Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1785 The Dragon's Revenge

Chapter 1785 The Dragon's Revenge ([-])
There are many people in this hall at the moment, and all of them look like old guys. As for Lin Qingtian, he is only a junior in front of these people, and he even has to be respectful to them. This makes Chu Tian wonder who these people are who.

Lin Qingtian yelled, "Boy, when you see the ancestors of the Shenmeng, you are not being honest."

"Ancestor of the God Alliance?"

"Yes, what? Do you really think that Shenmeng has such little ability? Then you are very wrong." Lin Qingtian laughed at Chutian's ignorance, but Chutian glanced at these people, "These people are very strong, but so what."

Lin Qing had to do something, but the old man in white shouted in the crowd, "Wait a minute."

Lin Qingtian said anxiously, "Old Ancestor Yunji, if he doesn't teach him a lesson, he won't be honest."

"I know that, but don't worry, I have something to ask him."

Lin Qingtian could only grit his teeth and hum, while this man named Yunji stared at Chutian with his eyes slightly open like an old bone, "Boy, we are the ancestors of the Shenmeng, and all the people here are the hermits of the previous generation , I shouldn’t be in your business, but you took the seal of the gods and demons, we had to invite you here, please don’t mind.”

Chu Tian looked at Yun Ji who was respectful to him and said with a smile, "You are sensible and didn't yell at me, or I would leave if I was upset."

The people present almost lost their breath when they heard Chu Tian's words, but Lin Qingtian was annoyed, "Boy, don't push yourself too hard."

"Can you shut up for me? No one thinks you're dumb." Chu Tian rolled his eyes at the other party, and Lin Qingtian was so angry that he didn't know what to do. Yunji looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Young man, are you dumb?" Speak well, don't be so impulsive."

"The seal of the gods and demons is of great importance. I won't give it to you, so don't ask any more." Chu Tian answered the old man very simply, while Yunji frowned, "It's related to whether we can break through , Can you become stronger and break free from the shackles of life and death."

"What? Are you still afraid of death?"

"God, there will be a day of loss." Yunji sighed, and Chu Tian didn't know what loss the other party was talking about, but he said to everyone, "If you are so determined to find the seal of the gods and demons, you might as well think about it carefully." Don't let this Shadowless Realm collapse, or the consequences will be disastrous."

Everyone didn't know the meaning of Chutian's words, and that Yunji was also curious about what Chutian was talking about, so Chutian had no choice but to talk about the Wuying Realm and the outside world.

After hearing this, some people laughed, and even felt that Chu Tian was joking, while others said without fear, "What's the matter, as long as we go out and practice in a good place, we can also break through."

Some people even said selfishly, "Those powerful people come as soon as they come, and we just need to hide."

"Hiding? Then ask, how many people can hide in this world? And this world includes countless god realms, countless fairy realms, and even mortal realms. How many people exist?" Chu Tian suddenly felt that these people who said to hide Very villainous.

These words made those people look bad, and Lin Qingtian stared, "Boy, don't scare people. Don't tell me there are so many powerful people in our League of God, so we are afraid that people outside will fail."

"Ignorance is not terrible, but ignorant people are afraid of twittering and self-righteousness."

Lin Qingtian blushed, "Say it again!"

"I'm too lazy to argue with you." After Chu Tian finished speaking, he turned around to leave, but Lin Qingtian immediately looked at Yunji, "Old Ancestor."

The others were also waiting for Yunji's order, and Yunji fell into deep thought, until there was a sudden loud noise outside the hall, shaking the whole hall.

Everyone was curious about what happened, but Lin Qingtian was shocked, "What happened."

That Jin Kelian rushed out, and then came back, "I don't know why, there are cracks everywhere in the Shadowless Realm, and there are some terrible people, these people can bomb the people in the Shadowless Realm to scum."

"Could it be the rumored Saint Realm?" Some people were stunned, and these old monsters were all above Shadowless. Even so, they couldn't blow the people of Shadowless Realm into scum, but only the rumored Saints could do it.

Chu Tian didn't know what the Saint Realm they were talking about was, but he knew that these old monsters were no longer in the Shadowless Realm, and should be stronger than the Shadowless Realm.

So Chutian asked the system to identify it, and at this time the system flashed a pile of information.

"The first level of the god-flesh realm."

"The second level of the god-flesh realm."

"The third level of the god-flesh realm."

. . .

There are all kinds of god-flesh realms, but this ancestor is the strongest, at the ninth rank of god-flesh realm, Chu Tian watched silently until Yunji said to everyone, "Go out and have a look, I'll talk to him."

Everyone didn't know why Yunji wanted to chat with Chutian, and Yunji had given the order, so they had no choice but to disappear one by one.

After they left, Yunji looked at Chutian, "It seems that what you said is right, people from the outside world have rushed into our world, and they can easily kill people from the Shadowless Realm, so they should have Beyond the realm of the gods and flesh."

"Divine Flesh Realm?"

"Yes, above Wuying is physical body cultivation, and the physical body is the divine flesh realm. As for the divine flesh realm, it is the rumored divine blood realm. We have been staying in the divine flesh realm. These people are so powerful as soon as they appear, they should be at least It is also the Divine Blood Realm, and even the Divine Vein Realm, and it is possible to reach the rumored Saint Realm."

Chu Tian didn't expect the saint to be so much stronger than Wuying, and Yunji took a deep breath and said, "It seems that Wuying Realm is about to be invaded by outsiders."

Chu Tian guessed that it was the devil's fault, so he turned to leave, Yunji frowned, "Where are you going?"

"If these people are really in the blood realm of God, do you think you guys in the realm of God and flesh can resist it?"

"But you are invisible."

"Although I have no shadow, it's not a problem to deal with you gods." Chutian said confidently. Yunji didn't know whether what Chutian said was true or not, but something had happened, so he had no choice but to go out together, " Let's go and have a look."

When Chutian came outside, there were many cracks in the surrounding space, and some cracks were only slightly opened, but not fully opened, but even so, people outside could easily come in, but some people seemed to be stuck there and couldn't get in.

At this time, the magic dragon landed in front of Chu Tian and said with a smile, "Boy, I said, I will break the seal, you believe it now."

"You're such a villain."

"Of course, I'm doing all this for myself."

"You thought they'd let you go?"

"Then don't worry, I only destroyed part of it. Now it is estimated that at most people in the blood realm can come in. People who exceed this realm will not be able to step in here because their cultivation base is too high. So, I still can't protect myself." The problem is that most people in Wuying Realm will probably fall down one by one." The magic dragon laughed heartily.

(End of this chapter)

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