Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 715 Automatic Appearance, Weird!

Chapter 715 Automatic Appearance, Weird! (determined)
While everyone was discussing, an afterimage appeared and came directly outside the purple barrier where Chu Tian was.

I saw a bald head with a round string of black beads appearing, and a pair of panda eyes staring at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, why don't you stop?"

Chu Tian glanced at the guard general and said, "Don't worry, wait until I finish him!"

Everyone gasped, "This guy is crazy, dare to ignore the guard general?"

"Yeah, it's crazy."

Konoha Sanchi who was there was also in a hurry, and quickly sent a voice transmission to Chutian, "Leader, this is the guard general, Huofa bald, and one of the three generals in charge of one-third of the guard army in Haikong City."

Chu Tian knew the other party's name, but didn't know that the other party had such a background, and the bald Huo Fa immediately flashed flames, "Do you want to stop?"

Chu Tian laughed and said, "Why stop?"

"This is Haikong City, fighting is prohibited!"

Chu Tian laughed strangely, "They provoked me first, why don't you blame them first!"

The knife couldn't immediately say, "My lord, this spirit ghost hand belongs to the Spirit Master Alliance, and they have the right to do it here."

The Huofa bald man stared at Chutian when he heard this, "You heard me, he has the right."

Chu Tian smiled deeply, "Then do I have the right, can I do it here too?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone started discussing, but the knife could not immediately hum, "You are a foreigner, what rights do you have?"

The spirit ghost hand did not forget to slander Chutian, "You still want to have the right to oppose our Spirit Master Alliance?"

As for the silver umbrella that shrank a little bit in Chutian's enchantment, he was unwilling to disappear in the end, but Chutian put away the enchantment and said with a smile, "You all want to see if I have the right?"

"That's right!" Those people said in unison.

And the Huofa bald head also said, "Boy, if you can't get your rights today, then I have to do business."

Chu Tian looked at Huofa's bald head and smiled, "If you ask me to give it, I'll give it. Isn't it too embarrassing."

Everyone was surprised when they heard this tone, "This guy, you don't want to fight against the guardian general?"

"Impossible, is he going to challenge the guard general?"

The people present were also curious, but Huofa stared at Chutian coldly with his bald head, "Boy, what's the matter? Do you really think you are very powerful?"

"I don't think so, but it's not easy for you to catch me."

Huo Fa's bald head snorted, a ball of flames wrapped around Chu Tian and said, "What now?"

But Chutian disappeared in a flash, then stood on a roof and said with a smile, "My speed is not slow."

Everyone was stunned. After all, Chu Tian's speed was very strange in the early stage of his journey.

Huofa said with a bald head, "It's so, then, I have no choice but to use my fire domain."

At this time, Huofa's bald head gathered a bunch of flames around Chutian, and these flames flickered like reflections, and at the same time carried a binding force.

Everyone was surprised when they saw it, "This guard general is really powerful, he even knows the attribute domain."

"This attribute field is very scary. It is said that it is like an enchantment, and it can also cause a kind of attribute damage in the enchantment."

Chu Tian didn't know what a field was, but he knew that he had a purification system. The so-called binding force and flames didn't affect him at all. Instead, he rushed out of this area with a leap, stood in another place and said with a smile, "What is this? The Fire Domain is nothing more than that."

Huofa's bald head was angry, "It's so, then I have to attract Haikong City."

Just as Huofa waved his bald head towards the sky, a huge flame fell and bound Chutian, but at this moment a green light flashed from Chutian's body, and this green light flew out of Chutian's body.

Everyone was curious about what it was, and Chu Tian also wondered what it was, until he saw a palm-sized leaf and muttered to himself, "Isn't that old urchin's thing?"

As for Huofa's bald head, and the guards were shocked when they saw this, "It's a little green!"

"A little green? Could it be something from that old urchin."

"Why is this thing in the hands of this kid?"

"I don't understand. It is rumored that this bit of green is not an ordinary leaf, and it has something to protect people."

"It's terrible. Could it be that this one leaf blocked all the power of the guarding general?"

"Then this old urchin is really scary."

As for Huofa's bald-headed questioning in shock, "Why do you have this?"

Chu Tian said with a smile, "This one was given to me by a senior."

Huo Fa baldly snorted, "Impossible, you must have picked it up somewhere."

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "I picked it up? Why don't you go and ask yourself, don't waste my time."

This time Huofa hesitated with his bald head, after all, Chu Tian's leaf is really not simple, even he dare not do it casually.

As for the crowd, they were also talking about it, and at this moment a guard appeared beside Chu Tian and said with a smile, "You still used this leaf."

This guard was the same guard who took Chu Tian to see the old naughty boy.

Huofa's bald head looked serious when he saw this person, "Xiao Doudou, this guy can't be real."

The guard named Xiaodoudou said with a smile, "General Huofa, I'm sorry, this is the man that the old naughty boy is looking for, so if there are any problems, let's go."


General Huofa felt aggrieved for a while, and that Dao Fu couldn't help but muttered depressedly there, as for Ling Gui's hand, he was dumbfounded, "This."

He was dumbfounded by Konoha Sanchi, but Chu Tian looked at the little Doudou and said with a smile, "I didn't use this leaf, it ran out suddenly by itself."

But Xiaodoudou said with a smile, "It senses that you are in danger, and it will appear, so it is still used."

Chu Tian didn't expect the little guard to be so reckless, and said with a smile, "Then I'll give it back to you."

Xiaodoudou shook her head, "Don't, don't, don't give it to me, I dare not, or the old naughty boy will teach me later."

Everyone was envious. After all, with this leaf, it is simply a big amulet, but Chutian said with a smile, "Then we can't let it run out every time."

"This one, you have to find the old naughty boy."

"Alright, where is he, I'll give this back to him!"

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard that Chutian was going to return it, but Chutian was not a fool, it was always weird to put this thing on him, and it was not a magic weapon, he couldn't refine it, and he couldn't control it. When something comes to mind, it comes out.

When Konoha Sanchi heard it, he hurriedly came to Chutian's side and said in a low voice, "Leader, this is a good thing, you, how can you take it back?"

And the Huo Fa bald head immediately prodded, "Boy, return it if you have the guts, don't always think about asking others to protect you!"

That little Doudou frowned, "General Huofa, if you say this again, I will tell the old naughty boy."

The Huofa's bald head immediately held back his anger and dared not say anything, for fear of being known by the old urchin.

[Today's ninth update, I ask for monthly ticket recommendation ticket subscription and reward, all support. 】

(End of this chapter)

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