, "Boy, what kind of cloak is that?"

"Of course it's a good thing."

Yaohu snorted, "Don't tell me, right? Well, I must take off your cloak."

The demon fox made another move, and came to Chu Tian in an instant, and then a strange picture flashed in front of Chu Tian's eyes.

Seeing this scene, it was easy to be confused, as if he was in some safe place, but Chutian knew that this was a kind of confusion technique, he immediately closed his eyes, and then quickly disappeared.

Yaohu was stunned for a moment and then said, "You boy, you are very shrewd."

"Your technique is obviously a deception technique, so I won't fall for it."

"Really? But you are now in my obfuscation technique." The demon fox smiled strangely, Chu Tian frowned, and then opened his Tianyantong, and gradually found that the surroundings were like a cloud of mist.

"Could it be all fake just now?"

This surprised Chutian, and soon the surrounding ice disappeared, and so did the demon gods, and Chutian was standing in a hall at the moment, and the demon fox was sitting in the center of the hall.

"Why, I don't know you anymore?" The demon fox looked at Chu Tian with a strange smile, and Chu Tian was secretly startled. It took him several times to discern that everything just now was an illusion. It is conceivable how advanced the other party's obfuscation skills are. .

"You can come here, it shows that you are not small, tell me, what do you want to do."

Chu Tian stared at Yaohu, "Does this mean that I have defeated you?"

"Beat me? It's still far away, but I think you are quite capable. I can make you a man under one man and above ten thousand people. How about that?"

Chu Tian said uninterested in these things, "I just want to defeat you and find a way to leave."

"Leave? Kid, naive, that's impossible."

"Impossible? Why?"

"There is no reason, I just have such an idea."

The demon fox immediately laughed, as if mocking Chu Tian's ignorance, but Chu Tian asked, "Don't you think about leaving?"

"We are in the prison of the Demon God Realm. If I could leave, I would have left long ago. Do you think I would be foolishly trapped in such a remote place?"

Chu Tian looked at her curiously, "Why can't you leave?"

"Why? That's fine, you come with me."

The demon fox got up, leaped, and flew out of the main hall, while Chu Tian followed behind. When he came outside, he saw a big barrier around him, and this barrier trapped the entire hall, and there were people under the barrier. Countless demon gods, they flew crazily there, trying to break out of the barrier, but they all fell down one by one.

"See, this enchantment resists all the guys who want to go out."

Chutian got Mr. Jin out at this moment, and Mr. Jin was startled when he saw the demon god on the side. As for Chutian, he looked at Mr. Jin and said, "If you want to leave, you have to break through this barrier, or you can go up and try."

Mr. Jin is not a fool, he immediately smiled strangely, "My lord, you can't break it, how can I."

"I just want to see the effect."

After Chutian finished speaking, he threw Mr. Jin up, and Mr. Jin was shocked, but the moment Mr. Jin touched the barrier, he was directly thrown down by the bullet, and fell heavily on the ground, almost shattered to pieces.

The fox demon on one side said with a smile, "You see, this is the effect."

Chu Tian didn't believe in evil, he made a leap, and when he reached the barrier, he could sense an infinite force that wanted to bounce him away, but his system had already been activated, so that he didn't fly away, but floated there.

The appearance of this scene stunned all the demon gods, and some even shouted, "Look, this human being can float on it."

"This, how is it possible, how did he do it." Someone was shocked.

Yaohu was also stunned, and Liu Er who rushed over was also dumbfounded, "My lord, how did he do it."

The demon fox also wanted to know, until after Chutian fell down again, the demon fox looked at Chutian strangely, "Boy, I didn't expect you to have some skills."

"of course."

But Yaohu hesitated and said, "You can float there, so can you get out?"

"Yes, but it will take a while."

Yaohu looked at Chutian suspiciously, "How long?"

Chu Tian has checked the system time just now, it will take a month, but he doesn't know what the world will be after a month, so he plans to take this fox out.

(End of this chapter)

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