Chapter 1758 Guards

"One month!" Chutian said in a blunt manner, the fox demon looked at Chutian in doubt, "Are you sure you can go out in one month?"


The fox demon had no choice but to think for a while and then said, "It's so, can you take me out together?"

"Let's go." Chu Tian said something, and flew to the sky, but the fox demon hesitated and said, "I can't go up."

Chu Tian came down again and settled her in the space, and the demon gods in this prison all showed envious expressions, and Liu Er stepped forward and said respectfully, "My lord, can you take me away too?"

"I take you away? What's the good?"

Liu Er knew that he had to pay a price if he wanted to leave, so he bowed his head and said, "If you are willing to take me out, I, Liu Er, will follow you from now on."

Chu Tian was overjoyed when he heard that, after all, these six ears are not weaker than Monkey King, if they can follow him, they can be regarded as a great helper, so he smiled, "That's fine."

Soon after Chutian settled the six ears, he jumped into the air, and the other demon gods could only watch helplessly there, until Chutian rushed into the barrier and disappeared in front of all the demons.

As for Chutian spent a whole month there, he passed through the barrier and came to the starry sky outside, and the starry sky is full of monsters, "It seems that this is indeed a world of monsters."

So Chu Tian got the demon fox out, and when the demon fox saw Zhen came outside, his eyes were extremely excited and he said, "I, I finally came out."

Looking at this beautiful fox, Chu Tian said with a smile, "I said I brought you out, so you should help me too."

Yaohu immediately returned to God, "What do you need me to do?"

"It's very simple. I want to leave the Demon God Realm. To be more precise, I want to find the place I want to go."

"Where do you want to go?"

"God and Demon Cave, I don't know if you have heard of it!" Chutian hoped that the other party had heard of it at this moment, but the fox hesitated and said, "God and Demon Cave, I heard about this place, but I I haven't seen it."

"Big man?"

"Well, there is a place in our Demon God Realm. That place is called the Demon God Cave, and that place is where great people live. I used to study there for a few days. I have heard of the God Demon Cave and the like."

Chu Tian didn't expect that there was a cave called Yaoshen Cave, so he calmed down and said, "That's okay, please take me there."

"Take you there?" The fox demon looked at Chu Tian in surprise, and Chu Tian looked at her expression and asked in confusion, "Why? Do you have any questions?"

"There are a lot of questions, that's it!"


"I'm curious, will you be swallowed by those big shots when you go to our Demon God's Cave alone as a human being?"

Chutian laughed strangely, "Swallow me? Do you think they have this ability?"

Yaohu said suddenly speechless, "You insist on going, I will definitely take you there, but."

"But what?"

"Going this way, you have to listen to me, otherwise, if you are a little careless, you may be killed by some small demons and big demon gates on the way before you reach the demon cave."

"There's so much nonsense, let's go."

Yaohu had no choice but to take Chu Tian with him and leave. There were quite a few monsters along the way. These monsters were obviously not as good as Yaohu, and they were frightened to leave when they saw the breath of Yaohu.

As for Chutian watching there calmly, after a while, Yaohu saw a cloud of blue mist and said, "Here, you can go to the Demon God's Cave, but many demon gods want to enter the Demon God's Cave to study, so there will be There are a lot of monsters, as soon as you get close, they may want to eat you."

"Let's go."

The demon fox is dignified, "You, don't you want to hide for a while?"


The demon fox had no choice but to grit his teeth and nod to lead the way until one person and one demon stepped into the blue mist, and there were actually many demons inside.

These monsters seemed to be queuing up, and when they sensed Chu Tian, ​​they immediately turned their heads, and a monster shouted first, "Human beings."

"Wow, human."

"I want to eat human flesh."

All of a sudden, those monsters were excited, wishing to eat Chutian, and a magic whip appeared in Chutian's hand, and the aura of the magic whip immediately shocked some little monsters.

But the Great Demon Sect was fearless, and a chimpanzee walked out of the group of monsters. His eyes widened and he looked at Chu Tian with a blood-red look, "Humans, if you don't want to die ugly, you can kill yourself!" Give me."

"For you? Do you think you are qualified to take it?" Chu Tian asked back, and the gorilla's face became grim. "It seems that if you don't kill you, you really don't know how trash you are."

At this time, Chutian released the six ears directly. As soon as the six ears came out, there was a powerful breath, which made the big monsters around them afraid, and the gorilla who shouted just now immediately put away his breath and stared at him in horror. Liu Er, "This, isn't this the rumored missing Liu Er?"

All of a sudden everyone was discussing, and Yaohu looked at Chutian, "If you release the six ears, I'm afraid it will cause more trouble."


"We came out of prison. I have changed into another shape now. They didn't recognize me, but Liu Er was different. He was born with the appearance of a monkey, and Liu Er had done big things before. Those guys recognized me immediately, so It is easy to alarm the guards of the demon gods."

"Demon God Guard?"

"Yes, a guard team belonging to the Demon God Temple, they are in charge of the prison. I was caught by them for stealing things, and Liu Er was also arrested because of the person who hurt them, and you will probably be arrested now. Attract the guards from the Demon Temple."

Chu Tian looked indifferent, "Come on, come on, I have to do it anyway."

Seeing that Chu Tian was so calm, the fox demon immediately didn't know what to say, instead, he showed off excitedly as soon as the six ears came out, "How is it? Who wants to seek death?"

All of a sudden, the big and small demons scattered a little, but there was a shout from behind the group of monsters, "What a six-ear, you escaped."

At this time, a person wearing white armor came out from behind, holding a strange token in his hand and staring at Six Ears. When the Six Ears saw the token, they immediately restrained themselves, "So it belongs to the guards."

"That's right, the guards of the demon gods, the hundred day worms."

"I don't care what you do, you'd better not mess with me, or I'll blow you up." Relying on Chutian's presence here, Liu Er gave a non-worried glance, while the hundred-day worm snorted, "You're overwhelmed!" guy."

After that, the token in Baitian Chong's hand immediately flashed a golden light, and then the golden light hit Liu Er, and a golden enchantment was formed in the area where Liu Er was located, which shocked Liu Er, "Asshole."

The other monsters at the scene were relieved, after all everyone knew about Liu Er's violence, but the fox demon looked at Chu Tian and reminded, "You see, this guard team is not simple."

"What is that token?" Chu Tian couldn't help asking curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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