Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 717 Strength Test

Chapter 717 Strength Test (Determination)
This Lan Jiefeng smiled when he heard the discussion from the crowd, and even intentionally showed a token with black light flickering on his waist, and on it was engraved the three characters Zhuanxianbang.

"Look, look, it's really the token of the Zhunxian List."


While everyone was discussing, several people from the Tianji Sect stared at Chutian and laughed, "Boy, you're new here, don't you know what the list of quasi-immortals is?"

"Seeing his blank face, he must not understand."

"Let's just tell him."

Then these people chattered and shouted one by one, "The list of quasi-immortals is Haikong City. If your strength reaches the late stage of Mahayana, go to the Hall of Immortals and pass the assessment before you can join the Temple of Immortals or the list of Immortals."

"Do you know what this list of quasi-immortals means? It means the most powerful Mahayana, and there are only 180 places. We, Senior Brother Lan, are in the [-]th place!"

"Yes, strength, very scary."

"Boy, do you know you're afraid? Obediently admit your mistakes to our Tianji Sect, maybe our senior brother can spare your life."

While these people were pretending to be powerful, Chu Tian said with a smile, "If I can do something here, I will definitely blow your senior brothers away first."

When everyone heard this, they exclaimed, "This kid is really crazy."


That Tianji Sect became popular, "Boy, you are so crazy because you can't fight in the formation here."

"That's right, if the formation here could fight, we would have taught you a lesson."

Hearing this, Chu Tian felt helpless. After all, there is a fairy formation here, and people are forbidden to fight, which is also to prevent these rare stones from being affected.

But Chutian's helplessness was seen by everyone as arrogance.

That Lan Jiefeng stared at Chutian even more coldly, "Boy, are you trying to challenge me, a quasi-immortal?"

"It's boring. If you want to die, turn around and leave this city. I'm going to take care of you."

Everyone didn't expect that Chu Tian was addicted to big talk, and they all pointed there, and those who could come to this mountain were either geniuses, or people with great background or great strength.

So many people began to wonder who brought this Chutian, and who could be so crazy.

As for Lan Jiefeng, he wanted to teach Chu Tian a lesson, and even wanted to step on him right away, to show his prestige as a quasi-celestial person.

Until Tianji Sect disciple pointed to a huge black stone in the center and said, "Brother Lan, look, this is a force measuring stone!"

Lan Jiefeng immediately had an idea and stared at Chutian, "Boy, it's impossible to fight here, so we can compete in strength."

"Power? How to compare?"

Lan Jiefeng pointed to the huge black stone and said, "As long as we each inject an attack into this stone, it will shine with light. Whoever has the stronger light will win."

Hearing this, Chu Tian laughed and said, "What if I win?"

"You can't win!"

Chu Tian laughed and said, "I also said that I can't lose!"

Everyone booed, and the disciples of Tianji Sect shouted even more, "Just you? At the beginning of the tribulation? Still want to beat our senior brother? Just dream."

"That's right, I don't even look at my own strength!"

But Chutian said, "Can't afford it? Then don't play it!"

Everyone thought that Chu Tian wanted to back down, that Lan Jiefeng immediately took out a small bag, "Five Thousand Immortal Stones! If you win, I will give it to you, but if you lose, I will kill you!"

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "Use fairy stones to block my life? Or, if you win, I'll give you ten thousand fairy stones, and if you lose, give me your life?"

Lan Jie was in a hurry, "You."

"To be honest, I don't lack fairy stones right now, so you should bet on something practical."

Lan Jiefeng gritted his teeth, thought for a while, and took out a box. After opening the box, there was a rare stone in it, and said, "This is a rare stone that our Tianji sect got recently. It was supposed to be exhibited today. , if you win, I'll give you this."

Chu Tian's hot eyes flashed, and he found that the contents of this box were really not simple, because there was a mass of water power inside, and this power had its own vortex.

Chu Tian immediately asked the system to identify it, "Ding~Shuixuanling! It has a powerful water spirituality, which can be absorbed by the host and enhance the power of the water-type thunder pool."

Chu Tian didn't expect that this thing could also increase the power of Tianlei Pond, and he immediately secretly rejoiced, then looked at Lan Jiefeng and said with a smile, "Yes, but let's make a promise of heaven, so you won't regret it later."

Lan Jiefeng sneered, "I'm afraid you'll go back on your word!"

After speaking, the two made an agreement, and the agreement was very simple, that is, if Chutian's power is not as good as Lan Jiefeng, Lan Jiefeng's life will be given to Lan Jiefeng, but if Chutian wins, then the stone will be Chutian's.

Immediately, the scene immediately became lively. After all, Chu Tian was in the early stage of his tribulation, and it was impossible for him to be stronger than the people on the list of quasi-immortals.

So everyone was talking, "This guy is going to die."

"Yeah, how much power can one have at the beginning of the tribulation."

However, some people said, "Don't underestimate him, I saw him in the city today, avoiding the power of Huofa's bald guard general."

"General Huomage? So what, General Huomage hasn't entered the list of quasi-immortals yet!"

"That's right, General Huomage is not as good as Lan Jiefeng, and when General Huomage attacks, this kid keeps dodging, but this power measuring stone is not a test of whose dodging ability is strong, but explosive power."

"That's right, explosive power has something to do with strength, not flexibility. Anyway, he's dead."

When everyone was discussing that Chu Tian was about to die, that Lan Jiefeng came under the black stone proudly, then looked at the black stone which was a head taller than him and said with a smile, "Boy, watch it."

I saw the power surge in Lan Jiefeng's body, and then all the power gathered on his right hand, and a blue light flashed, and finally hit the stone heavily.

The stone immediately shone with five layers of black light, and everyone gasped, "It's five layers of black light!"

"That's amazing. It's said that only a top Mahayana master can cast five layers of black aura, but he actually did it in the late Mahayana!"

"Yeah, that's a power comparable to the peak of Mahayana."

The members of the Tianji Sect were overjoyed, and even yelled at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, I don't think you should make a move, just admit defeat."

"That's right, our senior brother can gain the peak power of Mahayana with just one palm, what about you? Even if you practice for tens of thousands of years, you may not have such power."

"Admit defeat, maybe our senior brother will spare your life, and at most destroy your cultivation."

However, at this moment, Chu Tian asked the system to appraise how much the other party's punch just now was comparable to the power of the primordial spirit.

At this time, a piece of data flashed across the system, "Ding ~ 40 billion yuan in divine power damage."

Chu Tian was shocked, "The people on the list of quasi-celestial beings are really different. With a single palm, they can cause damage comparable to 40 billion yuan of divine power."

When everyone sighed, everyone ridiculed, "Boy, make a move, won't you be cowardly?"

"Yes, hurry up, or admit defeat!"

In an instant, the scene was very lively, especially those taught by Tianji were waiting to watch a good show, and Lan Jiefeng had a big smile on his face.

[Today's first update, there are fewer and fewer votes, it hurts, everyone, don't hide it, you must support the free recommendation tickets, and there is subscription, Lao Yan writes from morning to night every day, just hope everyone can only Supporting Laoyan, I can live a life of supporting my family, otherwise I would not be able to support myself, so why talk about writing and dreams, what do you think?So I sincerely hope that everyone can support the genuine version, thank you friends who have been subscribing. 】

(End of this chapter)

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