Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1760 The Secret of the Ten Thousand Beast Armor

Chapter 1760 The Secret of the Ten Thousand Beast Armor
These people sat cross-legged in a circle around Chutian, only to hear the lion-headed man staring at Chutian, "Boy, you have offended us, what should you do!"

"Sin? Then we have to see if you can take me down. If you can take me down, you will add any crimes. If you can't take me down, it's useless to add any crimes you want!" Chu Tian smiled evilly. The man said, "I'll kill you first."

The lion-headed man came in front of Chu Tian at once, and Chu Tian retreated immediately when he saw the lion-headed man rushing over, but just as he landed, the lion-headed man suddenly appeared behind him and slapped down very fast.

Chutian was blown away in the blink of an eye, but Chutian was the god of the gods, and the opponent's attack did not do anything to him. Instead, Chutian laughed and said, "How is it? Do you want to continue?"

The lion-headed man stared at Chu Tian angrily, "Boy, my palm contains a lot of power, why are you fine?"

"Things? Yes, it's just blocked by my armor." Chu Tian pointed to his Pantheon Armor, and all the demons looked strange when they saw that armor, thinking that this armor was extraordinary.

Chu Tian looked at them with a smile and said, "Okay, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, I'll ask now, which one of you wants to fight with me?"

The lion-headed man snorted, "Boy, I'm not done yet."

"Oh? You're not over yet? I don't know how you want to continue?"

The lion-headed man laughed strangely, and then the yellow light flickered on his body, and then the yellow light gathered a little, and hit Chu Tian again, and Chu Tian was directly sent flying.

When Chu Tian stopped, there was already a bloodstain from the corner of his mouth, which made him spy, "Some skills."

"Boy, have you seen it? With your ability, you are courting death if you compete with us."

"Do you really think you hurt me? Naive!" At this moment, Chutian's injury has slowly recovered, and the lion-headed man saw Chutian's expression of brows in disbelief, "How is it possible, why did your injury recover so quickly? .”

At this time, a crane demon said solemnly, "There is something in him that is extremely resilient."

As soon as the words came out, the other monsters also stared at Chutian, wishing to see through Chutian. They didn't come back to their senses until after a while, and then each monster judged that Chutian had a strong recovery ability.

Lion Head shouted even more, "Boy, as long as you hand over this magic weapon, we will not make things difficult for you."

"Hand it over? Do you think it's possible?" Chu Tian asked back, the monsters immediately became angry, and Chu Tian stood there staring at the monsters at this moment, "If you have any skills, just come, if you don't have it, then you still accept it." Remember your little thoughts."

The lion-headed demon snorted, "As the great demons of the Demon God Cave, there has never been a monster in the Demon God Realm who can easily leave in front of us."

"Oh? Really? Then come on." Chu Tian stared at the demons, the lion demon spread his hands, and then countless yellow lights appeared around the space, and these yellow lights all gathered on Chu Tian.

Chutian's Myriad God Armor was carrying it stiffly, but Chutian knew that these monsters were really powerful, and he didn't know how long he could last in such a way.

At this moment, Chu Tian realized that the space was a bit different, "These monsters sitting here, are they enlightened? Or?"

At this time, the Myriad God Armor seemed to be activated, with countless beast shadows on its body, and these beast shadows corresponded to countless boulders hidden in the sky, which scared all the monsters present.

The lion-headed demon was even more stunned, "How is it possible, why does the armor on his body have a corresponding effect with the surrounding stones?"

The other guys present also wanted to know what happened, but Chutian suddenly disappeared at this moment, all the monsters were shocked, but Chutian could feel that he was still in this space.

Not only that, he also saw his body and armor turned into nothingness, and even all the beast souls on his armor suddenly rushed in one direction, and Chu Tian also flew over.

After a while, a palace appeared in front of him. Chu Tian walked in curiously, and saw a huge stone inside the hall, and there were countless words on the huge stone.

At the same time, there were countless shadows around the wall, and Chu Tian looked at these shadows, and simply asked the system to identify what these words were.

"Ding ~ Ten Thousand Beasts!"

"Myriad Beasts? What is it?"

After a careful look, Chu Tian found out that countless beast souls were sealed inside the Ten Thousand Beast Armor, and these beast souls could burst out with powerful power when gathered together. This is the Ten Thousand Beast Art.

This made Chu Tian sigh secretly, "It's strange, my Ten Thousand Beast Armor was obtained on the Road to the Demon Cave, but why is this palace in the Demon God Realm? What is the relationship between the two?"

But no one explained it to Chutian, so he could only rely on Chutian to study the hall by himself, so Chutian planned to learn the art of beasts first.

I saw Chu Tian sitting cross-legged in a moment and began to practice there, but the twelve great monsters outside were still unable to find Chu Tian's whereabouts.

The lion demon said anxiously, "Everyone, what do you think?"

Crane Demon frowned, "This guy is not easy, maybe we can find the secret of this demon cave through him!"

"Yes, we must find him!" The other demons also agreed, but they searched hard here, but they couldn't find Chutian's whereabouts, and Chutian was practicing a little bit there.

All the beast souls in the Myriad Beast Armor surround him, not only that, here, Chutian can also use the Myriad Beast Armor to absorb the surrounding beast souls, and those beast souls are sealed in those strange stones, and they are all running towards Chutian's armor at this moment .

Looking carefully, Chu Tian found that these sealed guys were even more terrifying, not even worse than the twelve demons outside. This made Chu Tian sigh, "It's really not easy to make this armor and seal these beast souls."

At this moment, Chu Tian wished to find out the secret of this armor, but now he only knew the Myriad Beast Art, and could not research anything else, so he could only leave the hall with a leap after work was over.

When Chutian reappeared, the twelve demons immediately targeted him, and the lion demon shouted, "We must not let him escape this time."

Some monsters also shouted, "Use the sealing array to fix the surrounding space."


All of a sudden, the twelve demons merged together, and then a huge barrier was like a palm, trapping Chutian in a floating place, but Chutian smiled, "What? Trapped me here?"

But the lion-headed demon took a leap, came to the barrier, stared at Chu Tian and sneered, "Of course it is to fix the space around you, so that you can no longer escape."

"Oh? Escape? So, are you afraid that I will escape?" Chu Tian asked with a smile instead.


Chu Tian smiled, "Don't worry, I will never run away today, but you, be careful, if I'm not careful, I might lose you all."

"It's ridiculous, just you? Still want to kill us? Don't be naive!" the lion-headed demon laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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