1796 - Strange water
After Chutian sighed for a while, he began to swallow the clouds and mist, and the surroundings were gradually filled with mist, which was thicker than before. Chutian took a deep breath, and then exhaled again, just like this.

As time passed, the clouds and mists around Chutian gradually increased. After a few months, the cave was full of clouds and mists. Not only that, Chutian could also know the location of any object in the clouds and mists through these clouds and mists. movement.

For example, when the old monster in the cave was in the cloud, Chu Tian knew his every move. Not only that, but the old monster couldn't know the exact location of Chu Tian. This is the magic of the cloud.

This made Chutian walk in the clouds and mist very satisfied, and even if the old demon was more than ten steps away, the old demon hadn't noticed it until Chutian got closer, and the old demon looked around in surprise, "Boy, You're out."

"It seems that you are still very powerful, so you can know that I am nearby." Chu Tian teased, and the old monster squinted and snorted, "Boy, don't sneak around in front of me, tell you, I can kill you at any time you."

"Oh? Is that so? Then you come here. I'll see how you find me." Chutian really wanted to try the power of the cloud, and that old demon was looking for Chutian's whereabouts.

But after a while, the old demon still couldn't determine Chutian's location, so he could only curse there, "Boy, believe it or not, I will kill you."

"Okay, then you can try it." Chu Tian teased, the old demon became annoyed, and even snorted, "Okay, if you want to do this, then I will tear you apart."

The old demon immediately made a move after speaking, and rushed to Chutian's position, and Chutian moved quickly, and the other party was naturally in the air. The old demon was not reconciled, and was still yelling, "Boy, believe it or not, I will kill you!" .”

"Really? Then you come, I also want to see how you killed me."

The old demon went crazy, the aura on his body began to spread everywhere, and the tentacles extended to other places, wishing to kill Chutian, but Chutian was moving around in the clouds, it was difficult for the other party's tentacles to touch him, and he couldn't even touch him. find his place.

"Are you going to continue?"

The old demon was completely convinced, and even looked around in fear, "Boy, I won't fight you anymore, you can go."

"Go? What? You want me to go now?"

"I didn't hurt you, so why are you chasing me?" The old demon was in a hurry, but Chutian didn't want to just leave, and even teased, "No hurry, let's have a good chat."

The old demon stared and cursed, "What do you want to talk about?"

"Talk about something interesting." This Chutian laughed, and the old demon was depressed, "Speak."

"What's in this extremely ice cave, and why is it so cold?" Chu Tian asked. After all, the beast doesn't know what's in the extremely ice cave. Become stronger, so Chutian wants to know the secret.

The old demon hesitated for a moment when he heard this, and then said, "Why should I tell you?"

"Oh? So, you're not going to tell me?"


Chu Tian sneered, "If that's the case, then I don't want to be polite to you."

Seeing Chu Tian's expression, the old demon suddenly said in his heart, "What do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything, I just want you to know that if you don't tell me, I will torture you one by one, and finally kill you."

The old demon was extremely depressed, so he had no choice but to say, "There is a secret passage hidden here, and the place where the secret passage leads is a place full of cold air. At the same time, there is a magic weapon hidden in this cold air. What is it specifically? I don't know either, I just know that anyone or a demon who tried to go in is dead."

Chu Tian didn't expect that there was a secret way here, so he asked, "Tell me, where is this secret way."

"Do you really want to die?"

"Say it."

The old demon was forced to have no choice but to say, "Then you put away the cloud and mist."

"You have a good idea, you just need to tell me where it is."

The old demon cursed in his heart, and could only say, "In this tunnel, there is a stone wall, and there is a tunnel in this stone wall, as long as you push through this tunnel, you can enter this tunnel."

"Which stone wall."

"There's a spooky totem on the wall, and it's going to glow blue."

Chu Tian immediately searched in the clouds, quickly confirmed the location, and then laughed, "Okay, I'll go first, and I won't play with you."

When the cloud and mist disappeared, Chu Tian also left, and the old demon looked around depressedly, "Damn it, I'm a big monster, and I'm scared by a human."

At this time Chutian was very satisfied, because his move could confuse the strong man, at least the strong man could not attack him, and he could easily know every move of the strong man.

"This cloud method is really not simple." Chu Tian came to a totem very satisfied, then pushed away the stone wall of the totem, and disappeared behind the stone wall.

After walking for a while, Chu Tian found that there were more and more cold air, and the cold air was very strong, which made him move very slowly.

"It should be here." Chutian walked forward step by step with a look of surprise. After about a while, Chutian came to the front, and a pool of water appeared in front of him soon.

The water in the pool did not freeze, but the surrounding walls were covered with ice, which shocked Chu Tian, ​​"It's amazing, what's going on?"

Chu Tian couldn't figure it out, but he still wanted to continue, so he walked slowly to the side of the pool, staring at the water in the pool, "It should be here."

When Chu Tian touched the water with his hand, his whole body froze, and he was like an ice sculpture. He stood motionless there, and Chu Tian gasped, "It's too cold."

Fortunately, the flames in Chutian's body dissipated immediately, and the cold disappeared little by little, and soon Chutian recovered, but he didn't understand why the water was fine and why he was fine.

This made him ponder, "Could it be that these liquids are special liquids? Won't they freeze?"

Thinking of this, Chu Tian guessed that it might really be a liquid problem, so he turned on the purification system, and the pool became different after a while.

"It's interesting." That Chutian laughed, and with the assistance of the purification system, he seemed to be fine, and he entered the water with his whole body.

After a while, he saw a ring underwater. This ring was water blue and emitted a faint blue light.

Chu Tian curiously picked up the ring, and there was an eagle mark on the ring, Chu Tian wondered, "What does this eagle represent?"

Chu Tian couldn't help but wanted to refine it, but when the system told him that it would be refined for tens of thousands of years, he gave up completely, "No way, a ring has been refined for tens of thousands of years, so isn't this ring very precious?"

(End of this chapter)

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