Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 716 The Person on the List of Immortals

Chapter 716 The Person on the List of Immortals (to be determined)

Seeing that Huofa's bald head was silent, Chu Tian looked at Xiao Doudou and said with a smile, "Take me to find you old urchins later, but before I leave, I have to teach a few people a lesson."

Before everyone could react, Chu Tian suddenly came to the spirit ghost hand, knocked him into the air, and crippled him at the same time. The people present were stunned.

The spirit ghost hand lay on the side prostratedly and said angrily, "You!"

Chu Tian said with a smile, "Go back and tell your alliance leader, I will not mess with you if I have nothing to do, but if you mess with me, I will make your Healer Alliance disappear!"

The people present were stunned, but Ling Guishou looked at Chu Tian in horror with no cultivation at this moment. As for the remaining members of the Spirit Master Alliance, they quickly picked him up and left.

Then Chutian came to that Daofufu, Daofufu looked at Huofa's bald head tremblingly, "General, save, save me."

The Huo Fa bald frowned, "Boy, although you belong to the old naughty boy, I don't think the old naughty boy will kill the guards at will."

But Chutian smiled, and directly abolished the cultivation base that the knife could not do, then threw it aside, looked at Huofa's bald head and said with a smile, "I just abolished his cultivation base for the sake of the old naughty boy, if your guards Team, whoever provokes me again, I will still kill!"

Everyone looked at each other, and Chu Tian finally thought of someone, but he didn't go forward, but looked at Konoha Sanchi, "Get rid of that third master."

The third master has already been seriously injured, who is Konoha Sanchi's opponent at this moment, and Konoha Sanchi has hatred against him, so Konoha Sanchi said excitedly, "Yes."

Then Konoha Sanchi came to Third Master Wolf and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that."

Third Master Wolf said angrily, "You."

However, Konoha Sanchi had already attacked, completely destroying him, and Chu Tian looked at Konoha Sanchi, "You go shopping first, I'll go find the old naughty boy first."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian looked at Xiao Doudou, the guard, and Xiao Doudou led Chu Tian away dumbfounded.

As for Huo Fa's bald head, he stared angrily at Chu Tian's back and cursed secretly, "Damn boy, just wait, sooner or later I'll make you look good!"

However, at this moment, both the Tianji Sect and the Healer Alliance became angry after receiving the tragic experience of their disciples.

As for Chutian, he didn't care about these things, but came to a teahouse, and saw that old urchin making tea at the side.

After sitting down, Chu Tian sighed, "I said, old man, I will return this thing to you."

The old urchin asked with a smile, "Why?"

"This thing is out of my control, what use am I going to use?"

"It can protect you."

Chu Tian smiled, "The person who wants to kill me has not yet appeared, and it is impossible to appear, so I don't need it."

The old urchin froze for a moment and said, "I haven't seen such a crazy person like you in all these years!"

Chu Tian laughed and said, "It's not madness, it's self-confidence."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian put the leaf over, but the old naughty boy stared at the leaf and said, "You don't want it, so I will put it away."

Then the leaf entered the old urchin's body, and Chu Tian always felt weird and said with a smile, "No matter what, I still have to thank you."

"I think you don't want to thank at all, but you probably still resent."

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "Okay, senior, don't make fun of me."

The old naughty boy stared at Chu Tian for a while and then said, "Do you know how to carve runes, or the nine-star one?"

After hearing this, Chu Tian laughed and said, "It seems that senior has been paying attention to me."

"I heard it too."

Chutian was full of smiles, and the old naughty boy said with a smile, "What? Is there anything I want to ask."

"It's nothing, I'm just curious about who you are and why the guard generals are afraid."

The old naughty boy sighed, "I, I was just a housekeeper next to the city lord for a while, I learned some skills, nothing else."

Chu Tian didn't think it was that simple, but he didn't ask any more questions, but said with a smile, "It's all right now, I should go too."

But the old naughty boy said with a smile, "Don't worry, you're here, I just have something to show you."


"Well, an interesting convention to visit."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "What conference?"

"A conference that can benefit you a lot."

Chutian didn't think there was any conference to attract Zhijian, but the old naughty boy said with a smile, "There will be a lot of rare stones as rewards, and there will be a lot of fairy stones."

Hearing this suspicion, Chu Tian asked, "What kind of conference is it?"

"The Rare Treasure Stone Appraisal Conference held once every ten years in Haikong City, there will be many old guys or stone-guessing masters appearing at that time, I want to show you."

Chu Tian was a little puzzled, "Why did senior want to take me there?"

"I see that you are interested in the rare stone in the Treasure Discovery Pavilion, and I think you are also interested in other rare stones."

Now Chutian can be sure that the other party will definitely monitor him, which makes him unpredictable the other party's intentions, and the old naughty boy said with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't harm you."

"You know what I'm thinking?"

The old naughty boy said with a smile, "You have been staring at me all the time, and you doubt my eyes at a glance, but don't worry, I appreciate you. After all, we have not had such a genius in Haikong City for a long time."

Chu Tian was dubious, but anyway, he is fine now, maybe he can find some fairy fires in the rare stones and said with a smile, "Okay then, let's go."

The old naughty boy got up and said with a smile, "Let's go."

Then a force enveloped the old naughty boy, and soon the two disappeared from this position, and when they reappeared, they had already reached the top of a mountain.

There are enchantments everywhere on the top of the mountain, and looking out from the mountain, it looks like a fairyland of clouds and mist.

The first time Chutian came here, he exclaimed in amazement, "It's not easy."

The old naughty boy smiled, "There will be more interesting things later."

Chu Tian was curious, until he came to the top of the mountain, where there are countless different stones, and many people gathered there to introduce their own stones, and some even raised the price of their own stones to tens of thousands of immortal stones.

Chu Tian opened his sharp eyes and swept across, and he could clearly see what was going on inside each stone.

As for the old naughty boy, he let Chu Tian wander there by himself, and he had to leave for a while.

Chutian had no choice but to wander there by himself. After Chutian walked for a while, several people came and surrounded him. Chutian looked at them and asked with a smile, "Do I know you?"

At this time, a young man came from the crowd and said, "You want to leave after killing our Tianji Sect members?"

I saw that the young man Zhongyuan was a little red, and he was wearing a pair of weird gloves. The whole body was shining with a faint black light, and at the same time he was staring at Chutian with a gloomy face.

"Taught by Heaven's Secret?"

The young man said coldly, "That's right, the left protector of Tianji Sect, Lan Jiefeng!"

The people around who displayed the stones exclaimed, "It turns out that he is Lan Jiefeng, a genius who has been listed on the list of quasi-immortals in Haikong City."

"Is it really that quasi-immortal list genius?"

"It must be. You see, his appearance is the same as everyone's rumors."

[Today's tenth update, vote, everyone, don't forget to vote~]

(End of this chapter)

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