Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 824 Breaking In By Mistake

Chapter 824 Breaking In By Mistake (Determination)
Lai Ping immediately put himself on guard, "You, you can't kill us, or my Lai family won't let you go."

But Song Ge said with a smile, "I'm not even afraid of you looking for the academy, but I'm still afraid of you looking for the family?"

Lai Ping was shocked, "You."

Song Ge pulled out the sword in his hand and said with a smile, "Farewell, both of you."

At this time, countless brown sword energy burst out from the sword, with a power of at least six or seven hundred celestial powers. That Lai Ping was shocked, and Chu Tian grabbed Lai Ping and retreated to the side.

That Lai Ping breathed a sigh of relief, but that Song Ge was stunned and said with a smile, "With some skills, I can avoid this."

Huang Dao yelled, "Brother Song, kill them."

Lan You was also encouraging, while Song Ge said to himself, "Don't worry, they will die in the next moment."

I saw that the sword in Song Ge's hand attracted countless sword qi, and was about to deal with Chu Tian and the two, but Chu Tian flicked his fingers, one by one, and sent Song Ge flying into the sky.

At the same time, Chu Tian made a leap and came to the place where he was stable, and Zhanhun stab directly slid across and said with a smile, "Does it feel good?"

Everyone was stunned at the moment, and that Song Ge stared at Chutian in disbelief, "No, it's impossible, you, why do you have such terrifying power."

Chu Tian laughed and said, "Nothing is impossible."

I saw Chutian's bloodthirsty sword passing by again, and at the same time, the Thunder Immortal Hammer was also injured. In a moment, the so-called six-star earth immortal died, and Chutian held the nine-star light and directly refined it.

This satisfied Chu Tian and said, "That's right, we can trap others in this space to fight in the future, so we won't be afraid that they will escape."

When Chu Tian spoke, Huang Dao and Lan You immediately knelt down and begged for mercy, "Young Master Chu, Big Brother Chu, we are willing to be your followers."

Lai Ping was stunned, while Chu Tian looked at the two with a smile, "Let you go? Do you think it's possible?"

The two people were frightened and begged for mercy, but Chutian didn't give any chance, and directly slashed down with his sword, and the two became dead bodies immediately.

Chu Tian clapped his hands and said with a smile, "It's done."

That Lai Ping was surprised, "You really killed them?"

"Well, kill."

Lai Ping couldn't believe it, but Chu Tian said with a smile, "Okay, let's not talk nonsense, let's go to Leishan."

Seeing that Chu Tian put away the magic weapon, when that Lai Ping reappeared, he said in surprise, "You even refined the magic weapon?"


Lai Ping could no longer describe his mood, so he could only take Chu Tian with him and leave.

When they reappeared, they had come to a mountain in the forest, and this mountain could attract a thunder from the sky from time to time.

This made Chutian curious, "This Leishan has always been like this?"

Lai Ping hummed, "Yes, this Leishan has always been like this, so everyone guesses that there may be some magic weapon or something in it, so it always attracts some people to explore, but nothing is found, or they are killed by the thunder, so After a long time, no one dared to go in."

After hearing this, Chu Tian laughed and said, "That's fine, I'll go in right away."

Lai Ping worried, "Are you going in like this?"

"Well, what else?"

That Lai Ping said in embarrassment, "There must be a magic weapon or something."

Chu Tian smiled, "My body is a magic weapon."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian opened the Lei Jue Wind Screen, and then flew into the Thunder Mountain. After that, countless thunders rolled down from the sky, and the target was Chu Tian.

As for Chu Tian, ​​who was very calm, he smiled and said, "It seems to be nothing."

But when Lai Ping saw those thunders hitting Chutian, his legs went limp, but Chutian seemed to be fine, and flew directly into Leishan and disappeared.

Lai Ping gasped, "What a scary person."

As for Chutian coming to Leishan at this moment, he was going to the place where the thunder was the fiercest, and he was short of the energy consumption of the thunder, so he wanted to try to exhaust it, so that he could overcome the tribulation and enter the Mahayana realm.

However, just as Chu Tian stepped into a cave in the mountain, there was a burst of thunder and lightning inside, and even white light could be seen.

Chu Tian took a deep breath, "Is there a magic weapon?"

Chu Tian was overjoyed, he leaped to the inside, but there was a barrier outside, Chu Tian used the talisman again to break the barrier, and then he entered inside.

But seeing the scene inside, he was dumbfounded, because there was a woman sitting cross-legged there, holding a wooden stick in her hand, but at the moment the barrier was broken, this woman was holding a wooden stick and glaring at Chu Tian, ​​" You, you broke my barrier."

Chu Tian said before he understood what was going on, "So there are people here."

The woman looked very young, and at the same time she was wearing a black armor. She looked like a female warrior, but her strength was already at the fifth level of the Celestial Immortal.

Even Chu Tian knew her name, Guna, but this Guna went berserk at this moment, "You, why did you break my barrier."

"I saw the thunder and lightning rolling here, so I wanted to come in and take a look, so it was broken."

Guna said airily, "Do you know that in order to accumulate this lightning enchantment, I spent thousands of years to prepare the materials, but you broke it at once, wasting thousands of years of my time." results."

Chu Tian said with an embarrassed smile, "Girl, don't be angry, just speak up if you have something to say."

"Speak well? Think too much, I must clean you up."

After finishing speaking, this Guna hit Chutian with thunder and lightning with the wooden stick in her hand, but Chutian was fine, and that Guna was shocked, "You're actually fine."

"Well, my body is stronger."

"I don't believe it, I must clean you up."

This Guna activated the magic weapon again, but at this moment the mountain trembled suddenly, and that Guna was shocked, "It's not good that Lei Shan is angry."

That Guna could only look at Chu Tiantian and said, "If you can come out alive, I will definitely deal with you."

After finishing speaking, this Guna disappeared with a leap, but Chutian did not leave, because the sky thunder attracted by this thunder mountain became stronger, instead he sat in this cave and said with a smile, "If you get angry, you can get angry, I like it."

But after Gu Na left Leishan, she saw that Chutian hadn't come out and said solemnly, "This kid, isn't he really dead?"

After struggling there for a while, Guna still planned to go back to save Chutian, but the hole disappeared, and that Guna had no choice but to say, "Boy, you can't blame me if you die, you asked for it yourself."

Depressed, Guna had no choice but to turn around and disappear, but Chutian enjoyed it very much in the cave. When it was saturated and no longer consumed, Chutian sighed, "It only consumed two thousand, and the remaining several thousand will be consumed."

Helpless, Chu Tian had no choice but to turn around and walk out of the cave. When he left the cave, he discovered that the entrance of Leishan had changed its direction.

This made Chu Tian puzzled, "It's strange, will this mountain still move?"

Just when Chutian was puzzled, a huge thunderbolt from the sky hit Chutian, and Chutian only felt a flash in front of his eyes, appearing in an illusion.

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(End of this chapter)

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