Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 702 Who dares to rob me?court death!

Chapter 702 Who dares to rob me?court death! (determined)

Chu Tian smiled, "That immortal was angry, so he showed his strength a little bit."

But these words sounded quite twisted to the three people's ears. As for Chu Tian, ​​he didn't talk nonsense to them, and directly told them that unless one of them became a fairy, he could get rid of this situation.

The three people who heard such a thing thanked Chutian one after another, and Chutian said goodbye to them with a smile.

When Chutian reappeared, he had already arrived at Ten Heavenly Land, so he naturally wanted to see how Fan Ruoxin was doing now.

I saw Chu Tian came to the enchantment, and said with a smile to the enchantment, "I'm back."

But the enchantment has been very quiet all the time, as if there was no sound at all, which made Chu Tian wonder, "It's strange, where is the person?"

Chu Tian tried to shout again, "I'm back."

But Fan Ruoxin didn't answer, but Hei Si Nu suddenly appeared and said, "You're finally back."

Chu Tian frowned, "What's wrong? What happened?"

A few days ago, your friend came out from here, but just after he came out, a group of women came and took her away.

Chu Tian asked in surprise, "Who?"

"These people have a strong breath, and they probably look like immortals."

Chu Tian was suspicious, "Immortals, can't they descend to the mortal world?"

"It may be the body of a mortal, containing the soul of an immortal."

Chu Tian thought of what the patriarch of the Hua Clan said that the Hua Clan in the fairy world could send some immortal souls into the bodies of mortals, and his face changed drastically, "Damn it."

The black silk girl comforted, "Don't worry, I have sent people to follow them secretly, and I know their hiding place, I hope it can help you."

After finishing speaking, the black silk girl took out a wooden slip that recorded pictures normally, and seeing this, Chu Tian thanked, "Thank you."

Then Chutian made a leap and disappeared from his original position.

As for the black silk girl, she sighed secretly, "He's become scary again!"

As for Chutian, he really wanted to know what those immortals would do to Fan Ruoxin.

Until he searched according to the location given by the black silk girl, and found that he had come to the Flower Fairy Island where the Flower Fairy Valley was located, and then entered the mist formation after a leap.

When Chutian passed through the fog, he saw the flower cherry on a tree again.

When Hua Ying saw Chu Tian, ​​she hurriedly said, "You are finally here."

Chu Tian looked at her and asked, "Where is Miss Fan?"

"She was brought back by a group of people from the fairy world."

"take me."

Huaying said worriedly, "The elders asked me to remind you, don't go, otherwise, not only can't save Miss Fan, but it might even put you in trouble."

Chu Tian ignored him and said, "Whoever blocks me, I will kill him!"

Hua Ying's face changed drastically, and Chu Tian rushed into the flower array with a leap, and then came to the familiar courtyard and shouted to the sky, "Flower clan in the fairy world, come out for me!"

This arrogant tone shocked the people of the Flower Clan, and everyone looked at who was so courageous to let a member of the Flower Clan of the Immortal Clan show up.

However, at this time, a pink light flashed in the sky, and then a barrier appeared, and within this barrier, Fan Ruoxin was locked under a stone tablet.

And in front of Fan Ruoxin, there are five women. Although these five women have mortal bodies, their bodies are fairy souls from the fairy world.

You Qi stared at Chu Tian with a serious and cold face, "Boy, is that the bastard you let the criminal go?"

Chu Tianli didn't care, and came to the stone tablet in one leap, and the five people were shocked.

As for the rest of the Hua Clan, they were stunned, "So handsome."

"Too fierce, he ignored the five immortals."

"very scary."

However, the leader snorted, "Boy, I'll talk to you again!"

Chu Tian grabbed the chain and threw it away on the spot, leaving everyone in shock.

Then Chutian hugged Fan Ruoxin and worried, "What's the matter?"

Fan Ruoxin felt Chutian's voice and opened his eyes slightly, staring at Chutian with those red and swollen eyes, "You, why are you here?"

Seeing that she was fine, Chu Tian smiled and said, "It seems that you have cried before."

Fan Ruoxin shook her head and refused to admit it, "I didn't!"

Chu Tian smiled, "Stop pretending."

Fan Ruoxin immediately said stubbornly, "I didn't."

But the one headed by the five scolded, "Is that enough?"

It was only then that Fan Ruoxin realized that there were still five immortals here, and hurriedly said to them, "Five seniors, this matter has nothing to do with him, please let him go."

The leader snorted, "Isn't he crazy? He dared to ignore us, and even broke the fairy lock. It's amazing!"

After hearing all this, Fan Ruoxin quickly defended Chu Tian, ​​"Seniors."

But before he finished speaking, Chu Tian said, "Five old guys, if you don't want to die, you should get out of these bodies and go back to your fairy world, or I won't let you go back."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, and the five people were stunned for a while, then laughed, and the leader even sneered, "Boy, do you dare to say let us go? You have a serious tone."

But Chutian said disdainfully, "What? You think it's great to occupy a few bodies?"

The leader smiled confidently, "Boy, each of our immortal souls is extremely powerful. Even though these bodies only have the ability of the eighth or ninth rank of loose immortals, as long as our immortal souls use some of the mortal realms in the immortal arts, they are enough to make you killed."

Chu Tian ignored it and said, "Oh? Really? Then you guys try!"

Those five people didn't expect Chutian to be so crazy at this time, and someone immediately said, "Captain, leave it to me."

The leading woman hummed, "Okay, first destroy his body, and then pump his soul."

Fan Ruoxin was shocked when she heard this, and the woman who wanted to make a move responded, "Yes."

Then the woman shot out a green light, and countless flying needles hit Chutian. Everyone thought that Chutian would be injured if he avoided it.

But Chutian stretched out one hand, blocked these wood spells with bare hands, and then said coldly, "Although you are immortal souls, you are still mortal bodies and cannot exert the true power of immortal spells!"

The people present were already dumbfounded, while the people of the Flower Clan started to discuss, "It's so scary, taking the attack of the immortal with bare hands?"

"He, is he still a mortal?"

"He is in the early stage of the tribulation!"

"Could it be that these immortals are too weak?"

As for Fan Ruoxin who was already stunned, the person who made the attack just now was unwilling to be furious, so he slapped several more palms, but Chu Tian took them one by one, and even Chu Tian sneered, "Is that enough?"

The five people were furious, and the woman in the lead said, "Damn it, come together!"

As soon as the words came out, the people of the Hua clan knew that Chu Tian and Fan Ruoxin were going to be in trouble, and those elders who watched helplessly sighed, "Tell him not to come back, it's good now, both of them will suffer .”

Hua Ying said anxiously, "Elders, what should we do now, they will die!"

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(End of this chapter)

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