Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1794 Shocking the group of monsters

Chapter 1794 Shocking the group of monsters
The master of Jiuyunmen showed a helpless expression, "I am afraid that the divine beast will never return after stepping into the extreme ice cave."

"Brother, you are still talking for that kid at this time!" Qingrong became angry, and the door master sighed, "I said, brother, the Extreme Ice Cave is the land of the monster race, and humans dare not step in in many parts of our world. But the Yaozu can, do you think there is any way for me to get in?"

Hearing what the sect master said, Qingrong also knew that it was impossible to catch Chutian, so he could only say angrily, "Senior brother, if you didn't stop me many times before, I would be fine."

"Okay, this is the end of the matter, let's let it go." After the door master finished speaking, he turned and left, which made Qingrong wonder why his senior brother was still so calm when the beasts disappeared.

Wanting to figure it out, Qingrong still flew out, followed the pace of the sect master and asked him about the situation, but the sect master left as if he didn't know anything.

On the contrary, it was very cold in the cave where Chutian was located. The divine beast reminded, "This extremely ice cave is just one word, cold, and it is very effective for the cloud and mist breathing method."

Chutian could only continue to move forward, and at the same time operate according to the mental method, and soon there were small clouds all over his body, but not many, which made the beast curious, "How did you do it?"

"I can learn quickly, but I'm not strong enough, I have to continue."

The beast thought this was incredible, but at this moment there was a faint light in the dark ahead, and at the same time a powerful breath came from the faint light.

"A monster, and a powerful one." The divine beast immediately became frightened, while Chu Tian stared at it curiously, "I came here to practice, don't bother me, and I won't bother you either."

But there was an ear-piercing voice inside, "Humans still want to come here to practice? Don't you know that humans and us monsters are incompatible?"


"Yes! So you must die." Suddenly a thorn flew out, Chu Tian quickly dodged, and at this time a huge shadow appeared in the cave, it was a bumblebee.

The wasp still had frost on its body, and its tail could condense ice thorns at any time. Seeing this, the divine beast reminded Chu Tian, ​​"Be careful, this is a methamphetamine bee. Once its stinger penetrates the human body, the person will be paralyzed and left to be slaughtered." .”

"It's so powerful?" Chutian didn't believe it, but the beast stood behind Chutian in fear. The wasp saw that Chutian was not only not afraid, but also tried to compete with him, he smiled strangely, "A weak human , dare to be so rampant in front of this monster."

Chutian still ignored it, but now the poisonous hornet was not happy, and suddenly shot countless needles from its tail at a very fast speed, and even locked on Chutian from all directions, not giving Chutian a chance to dodge.

Chu Tian laughed, "You want to kill me like this? It's too naive."

After saying this, the beast armor on Chutian's body flickered, and a piece of armor appeared around him, and these flying needles hit the armor one by one, but Chutian was fine, and the flying needle didn't enter Chutian's body.

"Well, you bastard, you have such armor."

Chu Tian laughed, "Not only do I have this armor, I will also let you experience what is called the Ten Thousand Beasts."

At this moment, countless beast souls burst out from Chu Tian's body, and the target was this poisonous bee. The poisonous bee instantly felt uncomfortable, and even looked terrified.

The beast was stunned when it saw it, "How did you do it?"

"This is a secret." Chu Tian didn't say much, and then stared at the poisonous bee. The poisonous bee was so frightened that it wanted to run away immediately, but Chu Tian teased, "Want to leave? Is it possible?"

Chu Tian moved quickly, blocked the poisonous bee, and then the Soul Devouring Sword restrained his soul, and the other party immediately panicked, "Boy, you, what the hell are you trying to do?"

"I want to know where the coldest place is here."

The poisonous bee looked at Chutian strangely, "Where is the coldest place?"


But the other party hesitated and looked at Chu Tian, ​​"That place is extraordinary, if you go there, you will definitely die."

But Chu Tian replied, "This is my business, you don't need to say more."

The poisonous bee thought about it, why not let Chutian go there first, and let him die there, so the poisonous bee said to Chutian, "Okay, I will take you there."

The poisonous bee gritted its teeth and had no choice but to lead the way. In this extremely ice cave, there are many monsters. These monsters are curious about how the poisonous bee lured a human to come here, so they are questioning one after another, and some monsters even come out to point out Looking at the poisonous bee, "What are you doing?"

"He's going deep."

All the monsters were surprised, and some monsters wanted to eat humans when they saw them, so a spider ran out and made a strange smile, "It's better to eat it for me."

But the poisonous bee said, "If you have the ability, you can eat it."

The spider thought that the poisonous bee was joking, so it suddenly sprayed out countless poisonous threads to envelop Chutian. Seeing this, the poisonous bee wondered whether Chutian would leave.

But something unexpected happened, Chutian didn't move, but the flames on his body flickered, and the net was burned up little by little, which shocked all the monsters present, and couldn't even believe that this human being had such a big ability.

But Chu Tian farted with his sword, the spider's body was separated, and the demon soul was sucked into the soul-devouring sword. The demons present were frightened and dodged around, and the divine beast admired it, "You are so powerful, you can stun even the demons at once. .”

"It's nothing more than that." Chu Tian didn't take these monsters seriously, but the poisonous bee snorted in his heart, "Arrogant and conceited human beings, when you go to the depths and see the big guys there, you have to be scared gone."

Chu Tian didn't know what the poisonous bee was thinking, instead he walked forward step by step, and after a while they came to the entrance of a cave.

There was a cold air exuding from the hole, and the cold air was obviously extraordinary, even the poisonous bees moved slowly there.

Chu Tian was still able to move forward, until the poisonous bee became dull in mid-air and he said, "I can't continue, otherwise I'll be frozen here and I won't be able to leave."

"What do you need to do to leave?" Chutian restrained him directly with a force, and the poisonous bee was originally slow here, but after being controlled by Chutian, he cursed, "You, you backtracked."

"I didn't say I'd let you go." Chutian replied bluntly, the poisonous bee was so angry that he cursed all kinds of things, but Chutian looked at the old man of the beast, he was still fine, obviously he had already gotten used to it after learning to breathe out clouds and mists. The environment is the same.

So Chu Tian didn't worry about his safety, but asked, "Let's go in now."

But the old man of the beast said, "There seems to be a big guy in here, it should be an old monster, right?"

Chu Tian didn't know, but he still wanted to go in, and he looked at the poisonous bee and asked, "Tell me, what's inside!"

(End of this chapter)

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