Chapter 1759
Facing Chutian's culture, the fox demon immediately explained, "This is called the Demon God's Token, which is a special token that can condense a barrier and seal the demon."


"Yes, as long as this lasts for a quarter of an hour, the monster inside will become as hard as metal, and then it will be at the mercy of the other party."

Chutian didn't expect such a thing to exist, so he jumped in front of the hundred-day worm, and the hundred-day worm stared at Chutian, "Damn humans, what do you want to do?"

"Your magic weapon is amazing, I want to borrow it for fun!" Chu Tian said with a smile, Bai Tian Chong was shocked, "Presumptuous!"

All the demons present felt that Chu Tian was too arrogant, after all, these were the guards of the Demon God's Temple.

But Chutian obviously didn't care about the other party's identity, instead he grabbed the Hundred Heavens Insect's arm with one hand, and the Hundred Heavens Insect struck out with the other hand. Tian didn't have a problem at all, instead he laughed, "What? Is that all you can do?"

Seeing Chutian's smile, Baitian Chong was shocked, and even stared at Chutian solemnly, "Boy, who are you?"

Chutian didn't speak, but quickly took the token with one hand and retreated to the side. As for the six-eared enchantment without the token, he immediately looked at Chutian as if alive again, "Thank you."

Bai Tianchong said, "Boy, do you know what will happen if you fight against our Demon Temple?"

"Am I afraid?" Chu Tian asked back. The Hundred Heavens Worm roared angrily, and then pointed at Chu Tian, ​​"Wait, when the large army from our Demon God Temple arrives, it will be your death date."

Chu Tian smiled and said nothing, as if he didn't care about anything, but looked at those demons, "Who will stop me?"

Those monsters completely lost the mood just now, and instead stared at Chu Tian strangely in horror, while Chu Tian looked at Fox Monster and Liu Er, "Let's go."

Liu Er stepped forward excitedly, but Yaohu came to Chu Tian's side and followed strangely, "You are too flamboyant."

"Sooner or later, there's nothing to be afraid of." Chu Tian replied bluntly, and the six ears also agreed, "That's right, don't be afraid!"

The demon fox shook his head helplessly, until they came to the front of the group of demons, it was a tunnel, and there was a strong demonic aura in this tunnel, but the six-eared man was a little scared and said, "The demonic aura is too strong, I dare not go in. "

But Yaohu said, "It took me a lot of effort to get in back then, but now I'm afraid I'll have to spend a lot of energy to get in again."

Chu Tian looked at the two monsters, "Come into my space, I will go there by myself, and I will ask you to help me if I need anything."

The two demons were worried that Chutian would be swallowed by this tunnel, but Chutian obviously didn't mind letting them in, and Chutian calmed down and stepped into the tunnel.

The demon outside breathed a sigh of relief, "This human being is looking for death."

"That's right, these are all evil spirits, how can he hold on to it alone?"

"No, he's going to be crushed."

But when everyone was discussing, Chu Tian walked forward little by little as if he was fine, until he disappeared in front of everyone, all the monsters wanted to go, feeling a little incredible.

But in front of Chutian, there was a fog of chaos, and this fog was all monster energy, which made Chutian very curious about how the monster energy was generated, and why there was such a magical place in the Demon God Realm.

Just after Chutian walked a certain distance, there was a stone statue in front of him blocking the way, and this stone statue had three heads and six arms, which looked very strange, and at the same time, it was shining with purple light.

Under the purple light, the stone statue looked very sacred, and there was a majesty pressing down on Chutian, wishing to drive Chutian out of here, but Chutian went forward without hesitation.

However, every step he took was like hitting a wall, and his whole body was very uncomfortable. Even the purification system couldn't get rid of this feeling, so Chutian could only carry forward with his shoulders.

Only one step away from the stone statue, Chu Tian stretched out his hand, and suddenly a powerful monster energy from the stone statue penetrated into Chu Tian's body.

The evil spirit wished to devour Chutian, but Chutian absorbed this force crazily, and laughed, "Do you want to hurt me like this? How naive."

At this time, the stone statue moved suddenly, and instead turned its back to Chutian, which made Chutian curious about what was on its back. At this moment, countless hands suddenly grabbed onto Chutian's back, and it hugged Chutian, trapping Chutian directly here. On the stone statue, and then turned again.

When Chu Tian turned to the back, he was already in a large hall, and there were twelve stone statues in front of this hall, and those twelve stone statues were all different animal bodies.

"What kind of place is this?" Chu Tian was puzzled, and at this moment a voice came from the hall, "Human, why did you come to our Demon God's Cave."

"Is this the demon cave?" Chu Tian looked at the twelve stone statues.

"That's right, we are the Twelve Great Demons of the Demon God's Cave." A voice continued, but Chu Tian hesitated for a while and said with a smile, "I came here without any malice, I just wanted to ask you something, and I hope you can help me. "

"Young man, we are demons, and you are human beings. Humans and demons have different paths, and it is impossible to intersect. So before we are angry, you can go back wherever you came from, otherwise we will be angry."

Chu Tian frowned, "So, there is no room for negotiation?"

"Yes, no!"

Chu Tian had no choice but to say, "Then, I can only talk about defeating you."

As soon as these words came out, the twelve stone statues laughed strangely, obviously thinking that Chu Tian was joking, but Chu Tian looked at them indifferently, "Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense with you, I just want to know now, you guys Come out? If you don’t come out, I’ll come to you.”

"With any power I have, I can make your life worse than death." At this time, a stone statue cast a shadow, and that shadow turned into a monster, which was a big roc.

Chu Tian glanced at him, he was just a body transformed from energy, which made Chu Tian smile bitterly, "You look down on me so much?"

"It's not that I underestimate you, it's this power that is enough to deal with you."

Chutian smiled strangely, and swung the whip, and the roc immediately turned into nothingness, which shocked everyone present. Obviously, they did not expect that Chutian was so terrifying.

Chu Tian looked at them with a smile, "Everyone, I don't want to talk nonsense with you, so it's up to me now."

After Chutian finished speaking, he struck with a whip, and the whip hit the stone statues directly. There were various crackling sounds from the stone statues, which looked terrible.

This made all the monsters in those stone statues furious, a golden light flashed, and the space where Chutian was was distorted, and when it appeared again, Chutian was standing on a mountain top, and sitting in front of him were twelve terrifying demon gods .

(End of this chapter)

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