Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 712 Who cares about your identity!

Chapter 712 Who cares about your identity! (determined)
Just when everyone thought Chu Tian was about to die, Chu Tian stopped his hand, and then the treasure flashed three layers of purple light, and everyone present shut up.

Only two eyes stared at the treasure, and Konoha Sanchi was the first to get excited, "Really, it's really the nine-star pattern."

Then everyone became lively, "This, how is it possible? He has just crossed the Tribulation Realm, so how could he have the Nine Star Pattern?"

"And it's rumored that the nine-star pattern is very difficult to make. Even the leader of the Spirit Master League will take a day or two to get it done, but he took a while? How is this possible?"

When everyone thought it was impossible, Chu Tian returned the treasure to his master and said with a smile, "Give it back to you."

The man held the sword with the nine-star pattern and said excitedly, "Thank you, thank you."

Suddenly, everyone regretted it, and many people complained, "Why wasn't I the first to give him the treasure just now?"

"Yeah, damn it, I'm so sorry."

There were also people who had a thick skin and said, "Young master, please help me carve."

Chu Tian pointed to the sign, "Nine Stars and Fifty Immortals Stone, Eight Stars and Ten Immortals Stone."

Those people hurried forward, but Chu Tian got up and said, "I'll talk about the carving later, let this wolf give me the [-] fairy stones."

The Third Wolf Lord looked at Chu Tian tremblingly, "You, you."

Konoha Sanchi stepped forward excitedly, "What are you, let you take ten thousand fairy stones!"

Third Master Wolf turned pale with fright, "I, I don't have ten thousand fairy stones."

Sanchi Konoha chuckled, "Then the bet just now, if you don't obey, then you should know the power of the covenant of heaven."

Third Master Wolf was scared, he stammered, "Wait, wait, I'll send someone to bring it."

After finishing speaking, the third wolf master immediately took out the sound transmission stone, and a young man appeared after a while, holding a silver umbrella.

Everyone saw him and said in surprise, "It's Mr. Silver Umbrella."

Third Wolf Master hurried forward and said, "Master Silver Umbrella, have you brought the Ten Thousand Immortal Stones?"

The young man rolled his eyes, "What do you want so much for?"

The third wolf master had no choice but to explain what had happened, and the man with the silver umbrella looked at Chu Tian curiously, "It was you who won his fairy stone."

But Chu Tian said with a smile, "He sent it to the door."

The man with the silver umbrella said proudly, "I am taught by Tianji, please look at our sect's face and avoid this Ten Thousand Immortal Stone."

Everyone thought that Chu Tian would be afraid of this Tianji Sect, but Chu Tian laughed and said, "I don't care what you teach, I only want him to get [-] immortal stones, and I don't want you to get them!"

Everyone didn't expect that Chu Tian didn't show any face to the other party, and the man with the silver umbrella had an embarrassing expression, "Boy, there has never been a person who has crossed the tribulation realm, who dared to talk to me like that."

"I still said something today, why? Do you want to do something? Then you can do it, but it is said that you can't do it here."

Everyone laughed, especially Chutian's ability was already worthy of everyone's side, so everyone gave way, "Take the fairy stone, or leave."

"That's right, take the fairy stone, don't make trouble here, we still have to carve."

As soon as these words came out, the silver umbrella man's face was very ugly, "Boy, believe it or not, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life."

But Chu Tian said with a smile, "I've heard this many times, and I don't want to hear it anymore, so you should take out the fairy stone to buy his life for him."

The man with the silver umbrella stared at Chu Tian with cold eyes, "You've got the guts!"

After finishing speaking, the man with the silver umbrella threw out a bag and hummed, "It's best not to let me catch you, or I'll make you look good."

Then the man with the silver umbrella retreated to the side to look for an opportunity. As for the third master Lang, who was sweating all over his face, he was relieved, and when Chutian came to the shop waiter with ten thousand immortal stones, he said with a smile, "I bought it."

The waiter in the store knew that Chu Tian was careless, so he didn't dare to make things difficult, so he immediately said, "Okay, I'll give it to you."

Soon Chutian bought the stone, and the silver umbrella boy laughed, "Boy, even if you want to open this thing, it won't be possible to open it for hundreds of years."

Seeing the opportunity, Third Wolf also joined in the ridicule, "That's right, the stone skin is so hard."

Seeing the two singing together, Chu Tian said with a smile, "It's none of your business whether I can open it or not, it's such nonsense."

Everyone laughed, Chu Tian put away the stones and went into the shop, because he wanted to see if there were other stones, but even if he explored the Treasure Pavilion, there was only one stone at most in a day, and it was sold by others.

Chutian had no choice but to look at Konoha Sanchi, "Let's go."

But a group of people outside clamored for Chutian to carve and were willing to give the fairy stones, so Chutian had to carve for everyone. When the people here were almost finished carving, Chutian had already earned tens of thousands of fairy stones.

Konoha Sanchi on the side was already stunned, and Chu Tian took Konoha Sanchi and left there.

Mr. Silver Umbrella looked at Third Master Wolf, "What are you looking at, don't you dare to follow?"


Afterwards, the two followed secretly, looking for an opportunity to deal with Chu Tian and the others.

As for Sanchi Konoha, he said with a smile, "Leader, you are really amazing."

"I have a lot to do."

Konoha Sanchi couldn't imagine how terrifying Chu Tian was, until a group of people appeared in front of him, and these people were wearing uniform clothes with two words engraved on them, Spirit Master.

Konoha Sanchi said in surprise, "It belongs to the Healer Alliance."

Chu Tian didn't understand what they were doing here, but at this moment one person came out of the crowd and said, "Young Master, our Healer Alliance would like to invite you to come."

This man is a strange man, and his body is releasing a terrifying aura, Konoha Sanchi said in surprise, "Is it the so-called ghost hand of the Healer Alliance, the spirit ghost hand?"

The man smiled and said, "If you know who I am, you should also know my character, so let's go."

Konoha Sanchi looked at Chu Tian worriedly, "The big disciple in the Spirit Master Alliance, the Spirit Ghost Hand, can carve eight-star spirit patterns."

Chu Tian didn't take it seriously and said, "Tell me, what's the matter, if it's all right, I don't want to leave either."

The spirit ghost frowned, "What did you say?"

"I said, I don't want to go."

The spirit ghost said coldly, "Boy, believe it or not, I'll have someone take you away right away."

"What? Are you going to catch me? But there are guards here."

The spirit ghost sneered, "Guard? But we belong to the Healer Alliance and have immunity. If you don't believe me, ask the person next to you."

Konoha Sanchi said nervously, "Yes, the Healer Alliance is here, you can do whatever you want."

After Chu Tian heard that he still had privileges, he said with a smile, "Interesting, but I want to say that if you want to invite me, you must be sincere. Otherwise, you still want to threaten me? I think it's better to forget it."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian looked at the stunned Konoha Sanchi, "Why are you so dazed? Let's go."

Konoha Sanchi was so frightened that he quickly followed, while the Third Master Wolf who was watching the play nearby said in surprise, "This guy doesn't even look down on the Healer Alliance."

Young Master Silver Umbrella sneered, "He'll suffer later!"

[Today's sixth update, ask for monthly ticket recommendation ticket subscription rewards, all support. 】

(End of this chapter)

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