Chapter 1764
The four demons were overjoyed, as if they saw hope, but Chutian remained motionless, allowing the other party to appear, until there was a loud noise, and a purple stone platform appeared in front of Chutian.

Sitting cross-legged on this stone platform was a monster, it was a monster whose whole body was black and his face could not be seen clearly, and there was a powerful aura emanating from him.

"Boy, are you afraid?" The monster stared, but Chu Tian laughed, "Not afraid."

The demon looked at the four demons, "Come here."

The four demons passed quickly, and saw that the four demons immediately transformed into four different rays of light and entered the body of the black demon. For a moment, the black demon became stronger, which made Chu Tian puzzled, "Have you absorbed their power?"

"Wrong, these four demons were originally part of my body, now I just take them back, what? Are you afraid now?"

Chu Tian didn't expect to have such ability, but he said without worry, "So what? It still can't help me."

The black demon sneered after seeing how crazy Chu Tian was, "I won't give you any color, you don't know how bad you are, do you?"

"Oh? Bad? Then tell me, I want to know how bad it is."

The black monster snorted, and a powerful monster energy gathered around Chutian, wishing to crush Chutian, but Chutian held on until the monster energy was absorbed by Chutian bit by bit.

The black demon was startled, "Are you all right?"

"Go on!" Chu Tian laughed provocatively, and the black demon suddenly became angry, and a ball of power was shot out from the palm of his hand, and this power directly sent Chu Tian flying.

However, Chu Tian had the Myriad Beast Armor, so even if he was left intact, he stood there staring at him and laughed, "It's very powerful, but it didn't hurt me."

The black monster stared at Chu Tian strangely for a while and said, "Wan Beast Armor, you even have this."

"What? You know him too?"

"The Myriad Beast Armor was made by people from the terrifying monster race. I just didn't know where this magic weapon went, but I didn't expect it to be here with you." The black monster explained.

"You actually know the origin of this thing, then you should also know its power."

"It is rumored that it is very powerful, but the mystery inside it, how can you, a human being, be able to penetrate it."

Chu Tian smiled broadly, "I'm sorry, I really figured it out."

After Chutian finished speaking, the beast souls all over his body moved around him, and the black monster was startled, "There are really ten thousand beasts?"

"It's more than that!" After Chu Tian finished speaking, these beasts gathered together and punched them out heavily. The black demon was directly sent flying. After screaming, the black demon turned into a black shadow and came back, glaring at Chu. God, "Boy, you are really hateful."

"It's okay? It seems that you are really strong!" Chu Tian laughed at it, and the black demon said, "Boy, as the master of the demon temple, I have enough confidence to destroy you."

"Then come on, don't just talk."

The black demon took a deep breath, and suddenly turned into countless black shadows. These black shadows collectively attacked Chu Tian from different directions, with terrifying power and speed.

Chu Tian hurriedly protected himself with the Wanshen Armor, allowing these attacks to come, and those attacks hit the Wanshen Armor heavily, leaving Chu Tian with nowhere to escape, but Chu Tian laughed there after resisting for a long time, "Do you want to continue?"

The black demon was already stunned. He never thought that Chutian could resist so well. Seeing the opportunity, Chutian gathered his strength and punched him again. The black demon was hit again, but he still stood firm and said, " Boy, you can't do anything to me."

"Really?" Chu Tian smiled slightly, and suddenly a red light flashed on his forehead, hitting the body of the monster, and for a moment the bloodstains flowed out from the monster's body little by little.

The black demon was frightened and stupid, and he said quickly, "Okay, I will tell you how to get to the cave of gods and demons."

"Wouldn't it be okay if I told you earlier?"

The black demon didn't dare to say anything more, but said, "There is a place in the demon god world called the demon god sky, that sky is very magical, but it can lead to the cave of gods and demons, but it is rumored that only humans have passed there, so I don't know if it is true or not. "

"I hope what you said is true." Chu Tian suddenly arrived beside it, intending to take it with him. The black demon was shocked, "Boy, you, what are you doing."

"Of course I want you to go together."

The black demon was not reconciled, "I, why should I go?"

"To prevent you from cheating." After Chutian finished speaking, he asked the black demon to lead the way, and the black demon was caught by Chu Tian at the moment, so he had no room to resist at all, so he could only lead Chutian forward there.

It went on like this for a few days, and the black demon pointed to a radiant void in front of him and said, "Look, that's it."

Chu Tian looked over, the void was different from other voids, and standing here, he could feel that there was divine energy, demonic energy, and even demonic energy in that void.

"This is the Demon God Sky?"

"Yes, the place that connects to the cave of gods and demons." The black demon said, Chu Tian took a leap and brought the black demon over, the black demon was frightened, "No, I don't want to go."

"Why?" Chu Tian asked while flying, and the black demon became nervous, "Then, we demons can't go to that place, otherwise we will be torn apart."

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Hei Yao was dumbfounded, "No, I don't want it."

But Chutian had already entered the light, and the black demon immediately swelled, as if he was suffering, but Chutian directly threw it into the space, and he stood in this magical space.

I saw that here, all the air in that space surged into his body, but Chu Tian stood there, looking around, very curious about how the sky was connected to the cave of gods and demons.

After a while, he saw a stone gate with three big characters "God and Devil Cave" on it. Chu Tian touched it with one hand, and his devilish aura became stronger. He wanted to swallow his body, but Chu Tian still held on. .

After about a while, Chutian entered the door with his whole body, and behind this door was a space tunnel. Chutian hoped that he had made the right mistake, so he took a leap and ran in the tunnel.

It went on like this for a few days. When Chu Tian reappeared, he returned to the cave of gods and demons, and he came to the fourth floor all at once according to the previous method, and finally looked to the fifth floor, where there was a teleportation platform.

"What's on the fifth floor?"

Chu Tian really hoped that once he went in, there wouldn't be any troubles again, otherwise he would have to come back all the time, and he would be bored if he didn't die.

So as soon as Chu Tian stepped onto the teleportation platform, he carefully watched the changes around him until the teleportation platform was like an elevator, instantly sending him to the fifth floor below.

In this fifth floor, it was dark, and the surroundings looked very gloomy.

"What is sealed on this fifth layer?"

(End of this chapter)

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