Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1762 4 Demon Guards

Chapter 1762 Four demon guards
As soon as these words came out, these people laughed even more happily, and the eagle-headed king said with disdain, "Boy, with your book, any of us can easily kill you!"

"Oh? Really? Then just come, I want to see how you can kill me so casually." Chu Tian turned back without any hesitation, while the eagle-headed king looked at the demons around him, "Which one of you is going up. "

"Let me do it." At this time, a guy with a weird fish head came out, and then mocked with bubbles in his nostrils, "Boy, look at me, and I'll eat you."

"Eat me? Aren't you afraid your stomach will explode?"

"Fried? It's ridiculous. My stomach is a big eater. It can swallow mountains and seas. What are you afraid of if you are a small human being?" After the strange fish finished speaking, it suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed Chu Tian.

The demons present all praised, but the eagle head king looked at the leopard, "Look at you, such a weak guy can't solve it!"

Leopard head wondered, when he dealt with Chutian just now, Chutian was very strong, not as weak as now, but at this moment the strange fish suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"It's so uncomfortable." After the strange fish said something, it rolled in the air. All the monsters present were curious about what happened, until a stick was suddenly pierced through the stomach of the strange fish, and Chu Tian flew out from inside, holding Jin Cudgel looked at the demons with a smile, "Do you want to continue?"

Those monsters were dumbfounded. They never thought that Chu Tian was so terrifying that he could destroy this monster at will, and the eagle-headed king looked at Chu Tian with a serious face, "Boy, it seems that you still have some skills."

"Is not this nonsensical?"

The Eagle Head King suddenly opened his hand, which turned into sharp claws, and then swiped in the direction where Chutian was. For a moment, sharp claw marks flew back and forth in the area where Chutian was.

But Chu Tian didn't care at all, avoiding it, and then teased, "Too weak, too weak!"

The eagle-headed king was not reconciled, and planned to make a move, but Chu Tian said with a smile, "What? Is that all you can do?"

The other monsters were all curious why Chutian could easily avoid the eagle-headed king, but Chutian teased, "It's still too weak!"

Now the Eagle Head King went mad, and suddenly turned into a huge eagle shadow. When the eagle shadow flapped its wings, there were whirlpools swirling there, and then these whirlpools began to swirl around Chutian, as if to tear Chutian apart. broken.

Those demons were overjoyed, and the Eagle Head King gave a strange smile, "You still want to compete with me with this ability? How naive."

Chu Tian said with a smile, "You have some skills, but let me tell you, it's impossible for you to tear me apart with just your flair."

After Chu Tian finished speaking, he induced these winds, and those winds were running rapidly, and immediately knocked the eagle-headed king away. The eagle-headed king immediately became unhappy and flew back again.

The demons present were dumbfounded, they all wondered why the Eagle Head King disappeared just now, and Chu Tian looked at the Eagle Head King who came back, "Should we continue?"

"Boy, this is the Temple of the Demon God, not a place for you to run wild." The Eagle Head King already knew Chu Tian's horror at this moment, but for the sake of face, he had no choice but to move out of the Temple of the Demon God, hoping that Chu Tian would retreat in spite of the difficulties.

But Chu Tian said to him, "I just want to talk to your palace master, and I don't need to talk about anything else."

The Eagle Head King went berserk, "You are really obsessed, so don't blame me!"

"Oh? What are the means? Just come, I want to see how capable you are!"

The eagle-headed king who was provoked again became angry, and immediately looked at the monsters around him, "Why are you in a daze, do it!"

These monsters looked at each other, but didn't know how to attack, so the Eagle Head King could only shout, "What nonsense!"

The eagle-headed king took out a flag, and all the monsters who saw the flag suddenly went crazy, and their aura became stronger. Chu Tian was curious about what the eagle-headed king took out, and why these monsters became like this.

"Yes, that's it!" Eagle Head King was very satisfied, and then he waved the flag in his hand, and all these monsters attacked Chutian collectively, and the power shook the whole space, which looked very terrifying.

After the explosive attack dissipated, Chu Tian was gone, and the eagle-headed king was overjoyed, "How dare you make trouble here with this little skill? You're really asking for death."

But at this moment, a voice came from behind Eagle Head King, "What? Do you think I'm dead?"

The Eagle Head King immediately turned around and looked at Chu Tian in surprise, "You."

"Any questions?"

"Damn it, kill it." The eagle-headed king pointed his flag at Chutian again, and those attacks were directed at Chutian again, but Chutian disappeared again, which made the eagle-headed king unwilling.

But at this moment, Chu Tian smiled strangely in the distance, "I will also let you try the power of ten thousand beasts."

Before the eagle-headed king could react, there were countless beast souls around Chutian, and then they gathered together and flew out with a punch, hitting the eagle-headed king hard, causing the eagle-headed king to be sent flying.

When the Eagle Head King came back this time, he was already seriously injured and floating there, as if he would fall if the wind blows. As for the other monsters, they had regained their senses, and they couldn't believe it when they saw the scene in front of them.

"Do you want to continue?" Chutian asked back. The eagle-headed king held the flag in his hand and was very unwilling, but he knew that he was no match for Chutian, so he said, "I will take you to find our palace master."

"It's almost there."

The Eagle-headed King led the way unwillingly, and after entering the demon temple, those monsters were curious about where the humans came from. As for the Eagle-headed King, enduring serious injuries, he took Chu Tian to an underground palace.

At the same time in the underground palace, Chu Tian saw four powerful monsters guarding the door like guardian monsters, and the Eagle Head King respectfully said to these four guys, "Four lords."

These four monsters look like tortoises, but they are entwined with snakes, like basalt, but they don't want basalt, and they also have four different colors, cyan, blue, green, and red.

At this moment, the four demons looked at the Eagle Head King, and then at Chu Tian, ​​and the cyan monster asked strangely, "I said Eagle Head King, do you know where this is?"

"do not know."

"This is the forbidden area of ​​the Demon God Temple, except for the Hall Master, no one is qualified to come here."

The Eagle Head King was helpless, "He, he said he wanted to find the Palace Master."

"Who is he? Looking for the Palace Master?"


But the cyan demon shot out a force from both eyes, like a laser, trying to pierce Chu Tian, ​​but Chu Tian was gone for a moment, and only then did the demons realize that this seemingly inconspicuous guy had such a quick reaction ability.

So the cyan demon looked around and shouted, "Boy, come out!"

Chu Tian appeared again, and the cyan monster asked, "What are you looking for from our palace master?"

"I originally went to the God Demon Cave, but entered the Demon God Realm by mistake. I want to go back to the God Demon Cave, but no demon knows, so I think your Demon God Palace, as the biggest force in the Demon God Realm, should know about it?"

As soon as these words came out, the four demons became startled, until the cyan demon said, "That's right, there is indeed a channel between our Demon God Realm and the Human God Demon Cave, but that place is only known to the palace masters of the past, and we don't know either."

"That's right, let me see your palace master!"

(End of this chapter)

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