Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 465 One Move is Scary

Chapter 465 Scary as soon as you make a move (determination)

At this time, a middle-aged man in blue clothes flew in the air, and there were two small goat horns on his head. Chu Tian thought it was a goat demon.

Not only that, but the demonic energy on the opponent's body flickered, and the devil boy was shocked when he saw this person, "No way, I met him when I first came here."

Chu Tian was curious about who it was, and when the middle-aged man saw the devil boy, he said angrily, "Ye Luosheng, what do you mean, are you walking with a righteous person?"

Mo Tong smiled, "Uncle Yang, this, my eldest brother, wants to come to your Shadow Demon Sect to play, so let me lead the way."

Yang Yan is exactly the identity of this person, and at the same time, he is the second person in the Distracted Realm on the Demon Sealing List, Yang Meng's uncle.

This was Chutian's one-on-one introduction when Mo Tong was chatting with the other party, but Chutian obviously didn't take it seriously.

Instead, Yang Yan snorted, "Brother? Do you consider someone of the righteous way to be your eldest brother? You are really amazing!"

The devil boy smirked and said, "He is powerful, so."

"Awesome? What's so great about just a person in the out-of-body period!"

The devil boy said helplessly, "Uncle Yang, I advise you not to talk about him like that, otherwise I won't be able to save you when you suffer."

Yang Yan became even more angry when he heard this, "We won the Shadow Demon Sect and are still looking for him, do you think I will be afraid of him?"

"Uncle Yang, I'm telling you the truth."

Yang Yan didn't bother to pay attention, but said, "Let me take him down today and hand him over to the suzerain."

After finishing speaking, a long spear appeared in Yang Yan's hand, and then he danced. In an instant, a huge fire dragon flew in the air, and the people around the Shadow Demon Sect were stunned.

"Look, Guardian Yang is about to make a move."

"Guardian Yang's most powerful is the Yang family's marksmanship, Huo Tianlong, whoever is touched by that flame will be unlucky!"

"Of course, Huo Tianlong is very scary."

Seeing this, the devil boy hurriedly said to Chu Tian, ​​"Brother, be careful, this flame is a spiritual fire, and it is very strange, it can dance with the spear, even if he wants, the flame can immediately appear beside you and swallow you up, Then you are either seriously injured, or feel uncomfortable all over."

But Chu Tian said, "What's there to be afraid of?"

When that Yang Yan heard that Chu Tian dared to ignore him, he said angrily, "Let you try it first."

In an instant, the fire dragon suddenly came in front of Chutian, and then opened its mouth wide to swallow Chutian, but Chutian opened it directly.

Then the so-called spear fire dragon was swallowed by Chutian's flames on the spot, leaving only the stunned crowd.

The devil boy said with admiration, "Brother, you always scare people when you make moves."

But that Yang Yan said angrily, "Go to hell."

The long spear disappeared suddenly, and when it reappeared, it was already in front of Chu Tian. If it was an ordinary person, it would have been shot through long ago, but Chu Tian grabbed it with one hand, and after holding it, he said with a smile, "It's a pity, treasure. "

That Yang Yan said proudly, "Boy, do you dare to grab my magic weapon? Then you are finished."

Some people around knew that this magic weapon had another use and said with a smile, "This kid is going to die."

At this moment, the tip of the long spear flew out suddenly and directly rushed into Chu Tian's body.

That Yang Yan laughed wildly, "My spear is composed of two parts, and the tip of the spear can attack the soul, so once it enters your body, it can directly swallow your soul."

The devil boy was startled when he heard that, "Brother, you, are you okay?"

As a result, Chu Tian flicked his other hand, and a gun head appeared, but it had already turned into scrap iron. Yang Yan was dumbfounded, "How is it possible, my gun head can attack people's souls."

The strongest thing about Chutian is the soul, he is not afraid of any soul attack, he naturally doesn't pay attention to such a small thing, and smiled, "And your long spear."

The spear turned into ruins in front of everyone on the spot, and the demon boy couldn't help but sigh, "It's a good thing I didn't chase you because of the demon killing order."

Chu Tian rolled his eyes, "If you killed me, would you still be standing here?"

The demon boys shook their heads one after another. At this moment, Yang Yan became furious. Just as he was about to explode, Chu Tian said with a smile, "I'll show you what it means to attack the soul."

At this time, ten flying knives flew out, and then entangled around that Yang Yan, but Yang Yan attacked these flying knives, and said proudly, "You still want to attack me like this? It's ridiculous."

Only then did the members of the Shadow Demon Sect heave a sigh of relief, while Chu Tian smiled, "Oneness!"

At this time, ten flying knives suddenly entered Yang Yan's body together. Yang Yan's eyes widened on the spot, and then the air hole bled. Before his soul disappeared completely, Yang Yan shouted, "My nephew will not let you go, ah!"

In the end, Yang Yan died with resentment, and Chu Tian retracted the Shadowless Flying Knife. The Shadow Demon Sect present were all scared and hid, while Mo Tong looked at Chu Tian in shock, "You are more ruthless than anyone else."

"Then look at who, if it were you, would I do this?"

The devil boy smiled awkwardly, "No, no."

Chu Tian showed a devilish smile, which made Mo Tong's heart skip a beat, and Chu Tian looked forward and shouted, "Where are the sect master of the Shadow Demon Sect and the elders? They won't be hiding, right?"

Those Shadow Demon disciples looked at each other in blank dismay, until one whispered, "They are retreating in a forbidden place."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "Forbidden place? Where is it?"

"Here, in the innermost cemetery of the mountain range."


"Yes, the Shadow Demon Sect Mausoleum."

Chutian had no choice but to pack up his mood and go over. Mo Tong stopped him and said, "Brother, this mausoleum is unusual."

"Is there anything special?"

"Each sect has a mausoleum, which is reserved for some old fellows of the sect. When they die, they will cultivate powerful souls in a special way, so that after their bodies die, their souls can still remain, so the souls will be Very powerful."

Chu Tian laughed and said, "Strong soul? I'm not afraid."

"Brother, I know you are not afraid, but there are many traps in this mausoleum to prevent others from entering, so it would be dangerous to enter like this."

Chu Tian smiled, "Don't worry, my eyes can see through everything."

When the devil boy hesitated for a while and wanted to say something, Chu Tian gave him a blank look, "You talk nonsense."

The demon boy immediately shut up, and Chu Tian leaped to the outside of the so-called mausoleum, and saw a huge door on the mausoleum, and at the same time, there were a few large characters engraved on it, "No one is allowed to step into the shadow demon gate mausoleum, otherwise die!"

Mo Tong pointed to these big characters and said, "Brother, look."

Chutian hit the door directly with a Hunyuan blasting palm, and the door shattered in an instant, leaving only the expression of the devil boy's eyes widening. After Chutian saw that there was a cloud of black mist inside, he opened it directly. Golden eyes and clairvoyance.

At this time, there were a few figures not far away inside. They were standing in the dark at the moment, as if they were about to trigger the trap on the passage at any time.

But Chutian looked at Mo Tong, "You go in first."

The devil boy said with some fear, "Brother, this is too dangerous, I dare not."

"Don't worry, I will protect you."


Chu Tian glared, "You ask nonsense again!"

The devil boy shut his mouth immediately, and Chu Tian sighed secretly, "Is this guy a masochist? I am like this, and he still wants to follow me and let me be the big brother."

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(End of this chapter)

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