Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1767 The Sealed World

Chapter 1767 The Sealed World
Chu Tian stared at the entrance, "Go down and talk about it."

I saw that Chutian had already jumped down, and if Hongqiu wanted to leave the cave of gods and demons safely, he had to follow Chutian, so he jumped directly from the entrance of the cave.

Inside the cave, the whole person was light and floating, and the speed of falling was very slow. Chutian there always felt as if something had affected him, but Chutian continued to fall, while that Hongqiu was a little worried.

Chu Tian surrounded Hong Qiu with a mass of strength, and reminded her, "Be careful, this fall may be dangerous."

That Hongqiu nodded, while Chutian continued to walk. At this time, there were gradually countless faces around him. These faces were very huge, like lights in the dark.

At the same time, these faces were very fierce, and they were still staring at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, who are you, why did you destroy the cave of gods and demons?"

"Boy, you actually have the magic weapon of Qin God, what kind of guy are you?"

"Qin God, where is it!"

All of a sudden, these guys were pressuring Chutian, insulting him, and even threatening Chutian there, but Chutian stared at these guys, "Guys, who are you guys?"

"Hmph, we are the creators of the Shadowless Realm."

"That's right, the Shadowless Realm is under our control, and no one is allowed to destroy it, and must abide by the rules here."

Chu Tian looked at them, "I didn't destroy it, I just prevented others from destroying it."

"Others? Do you think someone can get here?"

"Yes, but you don't know." Chu Tian was sure that the magic dragon must have come down, but he didn't know what method it used.

But those people didn't believe it. As for Chu Tian, ​​he said, "Okay, I won't talk nonsense to you, just tell me if the Nine Dragon Sword is on the ninth floor."

As soon as these words came out, those guys said strangely, "Boy, are you looking for the Nine Dragon Sword?"


"The Nine Dragon Sword is the most strange sword in the world, and it is composed of nine dragons. It is very scary. We sealed it back then because it was too scary, so don't even try to take it away."

"If I don't take it, someone else will." Chutian replied directly, and those guys immediately got angry, and some even said solemnly, "Boy, if you dare to move, I will seal you up too."

"Oh? Seal me? Then try it, I also want to see how you will seal me."

These words made those guys very angry, and someone even said, "Come on, let him see the sealing power of the seventh floor."

"it is good."

At this time, the surrounding faces disappeared, and then a series of powerful seals around her were like freezing spells, freezing Hongqiu there, making her motionless, and Chutian also seemed to have a strange force condensed on him.

But Chutian held back, until Chutian couldn't move at all, those guys laughed, and some guys said, "Boy, you see, this is strength, you can't resist it."

"Yes, you will only be sealed in dust on this seventh floor forever, and you will not be able to leave here."

Chutian laughed, and the purification on his body was still working there, which made those people a little shocked, and some even stared at Chutian strangely, "How is it possible, how can you break this seal."

At this moment, Chu Tian's body trembled, and his whole body said freely again, "Your seals are fine against ordinary people, but against me, it's impossible."

"If that's the case, then we have no choice but to destroy you."

"Destroy me?"

"Yes, look forward to it."

At this time, a huge ray of light flashed from the void, and the target was Chutian, but Chutian ignored the powerful ray and allowed the opponent to attack. When the attack hit Chutian heavily, Chutian's entire body Changed, as if to be distorted.

Those people laughed loudly, but the next moment Chu Tian absorbed these powers one by one as if nothing happened, and then said with a smile, "These sealing powers are at best the power of a god and demon, aren't they?"

"Boy, it seems that what you said is correct. This magical power is very different, but it is impossible to cause trouble in front of me."

"Really? Then no matter how much you make, I will swallow it."

These guys didn't believe it, and they made it crazy, and all these powers began to gather on Chutian, wishing to destroy Chutian, but Chutian smiled and said, "Come on, keep going, let me see How powerful are you guys?"

These guys, the majestic creators of the Shadowless Realm, couldn't suppress Chutian at this moment, and became madly angry there. Although Hongqiu was sealed, her thoughts were still alive, and she was looking at Chutian strangely at this moment .

Chu Tian looked at those guys with a smile, "What? Is that all you can do?"

Those guys were stunned. They never expected Chutian to be so terrifying, but Chutian smiled strangely, "Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense to you. Now I'll see if you can still suppress me."

After Chu Tian finished speaking, he grabbed Hong Qiu, and Hong Qiu took a deep breath after returning from freedom, "It's so dangerous."

Chutian led her to rush down, and those guys couldn't stop them, until Chutian saw a light, and when Chutian and Hongqiu fell down, they saw the stone pillars on the eighth floor.

"I didn't expect that the tunnel just now was the seventh floor, and this continent is the eighth floor." Chu Tian was surprised when he saw the surrounding continents, but Hong Qiu became excited, "This continent is our world."

"Your world?"

"Yes, they have occupied our world, but I didn't expect them to make this world into the eighth floor." That Hong Qiu looked unbelievable, and Chu Tian looked around, "This eighth floor, there is Anything special?"

"Our world is full of ghost cultivators, and ghost cultivators can get twice the result with half the effort here."

Chu Tian fell into deep thought, "Ghost cultivator? Could it be that some of them are ghost cultivators?"

"Looks like some, those guys, are pretty scary."

Chu Tian was very curious about who Hong Qiu was talking about. After about a while, suddenly countless troops appeared in front of him, and these troops were spirits one by one.

But at this moment, these spirits are there stupidly, as if being controlled by someone, and Chu Tian looked at Hong Qiu, "What do you think?"

Hong Qiu became serious, "This is the appearance of the soul after death, probably used by them for cultivation."


"Yes, it is estimated that the soul after death has been sucked in here." Hong Qiu guessed, but Chu Tian didn't expect such a thing.

At this time, the spirit army stopped in front, and suddenly a voice came from behind the spirit, "Boy, do you think it's amazing to reach the eighth floor?"

After Chutian looked at those spirits, he only saw a strange black stone floating there, as if controlling these spirits, which made Chutian couldn't help asking, "Who are you?"

"Me? Of course I'm the owner here!"

(End of this chapter)

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