Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1768 The 1th Floor that Disappeared

Chapter 1768 The Lost Layer

Chu Tian stared at the strange black stone and said with a smile, "Are you the owner of this place? In my opinion, you were just left here by others to guard it."

"Boy, no matter what you say, you will definitely die today anyway!" The man was furious, and then the black stone began to flicker with black light, and under this black light, the army began to go berserk.

"Kill! Kill!" All the spirits swarmed up, and all kinds of attacks were launched, Chu Tian was about to make a move, Hong Qiu said, "I'll do it."

I saw countless strange auras emanating from Hongqiu, and these auras spread little by little, and finally rushed towards those spirits, and these spirits seemed to be imprisoned by something, and began to stand there motionless.

Chu Tian looked at Hong Qiu curiously, and Hong Qiu explained, "I am a ghost cultivator, and I have a unique way to control the spirit."

Chu Tian didn't expect such a thing to happen, but the black stone snorted, "King of the Ghost Realm, do you think you really control these spirits? Then you are naive."

At this time, the owner of the voice released a more powerful aura, and these auras gradually made the spirits break away from Hong Qiu's control, and finally these spirits all flocked to that Hongqiu.

The black stone proudly said, "Go to hell!"

But Chutian was still very calm, and then a white soul-eating light hit those flying soul-eating white lights, and these soul-eating white lights began to devour those souls crazily there.

All these spirits frightened away immediately, not daring to approach that Hong Qiu, but Hong Qiu looked at Chu Tian in surprise, "What kind of attack are you doing?"

"I am something that the soul is afraid of." Chu Tian explained, but the black stone became anxious, "Damn it, I want you to die, die!
At this time, the air was filled with spirits, and then these spirits began to fall crazily, hitting Chutian and Hongqiu one by one, causing Chutian and Hongqiu to be blown away.

The black stone laughed triumphantly, "Boy, you see, this is what happens when you fight against us."

Chu Tian just got up and said, "It was just a mistake just now."

"Mistakes? Boy, these spirits of mine have been refined, do you think you can break through them easily? How naive."

Chu Tian did not speak, but made a move. He took out the Soul Eater Sword, which is a magic weapon, a sword that can be used to eat souls.

When the sword came out, all the surrounding spirits retreated automatically, that Chutian smiled slightly, "How is it? How do you feel?"

The black stone wondered, "Boy, what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything, I just want you to know that my magic weapon can destroy these spirits."

"Impossible, my soul is refined from countless souls of heaven and earth, and its power is extremely powerful."

"Returning the soul of heaven and earth, I think you are just stealing people's souls."

"Damn, go to hell." The black stone cursed, and then countless forces hit the remaining spirits again, and these spirits immediately began to gather together from all directions, and then formed a huge shield.

The shield stood there like a mountain, and countless spirits were dangling on it.

Hong Qiu was surprised when she saw it, "It's the Death Soul Shield. It is rumored that it can resist a very powerful force, and if it hits a person at the same time, it can also knock the person out of their wits."

"Oh? Is that so? Then I'll see how the other party will blow me away." Chu Tian looked at that Hong Qiu without worry, but that Hong Qiu was worried, "Are you really not afraid?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of." Chu Tian didn't take it seriously, but Hong Qiu hesitated and said, "Then you still have to be careful."

At this moment, the black stone snorted, "Go to hell."

At this time, the huge shield began to rush towards Chutian, and when it was about to touch Chutian, Chutian laughed strangely, and then stabbed at the shield with his sword.

All the spirit on the shield was sucked into the sword, which made the black stone unwilling, "I don't believe I can't destroy you."

Then a huge shield appeared again, but when it was about to touch Chutian, Chutian pierced it with a sword, and the last sword stirred, and all the spirits were sucked into the sword, and Chutian suddenly fell behind the stone, and slammed his sword hard. Hit it down.

The stone shattered and fell from its original place with a clang, and Chu Tian said with a smile, "How is it? Is it cool?"

At this time, a black light flew out of the stone and disappeared, but his voice said there, "Boy, do you think you can reach the ninth floor? That's impossible."

"Why not?"

"Ninth floor, not in this world, haha." The voice disappeared after finishing speaking, and Chu Tian was puzzled about the meaning of the words. As for that Hong Qiu looked at Chu Tian, ​​"How is it? He ran away?"

"Well, I ran away very cunningly."


But Chu Tian said, "It's okay, let's start looking for the entrance to the ninth floor."

But Hongqiu shook his head and said, "This eighth floor is our world. I saw it just now, and it is closed everywhere, and there is no entrance at all."

Chu Tian didn't believe in heresy, "It must have been hidden somewhere by them."

After Chutian finished speaking, he closed his eyes, and then opened his Tianyantong, but the place was empty, without a single entrance, which made Chutian serious, "Impossible, how is this possible."

Hongqiu didn't dare to hit Chutian, so he could only stay silent, and Chutian began to leap around until he finally landed on a rock.

I saw a few large characters written on the rock, "Ninth floor, not in this world."

"Not in this world? Where is it?" Chu Tian was very curious, but no one here explained to Chu Tian, ​​Hong Qiu looked at Chu Tian curiously, "Why don't you take out that Nine Dragon Sword and see how it works?" Something happened."

Chu Tianensheng took out the Nine Dragon Sword, and wanted to see if the Nine Dragon Sword could sense the soul of the Nine Dragon Sword that was sealed here.

At this time, the Nine Dragon Sword trembled, as if there was a sense, Chu Tian was overjoyed, and hurriedly took the Nine Dragon Sword to the place where it was sensed, but when he got there, he saw only one hole in the sword.

Chu Tian looked at the sword hole curiously, "Does this mean it can be put in?"

"do not know."

Chutian had no choice but to put down the sword, but at this moment the whole space trembled, as if it was about to collapse, Chutian stirred vigorously in doubt, and the sword twisted on the spot.

I saw that the sword sank little by little, and finally the earth was about to collapse completely, until the surroundings seemed to be broken like a mirror image, and Chu Tian and Hong Qiu suddenly appeared in an empty place.

Soon this empty place began to have forests, mountains, and people everywhere. That Hongqiu was surprised, "Shall we go back?"

"Back to the Shadowless Realm." Chu Tian became serious. He didn't expect the sword on the eighth floor to reverse and return to the starting point, but he didn't understand why it couldn't be found on the ninth floor.

At this time, there was a magic dragon sitting in a pavilion under a tree in front of him. He was making tea with a smile, as if waiting for someone to come, but when Chu Tian saw him, he immediately put away his sword.

(End of this chapter)

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