Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 703 Parting is for reunion!

Chapter 703 Parting is for reunion! (determined)
Those elders had no choice but to sigh there, and the attacks of those five people flew together, just when everyone thought that Chu Tian and the two would be seriously injured.

Suddenly five screams spread, and everyone saw countless lightning hammers flying above the heads of the five people in the barrier, and it was changed by lightning.

The five people who came from the fairy world were paralyzed for a few seconds, and Chu Tian's bloodthirsty sword happened to slash through them one by one, and the five bodies were scrapped on the spot.

As for the five souls who wanted to escape, they were trapped by Chu Tian's purple barrier.

Only the shocked people were left watching, especially those of the Hua clan who were dumbfounded, "What happened just now, what happened to those thunder and lightning."

"Yeah, what happened?"

Chu Tian secretly smiled inwardly, the Thunder Immortal Hammer's three realms is 150 times, and his 1000 million yuan divine power, plus an 80.00% increase, the power of this hammer is comparable to more than 20 billion, faster than 30 billion souls.

This kind of lethality is difficult for ordinary loose immortals to resist, and these immortal souls, if not for immortal souls, are probably enough to destroy their souls.

Precisely because they were fairy souls, they just screamed, which did not cause much harm to their souls, but Chu Tian's enchantment trapped them.

These five people ran away immediately, and the leader shouted, "Boy, don't die!"

Chu Tian sneered, "I've offended many people, I'm afraid you won't do it?"

The anger said, "We are from the flower clan of the fairyland. If you don't hurry up and catch them, when the time comes when our fairyland really sends immortals down, they will be immortals. And your attack will be ineffective against them at all."

Chu Tian was not afraid at all, "Come on, if I could come down casually, I would have come down long ago, why would I let you guys come?"

The faces of the five people changed drastically, and Chu Tian laughed when he saw that they had nothing to say, "What? Are you no longer crazy?"

"Hmph, kid, you're not going to end well."

"That's right, sooner or later you will die at the hands of our flower clan fairy."

"You just wait for the fairy body of our flower clan to come down to earth."

Chu Tian didn't bother to pay attention, and directly sealed them all one by one, while the soul power collector jumped two levels, "Ding ~ seal the immortal soul, the soul power collector increases by 100%."

Chu Tian was overjoyed, he didn't expect these fairy souls to be so powerful, but the people present looked at Chu Tian in shock.

But Chu Tian turned around and hugged Fan Ruoxin who was lying there and said with a smile, "Let's go."

Fan Ruoxin came back to her senses and said, "You have become even scarier again."

Chu Tian laughed and said, "If I don't become stronger, how can I protect you?"

Fan Ruoxin was disappointed and said, "Me."

"what happened?"

"I only have ten days to live."

Chutian's entire smile froze, "What? Ten days? What do you mean?"

Fan Ruoxin explained, "When you arrived, those five people gave me Immortal Physique Powder, which turned my body into an Immortal Physique after ten days, and once I reached the Immortal Physique, my body would leave completely. Mortal world, enter the fairy world."

Chu Tian was shocked, "What?"


Chu Tian hurriedly arrested those five people for questioning, and only then did he know their own intention, which was to send Fan Ruoxin to the fairy world. After all, Fan Ruoxin was very talented, and the people of the Hua clan planned to train her.

Knowing this, Chu Tian said solemnly, "I don't know whether what these guys are saying is true or not."

Fan Ruoxin felt a little bit reluctant, "Regardless of whether it's true or not, I don't want to go to the fairy world, I just want to be with you."

Chu Tian said with a smile, "I don't know how many people want to go to the fairy world. They can make you go to the fairy world, why are they not happy?"

Fan Ruoxin gritted her teeth, "Me."

"Okay, don't think too much about it. If you don't want to be with them when you arrive in the fairyland, then don't go to the Flower Clan and wait for me in the fairyland. Sooner or later, I will go to the fairyland too."

Fan Ruoxin looked at Chu Tian with red eyes, "You, will you really come to the fairy world?"

"why not?"

Fan Ruoxin couldn't help but shed tears in the end, Chu Tian had already guessed why she was jealous.

The helpless Chutian could only laugh and said, "No matter what, it is a good thing to go to the fairyland. Maybe when I go to the fairyland in the future, you may have become very powerful, and I still need you to protect me."

Chutian's consolation made Fan Ruoxin even more sad, so Chutian had no choice but to take her out of here.

Especially in the following days, Chu Tian stayed with Fan Ruoxin every day, and even took him wandering around the sea area, living a carefree life.

Until one day ten days later, when thunderclouds billowed in the sky, Fan Ruoxin suddenly felt her body was out of control and said with red eyes, "I, it's time to go."

Chu Tian suppressed his discomfort and said with a smile, "Don't worry, we will meet again soon!"

As for Fan Ruoxin, she couldn't help but burst into tears until a vortex appeared in the air, and Fan Ruoxin's body floated up uncontrollably, and finally entered the vortex and disappeared here.

However, Chu Tian became gloomy and cold, and got the souls of the five people out again.

These five guys were frightened and begged for mercy, "We, we are all following orders, you, don't kill me."

Chu Tian stared at them coldly, "Then tell me, where will she go when she arrives in the fairy world?"

The five looked at each other and shook their heads, Chu Tian stared, "That means she might be in danger?"

"No, no, you misunderstood. She is taking the Immortal Body Pill from our Flower Clan, plus her unique physique, so she is fully capable of self-protection in the fairy world."

"That's right, she can turn into a flower or other plants at will, and she can completely escape anyone's pursuit."

"Hmm, um, our flower clan is born with the ability to change plants."

Chu Tian stared at them with a sneer, "If something happens to her, I'll kill your souls!"

The five people were trembling with fright, but Chu Tian still had resentment in his heart, that was the Hua Clan, so he said coldly, "Who made you come down."

"The elders of the Flower Clan in the Immortal Realm, and they also said that if you are not dealt with within a year, they will send real immortals down, but this lower realm requires a lot of preparation, at least a year, so after two years, you may I have met the immortals of our flower clan."

Chu Tian disdainfully said, "Two years? I'll see if they dare to come!"

The five people were too frightened to speak, but Chu Tian immediately sealed them all up, then looked up at the disappeared passageway in the sky and sighed, "Immortal Realm, I will definitely come."

This made Chutian even more eager to scrape all the ancient fragments of the Nine Immortals Alliance, so Chutian looked into the distance, "Ordinary Continent, Nine Immortals Alliance, it's time to meet you!"

Of course, those high-level officials in the Nine Immortals Alliance didn't know that Chu Tian wanted to go to the Immortal Realm. At this moment, those elders were still reporting the situation to the Nine Immortal Envoys in front of the big screen.

When these angels heard what had happened recently, they all shouted angrily, "Waste, a bunch of waste, even the great wizard Jinfa ran out."

"A ninth-level Sanxian elder also died. You guys are really ashamed."

Those high-level elders in the Nine Immortals Alliance looked ugly, until the head elder said, "Nine Immortal Envoys, this guy is already very scary. If you don't recover quickly, I'm afraid no one will be his opponent!"

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(End of this chapter)

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