Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 711 Deliver it to your door, let's just cheat!

Chapter 711 Deliver it to your door, just cheat! (determined)

But Chu Tian said, "I want that stone, is it for sale?"

Konoha Sanchi was shocked, "What? You want to buy it?"

"Well, what's the problem?"

That Konoha Sanchi stammered, "This stone will cost at least five thousand immortal stones, I, I'm afraid."

"It's only five thousand, that's easy."

Simple?Konoha Sanchi was dumbfounded, but Chu Tian stepped forward to look at the waiter, "I want to buy this stone."

The waiter was dumbfounded, and then looked Chu Tian up and down, "Guest officer, you are mistaken, today we only recruit stone guessers, but we didn't talk about auctioning stones."

Chu Tian laughed and said, "Don't you guys sell it?"

"Guest officer, our stone is worth at least [-] immortal stones after being appraised by the master. Unless you can come up with [-] immortal stones, we will sell them to you."

Chu Tian snorted, and Konoha Sanchi's eyes widened, "Ten thousand, where can I earn it!"

The waiter smiled, "If not, then go away, if you think you have the ability to guess, then guess, the activity of earning one thousand immortal stones from one hundred immortal stones is starting."

Chutian is bound to win the things in it, so when everyone is eager to sign up, that Chutian is planning to do something in his old business, and that third master wolf just came from the side to tease, "Oh, I want to buy rare stones, Not bad, rich."

Konoha Sanchi immediately stepped forward and said, "It's none of your business."

The Third Wolf Lord laughed loudly, "He is just a newcomer who has just passed Chuangtian Pass outside. You think he will buy something worth [-] immortal stones as soon as he comes. Do you think he has the capital?"

The words were not too big or too small, and it happened that everyone could hear them. When they found out that Chu Tian came from outside, they immediately booed, "It turns out that he came here pretending to be the uncle."

"Tsk tsk, a foreigner, no matter how rich he is, even if he goes to exchange for immortal stones, he can't exchange for [-]."


When everyone was ridiculing, Konoha Sanchi said airily, "Langtou, what do you mean!"

Third Master Wolf smiled and said, "My meaning is very simple. If you offend me, I will make it difficult for him to live here! It is best to get out with your tail between your legs and go back to ordinary people to live his uncle's life. Here , at most the bottom layer."

Many people laughed out of fear that the world would not be chaotic, Konoha Sanchi immediately said angrily, "Langtou, you wait, I, I will definitely get him ten thousand fairy stones."

The third wolf wolf said with a smile, "I said Konoha, who is he, you protect him so wholeheartedly, are you the guide, or is he your uncle?"

Everyone knows that a Mahayana realm leads a Tribulation Transcendence realm, and those in the Tribulation Tribulation Realm usually obediently listen to the people in the Mahayana realm.

But what Konoha Sanchi is doing now is completely Chutian's follower.

It's okay for Konoha Sanchi to be ridiculed by others, but he doesn't want everyone to look down on Chutian, so when he was about to tell Chutian's ability, Chutian said with a smile, "Okay, don't waste your tongue with this kind of talk, let me Earn some fairy stones."

"Earn immortal stones?" Everyone looked at Chu Tian curiously.

At this time, Chutian had already taken out a signboard, which was engraved, "It only takes ten fairy stones to carve eight-star patterns on treasures, and fifty fairy stones to carve nine-star patterns."

Seeing this, Konoha Sanchi hadn't recovered yet, but Third Master Lang laughed, "So I wanted to be a liar."

As soon as the words came out, everyone also regarded Chu Tian as a liar, and some even laughed and said, "In this sea and sky city, the only one who can achieve nine stars is the leader of the Healer Alliance."

"Yes, he is a person who has just crossed the Tribulation Realm, and it is estimated that even the Seven Stars will be difficult."

Konoha Sanchi anxiously looked at Chutian and said, "Leader, this is you."

Chu Tian smiled, "Don't worry, there's no problem."

Seeing Chutian's confident smile, Konoha Sanchi didn't know what Chutian was doing. Anyway, no one believed it at the moment, and even Mr. Wolf continued to make trouble there, "If you can get nine stars, I can get ten stars!"

Chu Tian looked at Third Master Wolf with a smile, "If I know nine stars, how about you give me ten thousand immortal stones?"

The third wolf master wanted Chu Tian to die. Hearing this, he immediately became interested and said, "If it doesn't work, will you give me your life?"

The people around immediately booed excitedly, "Here, here!"

Konoha Sanchi panicked, and said in a low voice, "Leader, this is not a joke. If he is really given his life, it will be over."

Chu Tian said with a smile, "Just watch a good show."

The third wolf master was deeply afraid that Chu Tian would repent and said with a smile, "How? Dare you?"

But Chu Tian said, "Do you have ten thousand immortal stones?"

Third Master Wolf hesitated and said, "Anyway, you lose, I don't need to prepare."

"If you don't even have ten thousand immortal stones, why should I bet with you?"

Third Master Wolf knew that this was a good opportunity to kill Chutian. After all, fighting is not allowed in Haikong City, otherwise he would be arrested by the guards, so he said decisively, "As long as you win, I will prepare [-] yuan for you right away." Immortal stone."



Chu Tianen said, "Alright then, let's make an agreement."

Everyone didn't expect that Chutian would dare to make an agreement, and the third master wolf was overjoyed, and soon the two made a heavenly agreement.

After it was over, Third Master Wolf laughed loudly, "Boy, just take your life."

Chu Tian said with a smile, "Who wants to take a treasure as an experiment, and this experiment is successful, it is free to use."

As soon as the words came out, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, especially a treasure, it was really nothing to them, so someone immediately threw out a treasure sword and said, "Here, mine."

Chu Tian grabbed the sword and looked at Third Master Wolf with a smile, "Keep your eyes open, don't say I'll fool you later."

The third wolf master also said aggressively, "I'll just watch and see how you wait to die!"

Konoha Sanchi panicked. He knew that if Chutian lost, he would lose his life, but the people around continued to boo, "Start! Start!"

All of a sudden, it was very lively here, attracting countless people to watch the show.

Especially when everyone heard that Chutian was going to carve nine stars, they booed immediately, thinking that Chutian was going to play with his life.

But Chu Tian smiled and took out his own carving knife, and then began to carve on the treasure, only to see bursts of light flickering, which was the rubbing starlight during carving.

At first, I couldn't see that it was a nine-star pattern at all, and thought Chu Tian had just randomly drawn it.

So Third Master Wolf teased, "I said boy, don't struggle, you have already lost."

But Chu Tian asked while carving, "How do you know I lost?"

Third Master Wolf thought he knew a lot of things and said, "As far as I know, the nine-star pattern is three layers of purple pattern. Now you can't even see the light of one layer of purple pattern. How dare you say that you are carving the nine-star pattern? Don't you think so?" Is this a big joke?"

Everyone had never seen a real nine-star pattern carving, so they shouted blindly, "This guy is going to die."

"It's a pity, to come here at the beginning of the tribulation, how can I put it, is also a genius, but now he is about to die."

"It's nothing to be sorry about. Who made him arrogant and pretend to be aggressive? Now he's pretending to be dead."

[Fifth update today, ask for monthly ticket recommendation ticket subscription rewards, all support. 】

(End of this chapter)

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