Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 466 Only One Formation Destroyer

Chapter 466 It's Just a Destruction (Determination)
At this moment, the devil boy looked around, and then walked in step by step. At this moment, countless flying swords transformed from magic energy concentrated on attacking the devil boy from around.

The devil boy was startled, and with great force, he knocked the flying sword away little by little, and shouted at the same time, "Brother, didn't you say you were going to protect me?"

Chu Tian smiled, "Don't worry, I can't kill you."

At this moment, Chu Tian directly shot the Shadowless Flying Knife towards a person in the dark who was controlling and attacking the devil boy, and this person was maintaining the formation at the moment, thinking that Chu Tian and the two came in and didn't know where he was.

But just as soon as he made a move, he could take the opportunity to catch the opponent's defenseless space, so countless shadowless throwing knives hit that person.

The man fell down with a scream, and after the attacks around the demon boy disappeared, he let out a sigh of relief, "Brother, you use me as bait."

"Stop talking nonsense and move on."

Seeing that Chu Tian could easily solve the problem, Mo Tong was relieved, and then moved forward step by step.

But at this time, a rock suddenly blocked his way in front, and the demon boy followed Chu Tian's example to attack, but when the attack hit the rock, the formation flickered immediately, and countless attacks bounced back.

The devil boy cursed, "Damn, retreat quickly."

But Chutian stood there with his dark night light defense activated and magic absorption activated at the same time, absorbing these attacks one by one.

The devil boy who had just walked a few steps was stunned when he saw this scene, "Brother, you can even absorb my spells."

"As long as you are magic and not very fierce, I can naturally absorb it."

The devil boy was a little dubious, as for Chu Tian, ​​he looked at the people who controlled the formation around him and smiled, "Everyone, are you coming out by yourself, or should I attack?"

At this time, those few people stood in the formation and laughed wildly, and one of them laughed, "Boy, this is the formation of our Shadow Demon Sect. If you want to kill us, it will be harder than climbing to the sky."

The devil boy cursed after hearing the voice, "Damn it, come out for me, a bunch of bastards."

A person came out from the dark, stood behind the formation and said with a smile, "Devil boy, Ye Luosheng, you are so brave."

Seeing this man's old face, the devil boy frowned and asked, "The Great Elder of the Shadow Demon Sect?"

"It seems that you still know me."

But the devil boy laughed, "The Great Elder of the Shadow Demon Sect, but he has cultivated the Shadow Demon Sect's magic skills to a very high level. He is known as the Three Shadow Demons of the Shadow Demons. He can hide like a shadow at will, and no one knows him."

The Great Elder said proudly, "You actually know how powerful I am, so you should know that if I come out of the formation, it will be your time of death."

Mo Tong looked at Chu Tian and said in a low voice, "Brother, he called."

"It doesn't matter what it's called."

The elder stared, "Boy, you robbed our Shadow Demon Sect, and you dare to send it to your door to seek death?"

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "Today I am not looking for death, but looking for someone."



The great elder's eyes flashed and he said with a smile, "Who do you think you are? Can you find him easily?"

Chu Tian laughed and said, "I don't know if it's easy or not, but whoever blocks me will die."

The Great Elder flashed his murderous intent, "You are really self-righteous, then I will show you one of the killing arrays in our mausoleum, Demon Burning Soul."

At this time, the surrounding formations changed again. Obviously, the formations here have multiple combinations of formations, and the demon boy was a little frightened when he heard the magic burning soul, "Is it a formation specially designed to burn people's souls?"


The devil boy was about to start scolding, but that Chutian said, "If you are afraid, go out."

The devil boy immediately said seriously, "I, devil boy, have nothing to be afraid of."

Chu Tian glanced at it and said with a smile, "Pretend, you can pretend."

The devil boy continued to be serious, "I'm serious, isn't it just the devil burning the soul? Come on, I want to experience it."

Chu Tian smiled and said nothing. After a while, the devil boy was sweating, because his soul seemed to be burned, but Chu Tian was fine.

The Great Elder there stared at Chu Tian suspiciously, "Boy, why are you alright?"

"Not only am I fine, I can still go through the formation and find you."

The great elder didn't believe it, "Are you kidding, our formation."

But before he finished speaking, Chu Tian had already passed through, came to the Great Elder and said with a smile, "Hello."

But the devil boy shouted outside the formation, "Brother, hurry up, hurry up to me, it's too uncomfortable here."

Chu Tian looked at the Great Elder, "Open it."

The Great Elder was stunned for a moment and then sneered, "It's better to come in, I can kill you."

Seeing that the Great Elder started to attack Chutian, but Chutian was moving so fast that he couldn't even touch him. Chutian shook his head helplessly and said, "Too slow, too slow."

The Great Elder was furious, but he couldn't touch Chutian. Instead, Chutian wounded some weaker people around him, and untied the Demon Burning Soul to make the Demon Boy feel better.

The Great Elder was anxious, "Looking for death."

But Chu Tian said, "You can't do anything to me, you should lead the way."

The Great Elder snorted, not taking Chu Tian seriously, but Chu Tian looked at Mo Tong, "You play by yourself, I'm leaving."

The devil boy was shocked, but Chu Tian had already disappeared there, and the elder was chasing after him.

As for the devil boy looking at the rebound formation depressedly, "How do you get in now?"

As for Chutian disappearing into the mausoleum, the Great Elder shouted everywhere, "Where is the person? Where is the person?"

Chu Tian ignored it, but opened his clairvoyance and continued to walk inside, finally stopped in a dark place and smiled, "Not coming out yet."

At this time, a person came out from the darkness, it was a shadow, and then gradually formed a figure.

It was a woman with black eye circles, black lips, and a pale face. She was dressed in black animal skin and looked at Chu Tian, ​​"You are finally here."

"Mozhen, why are you here?"

This person was none other than Mo Zhen, who sneaked into the princess's body and was discovered by Chu Tian, ​​who also made an agreement with Chu Tian to help her escape from the Shadow Demon Sect.

After hearing Chu Tian's question, Mozhen said, "The high-level officials of the Shadow Demon Sect recently conducted an experiment. They called us people under their control together, and then sealed the alcoholic in the depths of the mausoleum."

"Seal the drunkard? Why?"

Mozhen shook her head and said, "I don't know either, I only know that many elders of the Shadow Demon Sect and the suzerain, those old guys who have lost their bodies, are all there."

Chu Tian asked suspiciously, "How long has it been?"

"Almost a month."

Chu Tian hummed, "Let's go."

Mozhen worried, "As soon as I get close, they will know and let me die then."

After pondering, Chu Tian said, "Alright then, you are right here, tell me the place."

Mo Zhen nodded and told Chu Tian the location, and said to him, "Be careful."

"Don't worry, no one can stop me."

Then Chu Tian jumped out, but Chu Tian didn't understand how the drunkard would be sealed, and with the strength of the drunkard, it was impossible for such a demon to be able to deal with it, but why the drunkard couldn't do it.

With these doubts, Chu Tian moved quickly in the tunnel like an afterimage.

[Fifth update today, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a subscription, thank you everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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