Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1761 Actively Captured

Chapter 1761 Actively Captured
Chutian looked at the lion demon with a strange smile on his mouth. All the big monsters who were maintaining the barrier were curious about what Chutian was going to do until Chutian's Myriad Beast Armor appeared, and at this moment, the Myriad Beast Armor suddenly flew out countless beast souls.

Each of these beast souls was huge, and the light breath made the lion-headed demon look terrified, "This, what is this?"

All the monsters on the mountain were stunned, but Chu Tian laughed, "What is it? You'll know it after you feel it."

After finishing speaking, Chutian gathered a punch, and when the punch was released, all the beast souls gathered on Chutian's fist and turned into a black shadow. All the monsters had an ominous premonition. Sure enough, the next moment, all these monsters rushed out, He slammed into the lion-headed monster heavily.

The next moment, the lion-headed monster was directly sent flying, and then the lion-headed monster hit the barrier heavily, and fell seriously injured in front of those big monsters.

These big medicines were shocked, and even stared at Chutian in disbelief, and Chutian glanced at them and said, "I don't bother to talk nonsense with you, what are you asking now, you have to tell me something, understand? "

But the other demons were not reconciled, ready to attack Chutian, but Chutian looked at them with a smile, "Why? Are you still not reconciled? But I have to remind you, if something happens later, don't blame me for not reminding you. "

At this time, the lion demon got up and looked at the demons uncomfortable, "Use that blow."

These demons seemed to understand something, and then they suddenly moved closer together and performed a weird move.

This move gathered all the power in the space, and finally this power rushed towards Chutian. Chutian wanted to avoid it, but this invisible force locked on him to attack.

Chu Tian laughed strangely, "You want to kill me like that? Naive!"

Chu Tian punched out again, this punch collided with the invisible force, and the whole space began to shake, frightening the twelve demons, and each one was seriously injured, and their faces were still pale.

"Quick, send him out quickly." A monster shouted, and the other monsters immediately joined forces, and a powerful force appeared in the space where Chutian was, and Chutian was sent out of this space in an instant.

When Chu Tian went out, he saw that the twelve monster stone statues had recovered their calmness and dared not come out again, but Chu Tian teased, "Why? Won't they come out?"

The next moment, the twelve stone statues suddenly disappeared, and Chu Tian frowned, "Escaped?"

"Boy, you can't find us anymore, and we won't show up again." With a demonic air, Chu Tian didn't expect that he would make them suffer so badly, and these demons were obviously gone, with no breath at all.

This made Chu Tian helpless, so he could only plan to go to the Demon God Realm, and then see where he could ask questions.

But when I came outside, there were suddenly demons in white armor everywhere.

Chu Tian knew that they belonged to the guards, which immediately cheered him up, "By the way, look for the Demon God Temple."

At this time, a big monster suddenly fell from the sky, it was a leopard, and it was very aggressive. It wanted to impress Chu as soon as it came, and immediately surrounded it in all directions.

All the monsters queuing nearby knew that Chutian was in trouble, and Chutian looked at him with a smile, "If you can kill me like this, then wouldn't I have died many times?"

The leopard stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, do you know who I am?"

"Who are you, I don't care, I just want to know where the demon temple is? Who is the biggest in your demon temple?"

As soon as these words came out, the monsters around became lively, curious about what Chu Tian was going to do.

The leopard froze for a moment and then teased, "Boy, what do you mean?"

"I want to meet the biggest one in your demon temple, I have something to do with him."

"Just you? Still want to find our palace master? Just kidding."

But as soon as he finished speaking, Chu Tian punched down, and the leopard almost flew out of its soul immediately, and its whole body flew backwards in the air.

The demons present were all dumbfounded, and the demon guards became even more flustered, wondering what happened.

Chu Tian looked at them with a smile, "Everyone, it's nonsense, I don't want to say more."

The leopard was unwilling to come back, but his body was covered with blood, but he still stared at Chutian, "Boy, I must take you back."

"Catch me? No need, I'll go with you." After Chu Tian finished speaking and asked them to lead the way, the leopard shouted angrily, "Go."

The demon guards immediately watched, fearing that Chu Tian would escape or attack them, but Chu Tian looked at them with a strange smile.

After Chutian left completely, those demons started talking one after another, until a demon came out of the demon cave and shouted, "The Twelve Demon Gods are gone."

"Not here? What happened?" Suddenly all the demons were curious about what happened, and everyone quickly thought of Chu Tian, ​​and suddenly showed shock.

As for the demons in the Demon God’s Temple, I don’t know, but Chu Tian asked while flying over there at the moment, “Is the Lord of your Demon God’s Palace here now?”

"Shut up!" the leopard said angrily, but he didn't dare to approach, while Chu Tian had a half-smile, and the leopard cursed inwardly, "Damn it, I have to inform the Lord of Law Enforcement immediately, so that they can prepare their masters."

I saw Leopard sending back the message in private, and at the Demon God Palace, countless big demons came outside the palace at this moment, and the leader was Eagle Head wearing a black robe.

He is the Eagle Head King, the Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Demon Temple.

I saw Eagle Head King looking at all the masters around him, "Everyone, this guy is not easy, everyone must be careful."

"A very powerful human being?"

"Guess so."

"Then take care of this human being and let him know how powerful our Demon Temple is."


When everyone was discussing non-stop, a guy shouted, "Here we come."

Then the leopard waited for the demon to fall, and Chu Tian also fell.

But when everyone saw that Chutian was just such a weak human being, all the monsters were immediately upset, and some even shouted at the leopard, "What's wrong with you? Bringing such a weak human being? Just say it's scary?"

"That's right, are you desperate? I'm currently practicing in seclusion."

"I'm really mad at you, you stinky leopard."

All the big demons complained at once, while the eagle-headed king stared at the leopard, "I said, what do you mean? Are you trying to torture us to death?"

Leopard looked at Eagle Head King in horror, "Master of Law Enforcement Palace, he, he is not simple."

"Just him? A broken human being with such a low level of cultivation, what's so special about it." The eagle-headed king gave Chu Tian a blank look, and the other monsters didn't take Chu Tian seriously. Everyone was criticizing the leopard for a while.

The leopard didn't know what to say, but Chu Tian couldn't help but said, "Everyone, I want to find your palace master!"

"Hallmaster? Boy. Who do you think you are? You still want to find our hallmaster." The eagle-headed king said coldly, and Chu Tian looked at the guy who looked down on him and said, "Then you are planning to let me beat you ?"

(End of this chapter)

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