Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 714 If you don't teach me a lesson now, when will you wait!

Chapter 714 If you don't teach me a lesson now, when will you wait! (determined)

The knife couldn't be finished, so he took out a whip, and the whip was shining with golden light. Everyone gasped when they saw this, "It's the whip of the soul."

"Isn't that only used against villains?"

"It is estimated that the members of the Healer Alliance hate this kid very much. This sword guard chief wants to curry favor with the Healer Alliance, so he must be more ruthless."

"That's right, who doesn't want to curry favor with this Healer Alliance!"

Third Master Wolf, who was watching there, laughed even more, "Soul Whip, boy, it's over."

Mr. Silver Umbrella felt sorry for a while, "It's a pity that I didn't do it myself."

The spirit ghost over there sneered, "This is what happens when you fight against us."

Konoha Sanchi was in a hurry, "Knife guard, this won't work, you are a master in the middle stage of Mahayana, this soul whip combines the power of the city lord, once you whip it down, the power can at least whip out attacks that would be uncomfortable for masters in the late stage of Mahayana. What if he dies?"

Dao couldn't help but said to himself, "Don't worry, I will never kill someone when I hit someone. At most, he will scream and beg for mercy."

Muye Sanchi was shocked, and everyone thought that Chutian was going to scream again and again, but when Chutian came down with the whip, Chutian grabbed the whip with one hand.

Everyone only saw a gust of air hitting Chu Tian's shoulder, and thought Chu Tian would scream.

But Chu Tian said with a smile, "Your whip is good, but it shouldn't be given to you."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian whipped and took the whip from the opponent's hand, the knife couldn't be shocked, "Boy, you, why are you all right?"

Chu Tian sneered, "Maybe you are using the wrong force!"

Seeing that Chu Tian threw the whip back with his backhand, everyone only heard a slap, and it hit Dao Fu's face. Dao Fu roared in pain, not only his soul but also his face, "You, you dare to attack me."

Everyone was also stunned, they never expected that this Chutian would dare to be unable to do anything with the sword.

As for Chu Tian, ​​he said with a smile, "You can attack me, why? I can't attack you?"

The knife couldn't get back the whip in a hurry, but the whip was in Chu Tian's hand, and when it couldn't return to him, he was shocked, "You, what did you do to my whip?"

It was only then that everyone realized that the whip had become Chu Tian's, and Chu Tian laughed and said, "This thing is good, it's good for beating dogs or something."

"Bastard, how dare you call me a dog? Damn it, I want your life!"

The knife couldn't be slashed with both hands, a golden knife shadow flashed and landed directly in front of Chu Tian.

Chutian immediately opened a golden sword to absorb part of the power, and before the remaining power arrived, Chutian dodged to avoid it, and a big hole appeared on the ground.

The people present were stunned, "It's so fast."

As for Chu Tian holding the whip and whipping it again, Dao couldn't scream and curse again, "You, you, I'm going to kill you!"

But Chutian twitched wildly again, and finally the knife twitched on the ground without being seriously injured. The guards were all frightened, and they all shouted, "Chief of the guard, you, are you okay?"

Dao couldn't help but look ugly, "Call, call the guard general."

Those people were so frightened that they went to invite someone immediately, and everyone hurriedly persuaded, "Hurry up, if the guard general comes, you won't be able to leave."

"That's right, he is powerful in the late stage of Mahayana, very terrifying."

"Come on."

Faced with everyone's kindness, Chu Tian laughed and said, "I'm here, so I don't intend to leave."

Everyone didn't expect that Chu Tian wouldn't leave, but the spirit ghost said with luck, "Boy, you have talent, but you beat the guards, so you don't want to leave today."

Dao couldn't help but was dying at this moment, and the wolf third master looked at Mr. Yinsan, "Young master, look, this kid is really lawless."

Mr. Silver Umbrella was about to speak when he came over with a whip and hit the third master wolf directly. The third master wolf rolled in the air and fell heavily to the ground.

Then he said with blood in his mouth, "You, you!"

But Chu Tian laughed and said, "I taught one lesson, and I don't mind teaching you another."

Third Master Wolf was about to say something, but Chu Tian had already come in front of him, and the bloodthirsty sword passed directly through his body, and the people present were stunned, "He, he killed people here."

"He's crazy!"

Konoha Sanchi's face has changed drastically, and the silver umbrella boy was shocked, he threw it out and quickly pulled away the third master wolf, but the third master wolf was already trembling very weakly, "Master, son, you, you want to replace me!" revenge."

Yinsan stared at Chu Tian angrily, "Boy, you dare to do anything to people from my Tianji sect."

Chu Tian gave a strange smile, and flew his whip towards the silver umbrella. The silver umbrella was shocked, and quickly avoided it, and then scolded, "You."

"Didn't you always want to do it? Come on, let me see what you have."

The silver umbrella became impatient, and he took out the silver umbrella directly. The umbrella carried a gust of wind, which made him move very fast, and he came behind Chu Tian in an instant, and then snorted, "Then I will teach you a lesson for the guards." .”

After speaking, the umbrella suddenly opened, and streaks of silver light turned into stone powder, and the stone powder turned into brown mudstone, directly fixing Chu Tian there, making him a stone sculpture.

The wolf third master smiled and said with serious injuries, "The petrification technique of Tianjimen is really powerful."

Everyone on the side was stunned, "What a terrible petrification technique."

That Konoha Sanchi was in a hurry and was about to make a move when the Silver Umbrella boy pointed at Chu Tian with his umbrella and said, "Boy, I have endured you for a long time, but today you hurt the guards, I can clean it up in the name of helping the guards." You, in this way, I will not be punished."

Everyone didn't expect that Mr. Silver Umbrella was so sinister, and the third wolf laughed with blood.

Just when everyone thought that Chutian was going to be dealt with by Mr. Silver Umbrella, the stones on Chutian's body cracked one by one, and finally all disappeared, leaving only the stunned people.

Konoha Sanchi said excitedly, "It's okay."

Shocked by Mr. Silver Umbrella, "How is it possible, our petrification technique, you, how did you crack it."

Chu Tian said coldly, "You talk so much nonsense."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian held the golden sky sword directly, and the sword energy immediately entangled the opponent, and the silver umbrella boy had paid attention to this sword energy, which would gradually become stronger, so he immediately rushed out of the sword energy, not wanting to give Chutian a chance.

When he rushed out thinking that nothing happened, he said excitedly, "Your sword energy, I know the flaw."

But as soon as the words fell, three lightning hammers directly hit him. This blow, which caused 30 billion damage, although it could not kill a mid-level Mahayana master, it was temporarily paralyzed.

Chu Tian was also carrying a bloodthirsty sword, and directly stabbed the opponent's dantian with a sword, and sneered, "Let's talk about abolishing your cultivation base!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian yelled loudly, and the opponent's dantian exploded immediately, and the silver umbrella boy screamed, and then his soul quickly escaped, and then he said angrily, "You, you dare to destroy my body!"

Chu Tian sneered, "I will not only destroy your body, but also your soul!"

I saw Chu Tian making a leap, and a purple barrier trapped the other party. Just when everyone thought that Mr. Silver Umbrella was going to die, there was an angry shout from a distance, "Stop!"

Everyone looked at the voice and said in surprise, "It's the guard general!"

[Today's eighth update, ask for monthly ticket recommendation ticket subscription rewards, all support. 】

(End of this chapter)

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