Chapter 1763
The four demons immediately frowned, especially the cyan demon said, "Boy, this is our forbidden area, no one can enter it, even if you have something to ask him!"

"Then I want to go in?"

"Then you have to defeat our four demons." After the cyan demon finished speaking, his aura was released, and the other three demons also released it. The Eagle Head King who was there was immediately crushed by the four forces and spurted blood wildly.

It is conceivable how terrifying the power of these four guys is, but Chutian stood there motionless, and the purification system on his body continued to function.

This made the four guys puzzled, but they couldn't find out the secret of Chutian. Instead, Chutian looked at the four demons, "I said four, is this all you can do?"

The four demons were not happy, and immediately exerted great force, and moved all at once, stopping in the four directions of Chutian, and at the same time began to crazily hit their palms.

The four demon palms are very fierce, Chu Tian didn't dare to force the next one, he could only jump and disappear from the original position, and when he reappeared, he was already behind the four demons, "Your attacks are very strong, but if you want to hurt me, you can't hurt me!" So easy."

The four demons looked at Chu Tian in shock, but the cyan demon was not reconciled, "Create a barrier."

In an instant, a huge enchantment formed around Chutian, and the enchantment was filled with monster energy, wishing to tear Chutian into pieces, the cyan monster said proudly, "Boy, don't waste your energy in vain, these monster energy Very strong, to you humans, it is simply poisonous gas."

"Poisonous gas? That's not necessarily the case." Chu Tian smiled mysteriously, and then his body began to absorb these evil spirits crazily, so that within a short while, all these evil spirits disappeared.

The four demons were stunned, they never expected this place to be so terrifying, but Chu Tian was about to make a move, and he performed the Wanshoujue again.

The appearance of the ten thousand souls entangled made the four demons afraid, until these beast souls gathered together for a punch, the four demons were shocked and disappeared one after another, not daring to resist the punch.

"It's pretty quick to escape."

But the voice of the cyan demon came from the front door, "Boy, don't be complacent, we four demons just retreated behind the door, so that we can gather all our strength and resist you from coming in."

Chu Tian smiled, "Is that so? Then let me try to see if my fist is stronger than the four of you."

Then Chutian charged up again, and soon Wanshoujue shot out, hitting the stone gate directly. The stone gate immediately sizzled, as if it was about to explode, but the four demons were carrying it together, making the gate become Harden up.

Only then did Chu Tian laugh, "It seems that one punch is not enough, and a second punch is needed."

When those guys heard Chu Tian's words, they were immediately frightened, and the cyan demon was still threatening, "Boy, you must not push yourself too hard, or you will die a miserable death."

"I just want to find your palace masters, and I don't want your lives, so you'd better listen to me, otherwise you can decide how to die." Chu Tian threatened.

This made the four demons very uncomfortable. After all, they are the four masters of the demon temple, but they did not expect to be threatened by a human, so the blue demon said to the red demon, "You, go and invite the twelve demons from the demon god cave."

The red demon disappeared immediately, and the cyan demon said to the blue demon, "Both of you, go and inform the hall master to be careful. As for this, let me resist."

"Okay." Then the two demons also disappeared, and finally the cyan demon remained there and said, "Boy, come on!"

Chutian found only one demon queen and said with a smile, "What? The others are gone? Or are you going to rescue the soldiers?"

"Boy, don't be complacent. After a while, there will be helpers to deal with you."

"Even you Four Monsters are no match for me, who else dares to come?"

"Have you heard of the Demon God Cave? There are twelve powerful demons there. Their strength is the representative of the Demon God Realm. As long as they come, it will be your death."

Hearing this, Chu Tian was not only not afraid, but laughed instead, "To be honest, you should give up looking for them, they won't come."

"Why?" The cyan demon didn't believe it, but Chu Tian teased, "Anyway, I said they won't come, so they won't come!"

The cyan demon thought that Chu Tian was lying to him, so he snorted, "Boy, just dream, it's impossible."

Chu Tian ignored it, but the cyan demon was struggling there, until Chu Tian continued to charge up and attack for several times, and the cyan demon could hardly hold on, then the red demon came back, and said helplessly, "They won't come. "


"They said something happened, temporarily retreat."

The cyan demon was stunned. He still expected the twelve demons to come and help, but now that they don't come, who will stop Chutian? , you don’t believe it.”

At this time, the door was finally hit by Chu Tian, ​​with a bang, the door shattered, and the two demons stood there guarding against Chu Tian, ​​and Chu Tian looked at them, "There are still two guys."

The cyan demon stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, of course they are going to find the Palace Master, and it will be your time of death."

"Really? That's good. When your palace master comes, you are worthless." After Chu Tian said something, the two were furious, and Chu Tian looked at them with a smile, "What? Won't you come?"

The two monsters retreated step by step, but Chu Tian immediately caught up, and after a while, Chu Tian came to a space.

In this space, there is a strong demonic aura, and the four demons are hiding in it at the moment. Apart from this, Chu Tian also felt a strong aura.

This aura seemed to emanate from a certain place, Chu Tian immediately looked at that place, and at this moment a strong voice said there, "Damn human, you dare to come to our demon temple to play wild."

"You are their Palace Master?" Chu Tian asked speculatively, and the man snorted, "That's right, I am the Palace Master, why? Do you have any questions?"

"What a palace master, I won't talk nonsense."

"What do you mean?"

"My meaning is very simple, tell me where the passages to the Demon God Realm and the God Demon Cave are."

The palace master asked weirdly, "Do you need to go to the cave of gods and demons?"


"Boy, give up. This place is extremely dangerous. How can you get there as a human being?"

"It's my business."

"What if I don't tell you?" the palace master replied, and Chu Tian smiled slightly, "If you don't tell me, I will naturally find a way for you to tell me."

"Ridiculous, do you really think that no one in our demon temple can restrain you?"

"Oh? Then you come out, don't hide." Chu Tian was provocative, but at this moment, the front was shaking like an earthquake, not only that, but there were purple lights flickering everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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