Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 701 Another Overbearing Immortal Technique

Chapter 701 Another Domineering Immortal Technique (Determination)

Chu Tian smiled and looked at the stunned Balu Leiyun, "Now, it's time for me to try my skills?"

That Balu Leiyun looked at Chutian solemnly, "What? Are you still planning to attack me?"


But Balu Leiyun laughed and said disdainfully, "Boy, I'm a fairy soul. You, a mortal, said you want to deal with me? You are too arrogant."

"I'm not being arrogant, I mean it."

Seeing that Chu Tian opened the purple enchantment, and covered that Baloo Thundercloud inside, Baloo Thundercloud looked at the enchantment and said in surprise, "Immortal Soul Immortal Stone!"

"Yeah, why? Scared?"

But Balu Leiyun sneered, "Boy, the Immortal Soul Stone, at most, can only trap me, and can't kill me?"

"I haven't done it yet, how do you know you can't?"

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian shot out a white light, and under the engulfing white light, that Balu Leiyun was shocked, so he could only hum, "Boy, then I will destroy your soul."

I saw this Balu Leiyun roared, and a powerful soul attack directly broke into Chutian's body, and then he laughed, "I'm going to become an idiot now."

Chu Tian smiled, "As a person, what I'm most afraid of is that my soul will be attacked!"

That Baru Leiyun's smile froze, "How is that possible!"

Chu Tian looked at the other party's expression and teased, "Should I come?"

So Chutian continued to attack with countless soul-eating white lights, and that Baru Leiyun screamed, "Boy, if you have something to say, don't, don't get angry!"

Chu Tian sneered, "Why didn't you say so when you were going to kill me just now?"

Baloo Leiyun panicked, "Just now, it was definitely an accident, yes, it was an accident."

"Accident? Then I'll be surprised too."

Balu Leiyun was going crazy, especially after being here for so many years, but met such a terrifying mortal, he could only say anxiously, "Let me go, I will give you whatever you want."

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "Just you? What can I give you?"

"Look, don't you have a lightning-inducing ring? This is called the Immortal Lightning Ring. It has the ability to gather lightning attributes. Even if you don't have thunder aura, you can store thunder aura in it through it."

Chu Tian smiled, "I can store thunder energy without this ring."

That Baru Leiyun didn't believe it, "Impossible, in the mortal world, how could someone have the attribute of thunder?"

Chu Tian smiled, "I'm not only good at the Thunder attribute, I also know the Immortal Technique, but it's a bit low-level, but it's okay to show it off!"

After finishing speaking, Chutian cast the lightning circle, and saw Zizi thinking non-stop, and Balu Leiyun was stunned, "Really!"

"What? What else can I say?"

Baloo Leiyun immediately said in a hurry, "I, I will teach you a more powerful immortal method, which is also the Thunder system, which is guaranteed to be much more powerful than yours."

"Oh? Really? Then show me."

At this moment, in order to prevent Chu Tian from destroying his soul, Balu Leiyun could only work very hard, facing an open space in front of him, with a thought.

A thunderbolt-like hammer appeared in the open space, and it hit the ground directly, causing the whole ground to shake, and even a large pit appeared.

Chu Tian was stunned, "What is this? Thor's Hammer?"

Baloo Leiyun said nervously, "This is a lightning immortal technique I have been learning all the time. It is called the Thunder Immortal Hammer. It has nine realms in total, and I have cultivated six realms. The last three realms are very difficult, but their power is very overbearing. , especially when I went to study the seventh realm, it attracted thunder, blasted the space crack, and directly destroyed my physical body."

Chu Tian asked in surprise, "So, the first three realms are the mortal realm? The last six realms are the fairyland?"


Chu Tian was very satisfied and said with a smile, "Come on, give me the detailed spells of the nine realms."

Balur Leiyun said awkwardly, "I have the first to seventh here, the eighth and ninth, and I have never been able to find this one."

Chu Tian rolled his eyes, and the other party said in a panic, "Really."

Chu Tian had no choice but to say, "Then give me these first."

So Baloo Leiyun sent the memories in his mind to Chutian one after another, and Chutian immediately let the system learn.

Especially at this moment, Chu Tian has already crossed the Tribulation Realm, and many of his immortal arts can comprehend the third realm.

For example, Jin Tianjian's sword swings back to the soul three realms, the starting point is 120 times, and it can be stacked three times. The first time is 240 times, the second time is [-] times, and the third time is [-] times.

Chu Tian was so happy that he comprehended the three realms of Leixianhammer and the three realms of Sword Swing Huihun at once.

As for the power of Jian Dang's Soul Resurrection, Chu Tian didn't need to look at it to know that it was already very heaven-defying. As for the Thunder Immortal Hammer.

After reading it, Chu Tian took a deep breath, because the first level can hit a hammer, and the power of this hammer can hit fifty times the power of thunder and lightning.

In the second level, if you hit the second hammer, you can hit a hundred times the power of the second hammer.

In the third realm, if you hit three hammers, you can hit 150 times the power of the three hammers.

This power multiplier is related to the primordial power, the stronger the primordial power, the greater the natural power.

But obviously the multiple of this Thunder Immortal Hammer is not as powerful as Sword Dang Huihui, but the attack speed is fast, don't wait, and it can attack in a wide range, and can even track the attack, hitting the target within [-] meters, that is, ten kilometers.

This is second, once hit, it also has a short-term soul paralysis effect, the first level is one second, the second level is two seconds, and the third level is three seconds.

These short three seconds are enough to kill the opponent in a master's fight.

So this attack is very domineering, but the premise is that it is hit. If it is dodged by the opponent, or the opponent's defense is strong, it is useless.

But this was enough to make Chu Tian happy, and he looked at Balu Leiyun with a smile, "That's right, this immortal technique is very useful."

Balu Leiyun immediately became proud, "That's right, this is a powerful fairy art in the Thunder system. I think I was famous all over the world because of this."

"Okay, stop bragging, and enter my magic weapon."

"What, what magic weapon? Aren't you going to let me go?"

Chu Tian smiled and said, "I intend to let you go, but your soul is so strong, and don't you want to go back to the fairy world to re-condense the fairy body?"

Baloo Leiyun looked solemn, "You? Have the ability to take me back to the fairy world?"

Chu Tian looked at himself, "Look at me, at the beginning of the tribulation, when I reach the Mahayana realm, I will definitely be able to go to the fairy world."

Baloo Leiyun felt that Chu Tian was really extraordinary and said, "That's fine."

Chu Tian smiled, and directly took out the Immortal Thunder Ring, "Go in."

Baloo Leiyun had no choice but to leap into the ring, but Chutian was secretly happy because there were several immortal souls who could help him at any time.

So Chu Tian packed up his mood and left here in a leap.

When they came outside, Grandmaster Balu and the other three anxiously looked at Chu Tian and asked, "Chu, Master Chu, what happened to the earthquake just now?"

[Fifth update today, ask for monthly ticket recommendation ticket subscription rewards, all support. 】

(End of this chapter)

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