Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1786 Outsmarting

Chapter 1786 Outsmarting ([-])

Chu Tian looked around, and sure enough, all the ones coming in were at the Divine Blood Realm, which was stronger than those at the Divine Flesh Realm, and although this demon dragon was at the Divine Flesh Realm, it had many means, and there was no problem in self-protection.

"What? Don't you believe it?" The demon dragon laughed when he saw Chu Tian was in a daze, and Chu Tian regained his senses and looked at the demon dragon, "Do you think your goal has been achieved?"

"I want to tell you that this is what you will end up with when you deal with me." The dragon was proud in front of him, but Chu Tian replied, "Then I will destroy these guys."

"Destroyed? Don't be kidding, do you know how big the outside world is, how many people like this are there? Still want to be destroyed? You are so whimsical."

Chutian had already taken out the Soul-devouring sword at this time, and the demon dragon was so frightened that he left quickly when he saw the Soul-devouring sword. He was afraid of being hurt by Chutian, and Chutian came directly to the cracks in the air holding the sword.

"This space can only be entered but not exited?" Chu Tian muttered curiously, so he tried it, and sure enough, he felt that there was a barrier blocking him, but Chu Tian had a purification system. After he tried it, he found that this barrier, he only needed After a while, I was able to pass through and was overjoyed.

At this time, Yunji came to Chutian's side and asked doubtfully, "What are you doing?"

"If you want to stop these guys from coming in, I have to go out and stop them." Chu Tian explained, Yunji was surprised, "Go out? Stop them? Can you go out?"

Chu Tian smiled without saying a word. With a leap, he passed through the space crack and disappeared there. That Yun Ji was shocked and dared not speak, "He, he really went out."

The magic dragon in the dark cursed, "Damn it, he can go out!"

Chu Tian was standing in a starry sky, and there were countless spaceships floating in front of the starry sky.

These spaceships floated there like huge mountains. As for the huge barrier of light behind Chutian, Chutian sighed, "It is not easy for the ancestor of the gods and demons to create such a large barrier."

Just as Chu Tian was sighing, a group of big men shouted from ahead, "Look, someone has come out, grab him."

"catch him!"

Suddenly a group of people stepped forward, and most of these people were from the Divine Blood Realm, and there were even Divine Vein Realm sitting not far away.

These divine veins have a very powerful aura, which can be felt by Chu Tian from far away.

Chu Tian also knew that he was no match for these people, so he quickly disappeared from his original position and returned to the barrier.

Those people cursed, and after Chutian returned to the Shadowless Realm, that Yunji asked curiously, "How is it? What did you find?"

"There are many scary people out there, much scarier than the ones coming in now." Chu Tian said solemnly, while that Yun Ji showed a strange look, "So, we are hopeless here."

Chu Tian looked at the people who came in one after another, "Yes, defeat these god-blood realms and let them know that they are not allowed to come here."

"Easier said than done, each of these people is very scary."

"Don't you have the power of the gods?" Chu Tian asked back, and Yunji said awkwardly, "The power of the gods can only be used for a limited number of times a day, and there are so many of them, so we are."

Chutian didn't intend to count on them after hearing this, but Chutian could only ask, "These guys are here mainly for resources."


"Well, I guess they came to plunder."

Yunji was shocked, but at this moment Chutian saw a person in the divine blood realm with a low cultivation base directly kill someone and then plundered away all the magic weapons from that person, and even some divine stones and other energy-bearing items. Stones are taken away.

Chutian leaped over to stop him, and the man was older than Chutian, but he was very fierce, he looked like a bandit, "Boy, are you here to die?"

Chu Tian asked the system to make a detailed appraisal, "Ding~Tu Fei II, the second level of divine blood."

Chu Tian then looked back at him, "Your name is Tu Feier, you're right."

This Tu Feier stared at Chu Tian and asked strangely, "How do you know?"

Chutian knew that the only way now was not to kill him, but to make him feel that he was a magical person. If he wanted to make the other party feel that he was a magical person, Chutian suddenly had an idea, "Of course, I not only know your name , and I saw that you were injured."

When this Tu Feier was fighting with others just now, his arm was indeed bleeding, but it was poisoned, which made his arm temporarily unable to move. He needed to go back and force the poison slowly, so he snorted, "Even a fool can see it."

"Oh? Then I said that I can restore you in an instant?"

"Recover me in an instant? Boy, do you think you are a miracle doctor? You can also recover me in an instant!"

Chu Tian laughed, "I'm serious."

Tu Feier wondered what the hell this kid was doing, but he thought that he was injured now, and if he met some powerful guys again, he might not be able to escape. In addition to Chu Tian's shadowless state, he didn't care He said in his eyes, "Okay, come here and treat me. If it's cured, I'll let you go. If it's not good, I'll kill you."

Chu Tian stretched out his hand, "Give me your hand."

That Tu Fei Er stretched out his hand in doubt, when Yun Ji came, he asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to heal him." When Chu Tian said this, Yunji couldn't understand immediately, "You want to heal him? Isn't this hurting us?"

"Look at it." Chutian smiled, but Yunji couldn't understand it, and Tu Feier was also wondering what Chutian was going to do. At this time, Chutian directly injected the power of the immortal seed into his body.

According to Tu Feier's injury, he recovered crazily, healed up immediately, and the wound healed, that Tu Feier suddenly looked at Chutian in surprise.

This Yunji was also dumbfounded, they never thought that Chutian would be so scary, and Chutian looked at Tu Feier and said with a smile, "How about it, my medical skills are not bad."

"You kid, you have some skills." That Tu Feier couldn't believe it.

Chu Tian looked at Tu Feier with a smile, "Then do you have to thank me?"

Tu Feier suddenly became gloomy, "What do you want to do, kid?"

"Don't be nervous, I just want to have a good talk with you people from the outside world."

"Talk about what?"

"You can come here but not go out, but I have a way to go out, do you want to be trapped here forever?" Chu Tian asked back, that Tu Feier was dubious, rushed to the barrier, and after he couldn't go out, his expression changed drastically. But Chutian can come in and out freely.

Tu Feier asked strangely, "How did you do it?"

"This is my secret."

Tu Feier felt that Chutian was not an ordinary person, so he stared at Chutian, "What exactly do you want me to do?"

"It's very simple, those people belong to your group, right?"

"Yes, we belong to Nine Clouds Sect."

"Okay, you go and tell the people who come in that you can only enter but not exit here. If you want to go out, stop looting and come to me, otherwise don't go back!" Chutian said the last word with a heavy tone .

(End of this chapter)

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