Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1766 Stone Beast

Chapter 1766 Stone Beast
As the ghost king, Hongqiu looked at Chutian worriedly, "This sixth floor is weird."

"Oh? Weird? I don't know what aspect you're talking about?" Chu Tian looked at Hong Qiu who didn't understand very well. Some force is affecting me."

Chu Tian hadn't entered the sixth floor yet, so he didn't know what was going on on the sixth floor, but he still calmed down and looked at Hongqiu, "Go in and have a look."

Hong Qiu nodded slightly, not daring to say anything more, but Chu Tian led the way. After walking for a certain distance, they came to a barrier surrounded by strange stars.

Here, people of various powers are sealed in these countless starlights, and the colors of these starlights represent the divine powers used in front of them. As for Hong Qiu, she wondered, "What the hell is going on here?"

"These starlights are probably seals." Chu Tian explained, and Hong Qiu's body began to be sealed little by little at this moment, as if it was going to be made into a ball.

Hong Qiu was frightened, "I was also affected, why, will you be fine?"

Chu Tian frowned when he saw the shrunken Hong Qiu, "You?"

"Here, what's going on?" Hong Qiu became restless at this moment, and Chu Tian grabbed her arm with one hand, that Hong Qiu's hand felt cold, but Chu Tian punched her with force.

The power of purifying the system brought Hongqiu back to normal little by little. When she was completely awake, she breathed a sigh of relief, "It's finally much better."

"It's fine." Chu Tian reassured, but Hong Qiu looked at Chu Tian puzzled, "What kind of power did you have just now? Why does it feel so miraculous."

"This is one of my skills." Chu Tian didn't explain too much, but put away his hands and looked around. That Hong Qiu didn't ask any more questions, but asked curiously, "What are you looking for? Why do you have to go to the first place?" Nine floors."

"I have to find something. If I don't find it, someone else will find it."

Hong Qiu wondered, "Could it be that there are other people who also want this thing?"

Chu Tianen said, but Hong Qiu thought for a while and said, "Who are you talking about?"

Speaking of this, Chu Tian couldn't help but looked at her and asked, "Has anyone been here before me?"

Hong Qiu shook her head, "No."

Chu Tian fell into deep thought, "It doesn't make sense. Normally, he came here before me, so it doesn't mean he's gone."

Hong Qiu looked at Chu Tian in surprise, "How is it possible, I was on the fifth floor before, and if someone comes in, I can sense it."

Chu Tian shook his head, "It seems that he is very strong, and he can pass you by without a sound."

"So, he has already passed the sixth floor?"

"Maybe, let's go." Chutian was even more curious at the moment. After speaking, Chutian continued to move forward, and Hongqiu quickly followed.

After a while, they saw a stele, and this stele was full of starlight, Hong Qiu didn't dare to approach, fearing that the starlight would swallow him up again.

Chu Tian looked around and said, "This is the only special place on the sixth floor."

Hong Qiu wondered, "Could it be that this leads to the seventh floor?"

Chu Tian nodded slightly, and then touched the stele with one hand, a strange force spread from the stele for a moment, and finally sent Chu Tian flying, and Hong Qiu was also shaken away.

When Chu Tian calmed down, he looked at Hong Qiu, "How is it? Are you all right?"

"It's okay, it's just the stele."

At this time, the stele started shaking, looking terrible, but Chu Tian glanced at it, "It's nothing, just look at me."

I saw Chutian passing by again, and the powerful force of the stone tablet was crazily shaking Chutian away, but Chutian stiffened countless powerful auras, and then approached the stone tablet little by little.

Until the terrifying power of the stele shook Chutian, Chutian still stood in front of the stele, allowing the force to hurt Chutian, but Chutian approached little by little as if nothing had happened, until Chutian grabbed the stele and pulled it up .

The stele immediately turned into a small stone, and finally a mud beast appeared on the small stone. It looked like a stone, and it suddenly became several people tall, then roared there, and finally stared at Chutian, "Damn it Human, you dare to break the seal here."

Chu Tian stared at it and asked, "Who are you?"

"I am a divine beast, a stone heavenly beast."

Chutian didn't want to pay attention to it, so he said, "I don't want to know what you are, but I want to tell you, whoever blocks me, I will kill him!"

That thing was completely annoyed, and even glared at Chu Tian, ​​"You, want to die?"

"I don't want to die, but let me tell you, it's not that easy for you to kill me!"

These words completely angered the stone beast, it roared, and countless huge boulders fell from the top of Chutian's head, wishing to crush Chutian into pieces, but Chutian still looked at the stone beast as if nothing had happened, "Think Kill me? Naive."

Chu Tian smashed the stones one by one, and the stone beast roared again, at this moment, Chu Tian moved, very fast, and disappeared in an instant.

When he reappeared, he had already come to the back of the Shi Tian Beast. The Shi Tian Beast was shocked, and when he reacted, Chu Tian had already penetrated into the Shi Tian Beast's body with streaks of soul-devouring white light.

Shi Tianshou screamed again and again, and then threatened, "Boy, all adults will not let you go."

"My lord? What lord?" Chu Tian pressed while attacking, and the stone beast snorted, "Of course he is the one who created the cave of gods and demons."

After hearing this, Chu Tian laughed and said, "Oh? Do you know this?"

At this time, Chutian's Guqin appeared, and the Shitian Beast was shocked, "Why do you have something from the Qin God?"

"It seems that you also know it, so let me tell you that I have been approved by it, and now I can use it as I like."

This stone beast didn't dare to believe it, "No, it's impossible, kid, just kidding!"

"Are you kidding me? Do you think I'm a joker?"

Shi Tianshou was anxious when he heard this, "It is impossible for an adult to recognize you, you, you must be talking nonsense."

"It seems that I don't need to explain anything to you."

After Chutian finished speaking, he continued to attack wildly, and the stone beast shrank little by little, and finally disappeared in front of Chutian, while Hongqiu looked at Chutian strangely, "What is it?"

"It is estimated that those guys used it to guard this place, but now it is attacked by me and it disappears."

"Disappeared? Where did you go?"

Chu Tian also wanted to know, but at this moment the entrance to the seventh floor had appeared, it was an abyss, and there was nothing below it, so Chu Tian looked at Hong Qiu, "Let's go."

Hong Qiu stood there staring at the entrance of the seventh floor, "Is there something more dangerous below?"

(End of this chapter)

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