Chapter 1795
The poisonous bee had no choice but to look at Chu Tian, ​​"There's an old monster with a very ice cave inside! He, he's very scary!"

"How scary?"

"Anyway, the people who went in have never come out." The poisonous bee said to himself, but Chutian didn't take it to heart, and said, "This is not a problem for me."

After Chutian finished speaking, he threw the poisonous bee into the space, but the beast old man looked at Chutian, "You, really want to go in?"

Chu Tianen said, and the old man of the beast had no choice but to remind, "It's very dangerous inside, you should take care of it yourself."

Chu Tian was not worried, instead, he got the old man of the beast into the space, and then he walked into the inner cave step by step, but it was really cold inside, and there were even countless powerful cold currents everywhere.

These air currents hit Chu Tian one by one, making Chu Tian tremble.

"The coldness alone is countless times that of the outside." Chu Tian sighed secretly, and at this moment a voice in front said, "I have been here for many years, and there has never been a human being as courageous as you who dared to come here."

After hearing the voice but unable to see the other party, Chu Tian said, "I think you should come out."

"I've already come out, it's just that you are too weak to find me."

Chu Tian was dignified, and that guy said again, "You humans have the Divine Blood Realm, the Divine Vein Realm, and saints and the like. According to my strength, I guess it is no worse than your human saints."

Chu Tian has seen a saint before, but this saint is very powerful, even the devilish Monkey King is vulnerable in front of him.

So Chu Tian didn't believe the other party's words, "Saint, the strength is very strong, how can it be compared to you."

"Oh? Boy, you don't believe in my ability."


"Okay, very good, then I'll play with you guys." The monster said two good words in a row, and then the surrounding air became more and more cold, and this cold air began to freeze Chutian.

But the demon teased, "Young man, you have also seen that your ability can't resist even one of my attacks."

"Really? Then you underestimate me too." Chutian laughed strangely. At this time, the flames on Chutian's body flickered, and the ice melted little by little. It can melt ice."

"It's okay, I won't be killed by you at will."

"Good boy, I hope you can still stand here next moment."

At this time, countless cold air suddenly turned into storms in front of him, and these storms suddenly rushed in front of Chutian, and then wanted to blow Chutian into the air, but Chutian quickly stood still, and even stared at him and said with a smile, "Is that so?"

"Boy, you are quite capable, and I admire you very much, but."

"but what?"

"The more brave you are, the more I want to torture you slowly, let your will wear down, and finally die before my eyes."

Chu Tian didn't speak, but looked into the dark, "Come if you have any skills, I'll follow."

At this time, there was another cold storm, but this time it was stronger than before, and even wanted to knock Chu Tian away, but when Chu Tian opened the Ten Thousand Beast Armor, the opponent's attacks on Chu Tian were weakened one by one.

"What are you wearing, kid?"

Chu Tian ignored it, but took out the Soul Eater Sword, "I'll show you my magic weapon."

The demon in the dark was startled, "Boy, you are not an easy soldier."

"Of course, and it can kill you!"

As soon as the monster heard Chu Tian's loud tone, he laughed, "Boy, kill me? You have big eyes."

At this time, a demon figure appeared, and its body was covered in ice blocks, and it was impossible to see its face clearly. It could only see countless tentacles under its feet, which looked like octopus tentacles, but they were a little different.

"How is it? Great, isn't it?"

But Chutian said, "In my eyes, monsters are nothing to be afraid of."

Chu Tian struck out with a sword, and the powerful sword energy flew towards the monster, but the monster directly sent Chu Tian's sword energy flying, and then teased, "Boy, you still want to fight against me with your little ability?"

"It seems that we still have to use that trick."

"What trick?" The monster didn't understand, but Chu Tian had already taken out the whip, and then threw it at the monster. The monster ignorantly grabbed the whip, but the moment the whip touched it, the monster immediately screamed, "Asshole, Boy, you."

"How is it? Do you feel comfortable?"

This evil spirit came to my mind, "Boy, who are you and why do you have this magic weapon."

"Ask me now, isn't it too late?" Chu Tian struck out again with his sword, but the demon roared angrily, making Chu Tian retreat a few steps in an instant, but Chu Tian still struck out with the whip.

The monster didn't dare to touch it again, so it could only hum, "I won't play with you anymore, go to hell." After the monster finished speaking, he immediately stepped aside to attack Chutian.

But Chutian swung his whip again, a huge snowball appeared in front of the monster, and then directly attacked Chutian, Chutian was bounced on the spot and left the cave.

The old demon in the cave didn't dare to come out, so he could only say, "Boy, I can't kill you, and you don't even want to come in."

"No one can stop me from where I want to go." After Chutian finished speaking, he had already entered the cave again, but the old demon was annoyed and looked at Chutian, "Go to hell!"

This time the old demon was already prepared, and stabbed Chu Tian with its tentacles. The attack was very terrifying. If Chu Tian hadn't turned into nothingness, he would have been pierced right now.

The old demon looked around after seeing Chutian's ability to disappear immediately, "Boy, do you think I won't know your whereabouts if you hide?"

"I don't know, but I can tell you that it will be very difficult for you to kill me." After Chutian finished speaking, he ran to the depths of the cave. The old demon cursed after seeing Chutian's purpose, "Bastard!" , want to go in? Court death!"

Chutian ignored it, but this old demon wanted to kill Chutian, wishing that Chutian would die immediately, but Chutian continued to turn into nothingness, until the place became colder and colder, the old demon did not dare to move forward. Threatened there, "Boy, if you go in, you are courting death."

"Don't you want me to die?" Chu Tian teased there, and now the old demon was furious, but Chu Tian turned around and looked at the other party with a smile and said, "Goodbye."

The old demon was not reconciled, and roared there, but he had no choice but to watch Chu Tian disappear into the depths of the cave, and Chu Tian took a deep breath, "Fortunately, this guy can't step into this depth, otherwise he wouldn't Know how to practice here."

The old demon there didn't know what Chutian was thinking, but was thinking about how to wait for Chutian to come out, and Chutian continued walking for a while before reaching the end of the cave, where there was snow everywhere.

When Chutian just stopped, his whole body was covered with ice, which made Chutian sigh, "It's really extraordinary."

(End of this chapter)

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