Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1765 Ghost Realm King

Chapter 1765 Ghost Realm King

The gloomy aura began to gather from all directions, and all of a sudden there were white skeletons around Chutian, and these skeletons stood there with purple eyes shining.

Then the skull's mouth moved up and down, as if saying something, but Chu Tian stared at them, "You are also sealed here?"

But these skeletons couldn't speak, Chu Tian sighed inwardly, "This cave of gods and demons is really not easy, even these can be sealed."

At this moment, the surrounding death breath became more and more intense, and a red shadow suddenly condensed in front of Chutian, and the red shadow was covered with countless shackles, which seemed to be in great pain, but she felt strange when she saw Chutian. Laughing, "I didn't expect that after so many years, there are still humans who can come here."

"Who are you."

"Me? King of the Ghost Realm, Hong Qiu."

"King of the Ghost Realm? Hong Qiu?"

"Speaking of which, you don't understand, it's a distant world, but it's all in the world of dead things."

Chu Tian looked at her puzzled, "Then why did you appear in the Shadowless Realm and be sealed here?"

"Do you think I want to? It's not those bastards who have taken over my world and sealed me and my people here."

Chu Tian became puzzled, "Your world?"

"Yes, that world was taken by them, and they said it was a very good place."

Chu Tian really wanted to know what the woman was talking about, so he asked, "Then what's the use of these people creating the Demon Cave and throwing you here?"

"How do I know what these guys are thinking." Hong Qiu resented, but Chu Tian seemed to be indifferent to everything, quietly staring blankly there.

"What? You don't believe what I said?" This Hongqiu stared at Chutian strangely, but Chutian replied, "It's not that I don't believe it, I'm just curious why they threw you here."

"Boy, it seems that you are not with them."

"What do you want to say?"

"If you're with them, I'll kill you right away." Hong Qiu said with a smile, but Chu Tian replied, "I'm here to find something."

"Oh? What?"

"It's probably on the ninth floor, not here."

Hong Qiu frowned upon hearing this, "I advise you to forget it, it's impossible."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is very simple. The sixth to ninth floors are not places that people can reach at all, and you can't even get out of the fifth floor."

Chu Tian looked around, as if there was no passage here, he asked, "Is this place closed?"

"Yes, it's closed, but boy, I have to remind you, don't walk around here, if you are not careful here, you may turn into bones, just like these guys."

Chu Tian glanced at these, "Could it be that these bones are all human beings?"

"Yes, it's sealed here."

Chu Tian touched a white bone curiously, but there was a strange aura on the white bone, like human beings, Chu Tian could even hear the people inside talking to him, "Let me, let me out."

Chu Tian tried to inject the power of an immortal seed, and that powerful vitality hit the skull directly, causing the skull to shatter instantly, and a person appeared inside, and that person looked at him in astonishment, "I, I came out. "

But after a while, he turned into a skeleton again, obviously there was some weird power here, but Chutian was fine, and that Hongqiu was stunned, she looked at Chutian in disbelief, "What a miraculous one people."

But Chutian received all these skeletons into his own space, and soon they recovered, and Chutian looked at Hongqiu, "What about you, do you need freedom?"

Hong Qiu smiled bitterly, "Forget it, these shackles of mine are the scariest thing here. As long as I move a little, I will feel uncomfortable all over, and it will be the same if others move it."

But Chu Tian said in disbelief, "That may not be the case."

Hongqiu looked at Chutian suspiciously, and Chutian took a deep breath, and stretched out his hand towards the shackles. At this moment, the shackles began to change, which made Chutian wonder what was so special about the shackles.

Seeing more and more shackles, both Chutian and Hongqiu were trapped there at once, which made Hongqiu look at Chutian in shock, "You should withdraw quickly, or you will really be unable to leave."

But Chutian said confidently, "There is nothing I can't break."

Then the purification system was turned on, and the clumps of power immediately disappeared from him, and Hong Qiu stared at Chu Tian strangely, "This, how is it possible."

"Nothing is impossible." After Chu Tian finished speaking, he looked at Hong Qiu again, and Hong Qiu showed a puzzled look, and then Chu Tian began to swallow the strength on the shackles.

After swallowing all the power, Hong Qiu was free, and Chu Tian also said completely free, "That's it."

The red ball stared at Chu Tian strangely for a while and then said, "You are the most amazing person I have ever seen."

"is it?"

"Yes, it's very amazing."

Chu Tian looked at her, "You have been here for so many years, do you know how to get to the sixth floor?"

Hong Qiu showed a dignified expression, "There is a place where there are always weird sounds, but I don't suggest you go there, it's not a good place."

"As long as you can go to the sixth floor, you can do anything."

"This." Hong Qiu was in a bit of a dilemma, but Chu Tian had already walked over, Hong Qiu had no choice but to follow behind, and Chu Tian could feel that Hong Qiu's power was not simple, especially after breaking away from these shackles, it was even more extraordinary.

Until Chutian came to a wall and put one hand there, he felt that the wall was invisible, which surprised Hongqiu, "How is it possible, is this place just fake?"

"It's probably an illusion." After Chu Tian finished speaking, he entered inside, and Hong Qiu also hurried in, but behind him were countless bones, all of which surrounded them, but their eyes were red, and they wanted to attack Chu Tian and the two of them. of.

Chu Tian immediately came out of the guqin, and the voices made the skeletons scream immediately, Hong Qiu's face changed drastically, she thought she was a strong ghost cultivator, but she couldn't escape the voice, she always felt that the voice would destroy herself, Even more and more uncomfortable, "It turned out to be that guy's piano."

"you recognize?"

"There was a guy among the crowd who arrested me back then, he called himself the God of the Qin, he made a strange Qin, this is it, but why is it here with you?"

Chu Tian was puzzled, "Qin God?"


After thinking for a while, Chu Tian said, "It seems that I have to study carefully later, what's going on."

Hong Qiu murmured in his heart, until after all the skeletons fell down, Chu Tian moved forward again, and at this time the passage on the sixth floor appeared.

But the sixth floor is even more weird. At the entrance, the two of them saw all kinds of lights flickering, red, white, black, blue, and even purple.

"It's a bit different." Chu Tian showed curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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